

This was published 6 years ago


Revealed: How AMP tried to frustrate the regulator's investigations

Mike Wilkins was appointed to chair AMP on Monday, and on Friday David Murray was announced as his replacement. It took less than four days. But AMP doesn't have time on its side. A lynch mob of its large investors is looking for three director scalps at its May 10 shareholder meeting.

Whether the outspoken Murray, an enforcer who in corporate circles takes no prisoners, is enough to save three incumbent directors is not a given. He is a divisive businessman - highly respected by some and highly criticised by others.

David Murray knows his mind, he knows the industry and most importantly he is not a member of the 'directors club'.

David Murray knows his mind, he knows the industry and most importantly he is not a member of the 'directors club'.Credit: Andrew Taylor

But he knows his mind, he knows the industry and most importantly he is not a member of the "directors club".

Enlisting the support of shareholders of the reputationally tattered AMP will be challenging. He already has a preferred list of potential new directors that he is looking to appoint over the next year to 18 months.

The corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, has savaged AMP in confidential correspondence written in March to its since-sacked legal counsel, Brian Salter - a letter that was also seen by former chairman Catherine Brenner but not given to the board for four weeks.

In a letter included in a document release late on Friday, ASIC accused AMP of delaying the regulator's investigations, failing to produce relevent information and raised "questions concerning the comprehensiveness" of the investigation by AMP's law firm Clayton Utz and the "accuracy of the conclusions reached".

AMP former chairman Catherine Brenner.

AMP former chairman Catherine Brenner.Credit: Tamara Voninski

It has hit AMP with a litany of complaints that amount to its frustrating and delaying ASIC's attempts to investigate the life insurance company. AMP had redacted documents inappropriately and made invalid claims of legal professional privilege.

The need for a Murray-led overhaul was never more obvious than in AMP's response to the preliminary findings handed down last week by senior counsel assisting the banking royal commission, Rowena Orr, QC.


AMP admits it lied to the regulator on numerous occasions, that it charged customers for no service (which is basically theft) and that it's been slow to give the money back.

But hold up a minute, says AMP. It wants a bit of perspective on this. Those aggressive barristers assisting royal commissioner Kenneth Hayne have suggested AMP made 20 misrepresentations to ASIC, but AMP found only seven, which were "contained in 12 communications".


And as for that "independent" report that it commissioned from its lawyer, Clayton Utz - there were not 700 separate emails between AMP and Clayton Utz, there were only 255 substantive document interactions between and there was a bit of duplication even in that number!

Sounds much more independent now.

AMP’s next line of defence around the independence of this report is, in effect, that it was never meant to be independent - sounds like it was a bit of a misnomer.

It could never have been contemplated, by AMP or ASIC, that the report prepared by Clayton Utz would meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 112, the AMP says in Friday’s submission to the royal commission. (This Regulatory Guide is contained in the Corporations Act and deals with independence of the expert from the entity that commissions it.)

In its submission to the royal commission, AMP says: "Clayton Utz is a member of AMP’s external legal panel, and was acting for AMP (as ASIC was aware) in relation to ASIC’s investigation into the very conduct that was the subject of the report. The relationship between AMP and Clayton Utz was such that there could be no expectation, by AMP or ASIC, that any report prepared by Clayton Utz could have been intended to be independent within the meaning of Regulatory Guide 112."

For its part, Clayton Utz, which is feeling bruised by any inference that it in some way misled the regulator, looked to clear up the issue with its own Friday statement saying: "The report was not prepared for, commissioned by, or addressed to, ASIC, and we did not provide it to them."

If AMP takes the view that the report was never meant to be independent in a legal sense, then why has it pointed the finger directly at its now-sacked legal counsel Brian Salter?

"There is also no evidence that Mr Salter made any changes to the report with which Clayton Utz did not agree, nor is there any evidence that Clayton Utz believed its independence, in the sense required by the retainer, was affected by any interactions with Mr Salter (or others from AMP)."

But still he was jettisoned from the company and his deferred remuneration was forfeited.

AMP is sticking with its contention that the chief executive and board have nothing to answer for.

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