

This was published 6 years ago

Is it ever OK to lie to your children?

By Pallavi Singhal

Being a stickler for the truth can sometimes complicate parental life for Matt Beard, whose son is two and won't eat vegetables.

"I often try to sneak vegetables into things, I'll cook him rissoles that have got carrot and spinach in them or pancakes that have sweet potato and, every now and again, he'll ask me what's in them," said Dr Beard, who is a fellow at the Ethics Centre and an associate lecturer at the University of Notre Dame.

Dr Matt Beard is an ethicist and philosopher, and co-host of the Short and Curly podcast.

Dr Matt Beard is an ethicist and philosopher, and co-host of the Short and Curly podcast.Credit: Steven Siewert

"I'll say 'they've got meat in them, they've got cheese', but sometimes he'll spot a bit of spinach and say 'what's that?' And I'll say, 'yeah, that's spinach' and he won't eat that food anymore.

"It's a crushing blow but I still think the stakes aren't high enough to lie. If I can be honest and say 'this is spinach in your food and you've already had three mouthfuls and it's not that bad', hopefully he'll gradually get the point and eat it."

Dr Beard has written a book on dealing with tricky issues for children, The Short and Curly Guide to Life, released on Monday, which is a spin-off from the ABC's Short and Curly podcast for children and their parents, for which Dr Beard is the resident ethicist.

The podcast, now in its third year and seventh season, has a following overseas as well as Australia, and Fairfax understands it has been downloaded more than 500,000 times this year.

The book, aimed at children aged between seven and 12, follows the growing popularity of ethics and philosophy classes in NSW schools, with principals linking the discussions about complex ideas to better behaviour, reasoning skills and writing ability.

Dr Beard said  people tend to think lies are fine when they don't hurt anybody, especially when told by a parent to a child.

"The school of thought that lies are fine when they're in the best interests of the child is fairly common, but best interest can move from protecting them from harm to wanting to protect them from truths they might find upsetting or telling lies because the truth is too long and complicated or might lead to pushback or arguments," he said.


"I think it's important to think about whether lying is necessary in that situation or whether engaging in a conversation to explain why is better."

Dr Beard said  white lies can have serious side-effects, including depriving children of the ability and freedom to make decisions based on available facts and setting a bad example for future behaviour.


"Young people are still learning to make wise choices and need opportunities to practice that even if the stakes are high," Dr Beard said.

He said lies designed to protect children from challenging ideas can also take away opportunities for important conversations.

"We got pet fish for Christmas and the whole bunch died, and my son asked us 'where did the goldfish go', and the instinct is to say that the fish have gone away or something along those lines because death is a scary thing to talk about," Dr Beard said.

"But I caught myself and said 'they died' and even though [my son] is very young he had a concept of death and I think he said something like 'I feel sad' and I gave him a hug and we talked about it.

"The more we lie, the more we communicate that there's something to be feared from those things. If I lie to my son and say that I'm not scared of spiders so he shouldn't be either, he's eventually going to find out that I am, and the conclusion he might reach is that it's not OK to be afraid of things."

Dr Beard said he wouldn't rule out the value of lies that are genuinely necessary to protect children's physical or mental health.

"I do take the view that the majority of things are appropriate to be communicated if they're communicated in the right way," Dr Beard said.

He said this view also extends to topics such as Santa Claus, the handling of which is a decision for individual families, but which can sometimes lead to children experiencing distrust down the track.

Dr Beard has written a book based on his successful podcast.

Dr Beard has written a book based on his successful podcast.Credit: Steven Siewert

"It's a very real challenge in terms of what the purpose of the lie is, but my view is that you can enjoy all the good stuff about Santa if you presented it as a story that everyone plays along with," Dr Beard said.

"A challenge that could come up is if my son asks me 'what do I say if my friends ask me about Santa?'. What do we instruct our son to do when it's about what other families have decided?

"Even if it damages our relationships with other parents, we'd say that if asked point-black whether you think Santa's real, if someone asks you tell the truth, you tell the truth.

"Kids can feel deeply distrustful of parents when they find out Santa's not real and I'm concerned that the same thing can happen with friends; the friend might feel betrayed, dishonesty damages friendships."

However, Dr Beard said it was also useful to have a discussion about your children in how to deal with such tricky topics, rather than telling them what to do.

"Instead of saying, 'here's me as a parent with answers gift-wrapped for my child', I think it's more important to equip him with tools to make decisions that are his."

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