

This was published 6 years ago

Germany's Seehofer announces deal with Merkel, both survive

By Thomas Escritt

Berlin: German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives have settled a row over immigration that threatened to topple her fragile governing coalition after talks with her rebellious interior minister led him to drop his threat to resign.

Emerging after five hours of talks, Horst Seehofer, leader of Bavaria's Christian Social Union (CSU), told reporters he would remain in his post after a deal with Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) that he said would stem illegal immigration.

"After intensive discussions between the CDU and CSU we have reached an agreement on how we can in future prevent illegal immigration on the border between Germany and Austria," he told reporters on leaving the CDU's Berlin headquarters.

Under the deal, outlined by the CDU's General Secretary Annagret Kramp-Karrenbauer, migrants who have already applied for asylum in other European Union countries will be held in transit centres on the border while Germany negotiates bilateral deals for their return.

The row had stretched a 70-year-old alliance between the two parties to the breaking point.

German Interior Minister and chairman of the German Christian Social Union (CDU), Horst Seehofer,

German Interior Minister and chairman of the German Christian Social Union (CDU), Horst Seehofer, Credit: AP

Merkel said a "really good compromise" on immigration had been reached.

It meant that Seehofer was able to hail tighter immigration controls, while Merkel was able to say that Germany adhered to EU rules and was committed to the principles of freedom movement within the bloc. It comes as EU leaders reached a deal on the continent's approach to the migrant crisis last week.


"The spirit of partnership in the European Union is preserved and at the same time an important step to order [has been taken]", Merkel told reporters.

Seehofer was the premier of Bavaria when his state became the main gateway into Germany for migrants in 2015. He wanted Germany to block migrants at the border if they have no papers or have already registered in another European country.

Merkel's CDU relies on the CSU to maintain power through a coalition, which also includes the centre-left Social Democrats.

The CSU faces a strong challenge from the far-right Alternative for Germany in October's regional election.

Even if the immigration dispute has now been settled, it leaves Seehofer, who has gone back on a threat to resign, diminished, experts said. The dispute, and Monday's compromise, are also a sign that the authority of Merkel, once Europe's most powerful leader, is waning after 12-1/2 years in office.


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