

This was published 6 years ago

The pending bloodletting in Syria may only be the end of the beginning

By Nick O'Malley

In the last rebel-held enclave in Syria, the province of Idlib along Turkey’s southern border, up to three million people - mostly civilians - are bracing for an attack by regime forces which they expect to be particularly savage.

An aerial bombardment has already begun and Syrian troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad - many of them conscripted for the fight - have been massing along the province’s border for weeks. Assad’s forces are supported by Iran and Russia, which has deployed a fleet of 15 warships, including a missile cruiser and two missile-carrying submarines, to the Mediterranean for the fight. The deployment, the largest by Russia to the region since the end of the Cold War, is seen to be providing both battle support to the regime and a signal to the West not to interfere.

Protester in Harim, a town in Idlib province, fly the rebel flag earlier this month.

Protester in Harim, a town in Idlib province, fly the rebel flag earlier this month.Credit: AP

While Turkey, which supports the rebels and has already received 3.5 million refugees from Syria, has been trying to negotiate a peaceful outcome, Assad and Russia have made their intent clear. Last Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described militants in Idlib as a “festering abscess” that needed to be liquidated.

Iranian officials have echoed the sentiment. “Terrorist groups [in Idlib] have mixed with the people,” said Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi, according to the state's Islamic Republic News Agency. “They are using people as human shields.”

Chillingly, both have suggested they will not allow the presence of civilians to restrain their attacks on the rebels, prompting the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to appeal to all sides to protect civilians and avoid a "bloodbath".

Just over 500 kilometres to the east, on Syria’s border with Iraq, another battle has commenced, with an attack led by the US on the last remains of the Islamic State's "caliphate" - which once stretched across the two countries - in and around the town of Hajin.

Hajin and its neighbouring villages along the Euphrates river are not large centres, constituting only around 60,000 people, but the forces preparing for the battle, which include the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Kurdish-led militia fighting IS in Syria with the US and its allies, expect it could take months to end the resistance.


As The New York Times reported earlier this week, in previous battles against IS, larger strongholds fell within days when jihadists made strategic retreats, abandoning their positions to regroup. Now there is nowhere left to retreat to.

“We expect a long and hard fight,” Colonel Sean Ryan, a spokesman for the US-led military coalition in Baghdad, told the Times. “These are the diehard fighters with nowhere else to go.”

In Damascus, Syria’s capital, some survivors of the war that has shattered the nation over the past seven years are now beginning to think about life after the fighting.

Muhammad Khalifa, five, at his school in the town of Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib province.

Muhammad Khalifa, five, at his school in the town of Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib province.Credit: AP

"I feel happiness mixed with pain," an actor called Hassan told a CNN crew a few days ago. "I'm happy that it's over, but I'm sad for all the people that didn't survive to see us finish this phase.

"I feel victorious on a personal level. I didn't lose. I stayed in the country and believe in it ... it turns out that my choice wasn't wrong.

“Did you know that we got to a point where we thought God was against us?"

Many outside observers are not as hopeful as Hassan about Syria’s future.

The battle for Idlib is expected to be long and particularly brutal. Living alongside local civilians are thousands of fighters and internally displaced civilians who were bussed into the province by the regime after other strongholds fell.

Moscow has declared that it expects militants to undertake their own chlorine gas attack against civilians as a so-called “false flag” effort against the regime, while the US has said it believes that Assad is determined to use chemical weapons himself.

In response, the US with the support of France and Britain have voiced their determination to punish the regime with strikes of their own if it uses chemical weapons. If so, this would be the third round of punitive air strikes and the second supported by the United States' key European allies.

The UN believes that there have already been 39 chemical weapons attacks during the war since 2013, 33 of which it attributes to the Assad regime.

And even if major fighting in Syria does end after the expected battles between Assad and his forces and rebels in Idlib and Americans and Kurds against IS in Hajin, the outlook for peace is not good.

In an interview with Fairfax Media this week Mara Karlin, a former US deputy assistant secretary of defence for strategy and force development now with the Brookings Institution, said that even after these battles Assad will lead a fractured nation riven not only by the proxy wars that have sprawled across the nation, but with the survivors of the militias his regime has fought.

Further, outside actors will continue to play a role in Syria. It is not yet clear what roles Russia and Iran will seek to play, or how the US or Israel might respond to their presence, or that of Lebanon's Hezbollah, a key Iranian ally whose military arm has played a major role in the fighting.

Earlier this year, Israel conducted a wave of air strikes against Hezbollah in Syria.

And whether or not violence ends or metastasises in Syria, the nation remains in ruins.

The UN fears an attack on Idlib could uproot a further 800,000 people in a country in which, out of a pre-war population of 22 million, more than 6 million are already internally displaced and around 5 million have become refugees.

Assad has made it clear that those refugees considered unsympathetic to his regime will not be welcomed home, even if Syria should have the infrastructure to receive them.

The huge refugee populations in Turkey are already contributing to political instability there, just as waves of refugees into Europe have spurred the resurgence of the far right.

In Jordan, which has received over a million refugees, the government is already signalling it can no longer accommodate them.

A defaced picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the Idlib central prison.

A defaced picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the Idlib central prison.Credit: New York Times

Physically Syria remains shattered, with estimates for the cost of rebuilding infrastructure approaching $US400 billion ($556.2 billion) according to the UN. Neither of Syria’s major allies, Russia or Iran, have so far agreed to help pay for the cost of rebuilding, nor even facilitated discussions on how that might be achieved.

While other regimes have maintained their own security and stability through dedicated authoritarianism in the past, Assad does not enjoy the advantages that have led to their success. His control of much of the nation is expected to be tenuous even after the coming battles and he governs as an Alawite with the military backing of Shiite neighbours in what is an overwhelmingly Sunni nation. This was the situation before the uprising and the war, but returning to the status quo ante would be a huge ask after so much death and destruction.

No matter how decisive and brutal the battle for Idlib turns out to be, for those who survive it, says Karlin, it may turn out to be only the end of the beginning.

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