

This was published 6 years ago

The drug dealers, the developers and the missing millions

By Kate McClymont

"Prejudice!" exclaimed accused blackmailer Daniel Hausman as he attempted to take advantage of the right not to incriminate himself while being grilled in the Federal Court on Tuesday.

"I think you mean, 'privilege'," offered barrister Hugh Somerville who was questioning Mr Hausman on behalf of the liquidators of a company called Hartford Investments.

Property developer Daniel Hausman leaving the Federal Court in Sydney.

Property developer Daniel Hausman leaving the Federal Court in Sydney. Credit: Janie Barrett

Mr Hausman, a property developer, sat sipping Diet Coke as he told the court he currently had no occupation and couldn’t earn any money since his arrest in May 2017 in connection with what is alleged to have been one of the biggest corporate tax frauds in Australian history.

Although on paper Hartford Investments appeared to be a company associated with Christian Budd-Madison, the liquidator’s examination has heard that the real owner of the company was the mysterious Peter Larcombe.

Christian Budd-Madison's company Hartford Investments is the subject of examinations in the Federal Court.

Christian Budd-Madison's company Hartford Investments is the subject of examinations in the Federal Court.

When Mr Budd-Madison’s company collapsed in September 2016 owing almost $5 million, the major creditor was Uneek Consulting, a company police alleged was controlled by Adam Cranston and Simon Anquetil.

Hartford Investments shared the same office in Cross Street, Double Bay as Adam Cranston’s businesses.

The liquidators are attempting to unravel $11 million worth of possibly uncommercial transactions before Hartford went down the gurgler.

Mr Larcombe, who had links to the Comanchero bikie gang, leapt to his death from a carpark roof at Los Angeles International Airport in August 2016.


Mr Larcombe, who is alleged to have been one of the masterminds behind the ATO fraud, was going to be blamed for the scandal if it ever came to light, according to police phone taps.

Mr Larcombe fled to Dubai in late 2014 or early 2015. Rumours swirled among the alleged ATO fraudsters that Mr Larcombe had departed with millions of dollars from the ATO fraud.

Peter Larcombe leapt to his death at Los Angeles International Airport.

Peter Larcombe leapt to his death at Los Angeles International Airport.

Giving evidence on Tuesday, Mr Hausman, who has been charged with blackmailing Mr Cranston and others, suggested that Mr Larcombe was having trouble with “three Lebanese gentleman who were giving him grief”.

“I was flown to Dubai three times in a year to ask Peter Larcombe a simple question - 'Who do you trust?'” said Mr Hausman, who wanted to set up trusts for his boss.

Mr Hausman repeatedly said that the various trusts he set up for associates were merely to protect their wives and children, and were not intended to defeat potential creditors or to protect assets.

He told the court he had learned this from bitter personal experience. “My father f----d my mother, in the financial sense,” he told the court.

Mr Hausman also said he was “sick of seeing blokes make a lot of money, they get rich and meet a younger chick and then there's a shit fight” and their wives miss out.

Mr Somerville is trying to unravel the complicated dealings which involved money from Hartford Investments ending up in a property development in Flinders Street, Surry Hills involving Mr Hausman’s long-time friend property developer Michael Teplitsky.

The court heard that secret investors in the planned development of the property were Rohan Arnold and Tristan Waters, both of whom were arrested earlier this year over one of the largest cocaine importations ever to arrive in Australia. Federal police have suggested the shipment from China was worth up to $1.5 billion.

Mr Arnold, who is currently in jail as he waits trial, is due to give evidence on Thursday. Mr Waters is yet to be extradited from Serbia, where he remains in jail since his arrest in January.

Also listed to give evidence at the liquidator’s examination are lawyers Sevag Chalabian and Dev Menon, who have been charged with post-blackmail fraud conspiracy, and fraud, respectively in relation to the ATO matter.

In documents tendered before the Supreme Court, the federal police contend that Mr Teplitsky and Mr Hausman used bank accounts connected to them allegedly to launder $24 million they allegedly received from blackmailing Adam Cranston and others.

Mr Teplitsky, who has not been charged in connection with the ATO fraud, and his lawyer Mr Chalabian are currently overseas but will be examined on their return.

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