

This was published 6 years ago


The convict MP and the Irish rebel: a short history of byelections

By Tony Wright

An artful dodger named William Henry Groom holds a number of exalted positions in Australian history, the least of which was that he caused the nation’s first federal byelection by dying.

Byelections are about as exciting to most sensible people as queuing at the post office.

And yet, you don’t have to be a political tragic to get a kick out of the history of some of these mini-elections.

Consider Groom.

Despite what is sometimes said about members of parliament, Groom was the only Australian politician ever to have been transported to Australia as a convict.

He was just 13 in 1846 when he was found guilty in England's Plymouth Quarter Sessions of embezzling money from his employer.

Sentenced to seven years and transported to Australia, he arrived in 1849 and quickly gained a ticket of leave.

But he wasn’t quite done with transgressing. In 1855, while a correspondent of The Bathurst Free Press in NSW, he was sentenced to three years' labour on the roads for stealing gold.

Once free again, he hotfooted it north to Queensland, where he shed his past, made good as a storekeeper and auctioneer and became proprietor of the Toowoomba Chronicle.


That powerful new respectability levered him into the robes of Toowoomba’s mayor, and then to a seat in the Queensland Legislative Assembly for 29 years, starting in 1862.

In 1901 he became a foundation member of the Australian Parliament. Not for long, however.

In August 1901 he became the first member of the federal parliament to die in office. His obituary in The Queenslander was a marvel of invention.

It began by declaring Groom had “received his education at St Andrew's College in [Plymouth], and in 1857 he emigrated to Queensland, and began business as a storekeeper ... ”

Groom’s death heralded the federal parliament’s first byelection.

His son, Littleton Ernest Groom - a deputy District Court judge, if you thirst for irony - won the seat of Darling Downs.

All these years later, as we survey five byelections on a single day - Super Saturday, the headline writers have dubbed today in a desperate attempt to inject excitement into what otherwise is a vastly inferior entertainment to, say, the Collingwood-Richmond game - we are hearing much about how it is almost 100 years since a government won a seat from the opposition at a byelection.

That’s all a bit ho-hum, you might think. But once again, there is an adventurer’s story to be told.

It involves a tearaway journalist who had been imprisoned in Ireland for activism and who was said to have travelled to Australia under an alias as a paid agent of the Irish National Land League, an organisation which fought to abolish landlordism in Ireland.

Billy Hughes, far right, and Hugh Mahon standing second from right in the first Commonwealth Labor ministry in 1904, in which Mahon was postmaster-general.

Billy Hughes, far right, and Hugh Mahon standing second from right in the first Commonwealth Labor ministry in 1904, in which Mahon was postmaster-general.Credit: Fairfax Archive

His name was Hugh Mahon, and he would choose the wrong time and place to unload his feelings on the King of England in an Australia that was recovering from sending tens of thousands of its sons to die in a war for Britain.

Mahon, before coming to Australia, had spent two months in Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin, with Irish National Land League leaders including Charles Stewart Parnell, according to the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Suspected to be suffering tuberculosis, he was released. He fled to London, fearing further imprisonment unless he left the country. In March 1882, he sailed for Australia.

He edited newspapers in Goulburn, was a political reporter for the Sydney Daily Telegraph, owned a paper at Gosford, went to Melbourne as a freelancer and headed west, where he variously edited and owned newspapers on the goldfields.

He won the new federal seat of Coolgardie for the Labor Party in 1901.

Billy Hughes speaks for the cause of conscription in Sydney's Martin Place in 1916.

Billy Hughes speaks for the cause of conscription in Sydney's Martin Place in 1916.Credit: Australian War Memorial

He managed eventually to become minister for external affairs, lost his seat, regained it (by then, the seat of Kalgoorlie) and fell out with the prime minister, Billy Hughes, after joining radicals who had Hughes expelled from the Labor Party for his attempt to introduce military conscription (Hughes then continued as PM, forming the Nationalist Party).

Mahon’s fall came in 1920, via his fiery Irish nationalism.

The Irish patriot, playwright and Sinn Fein lord mayor of Cork, Terence MacSwiney, had died in England while on a hunger strike. MacSwiney had been arrested by the British on charges of sedition and imprisoned in Brixton Prison. His death in October 1920 after 74 days of hunger elevated the Irish struggle for independence to international attention.

An enraged Mahon, speaking at an Irish rally in Richmond, attacked the British Empire and its King, railing against “this bloody and accursed despotism” and calling for the establishment of an Australian republic.

Billy Hughes used the resulting sensation to get even with the restive MP.

He accused Mahon of “seditious and disloyal utterances'' and on Remembrance Day, November 11, 1920, Hughes introduced a motion calling for Mahon's expulsion from parliament.

Mahon became the only MP to be formally expelled from the federal parliament.

And that’s how, subsequently, he became the only opposition MP to lose a byelection to a government candidate. He was defeated by the Nationalist candidate, George Foley.

Poor Mahon. Even today, he is being verballed ... by no less than another prime minister.

Malcolm Turnbull, filmed by 7.30 this week, said Mahon was “not just a dual citizen, but [he’d] been convicted of treason”.

Mahon wasn’t convicted of anything as a politician. He was, however, treated to a political lynching.

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