

This was published 6 years ago

The government's secret $660 million offer to crossbenchers during company tax cut negotiations

By Fergus Hunter

The Coalition government secretly proposed a $660 million boost to welfare payments in its failed efforts to secure Senate crossbench support for tax cuts for large companies, even offering senators the opportunity to claim credit for the rare increase.

The proposal, which would have introduced a $5 a week boost to rent assistance payments for welfare recipients, shows how much the government was willing to offer to pass the second stage of its centrepiece company tax cuts for businesses with turnovers greater than $50 million.

But the welfare boost, which Fairfax Media understands was made to multiple crossbenchers around March and costed at $660 million over four years, falls way short of the increase demanded by the Australian Council of Social Service, the Greens and crossbench senator Tim Storer.

The Senate rejected the government's tax cuts for large companies despite a series of sweeteners.

The Senate rejected the government's tax cuts for large companies despite a series of sweeteners.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

A modest increase to welfare payments was just one of the sweeteners offered by the government in its doomed push to pass tax cuts for large companies before dropping the measure in August as Malcolm Turnbull fought to survive as prime minister. In a separate last-ditch effort on tax cuts, the government had offered to exclude banks.

ACOSS this week called for Newstart and other payments for around 770,000 people to be increased by $75 a week and for rent assistance for those on very low incomes to be increased by 30 per cent or $20 a week – four times the boost offered to the crossbenchers.

Asked about the offer of a $5 per week increase to rent assistance, ACOSS chief executive Cassandra Goldie told Fairfax Media it was "insulting" for people living in poverty.

“Newstart has not been increased in real terms for 24 years, while we have had sustained economic growth. Rent Assistance has not been increased in real terms in 18 years. At the same time, the cost of essentials like housing, has drastically increased.

“Rent assistance is a paltry $67 per week, and you have to pay at least twice that in rent to get it. Clearly $5 is grossly inadequate."

Senator Storer said the ACOSS report, conducted by Deloitte Access Economics, made a "convincing case that the [$75] increase would not only alleviate the poverty of many recipients and improve their employability, but also enhance fairness as well as delivering a prosperity dividend to the economy".


The report found the increase, costing $3.3 billion a year, would benefit regional communities the most, and as the money flowed through the economy, would increase consumer spending, create 12,000 new jobs and boost government revenue by $1 billion.

Critics have argued the revenue lost by cutting company tax could be used more advantageously, including via assistance for low-income Australians, who tend to direct all their increased money back into the economy.

A broad range of charities, industry groups, unions, businesses and politicians have urged an increase to stubbornly low welfare payments. But the government has resisted the push, saying Newstart was only intended to assist people as they search for work.

The Greens have a bill before the Parliament that would increase Newstart and Youth Allowance. Senator Rachel Siewert said the stagnation of payment levels since 1994 was a "significant policy failure by successive governments that must be urgently fixed".

Labor has committed to a "root and branch" review of welfare payments if it wins government.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, the leader of the government in the Senate, said it was common knowledge the government “explored a range of options” to get support for its tax cuts.

“While various potential measures to secure such a consensus were explored in good faith no such offer was ultimately made,” Senator Cormann said.

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