

This was published 6 years ago

Our $130 billion super giant is starting to throw its weight around

By Nassim Khadem & Ruth Williams

When AustralianSuper was revealed last month to be a surprise backer of a takeover play for troubled, ASX-listed hospital operator Healthscope, the news raised eyebrows - and not only because of the unprecedented nature of the giant industry fund's foray into activist investment.

The move also landed AustralianSuper - the biggest player in the union-backed industry fund sector, boasting several high-profile unionist on its board - smack in the middle of an industrial dispute between HealthScope and nurses.

It is Mr Delaney's job is to oversee the investment strategy that manages the retirement savings of at least one in 10 Australians.

It is Mr Delaney's job is to oversee the investment strategy that manages the retirement savings of at least one in 10 Australians.Credit: Arsineh Houspian

Nurses threatened to strike over fears they will lose out when they are transferred from two ageing hospitals on Sydney's north shore to a new $850 million Healthscope-helmed facility in French's Forrest which just happens to be the company's biggest project.

The news that AustralianSuper would almost double its 14 per cent stake in Healthscope should the consortium emerge victorious, and that it will refuse to consider rival offers came the same day the nurses were considering strike action.

It was quite a wedge - and a key topic at the fund's board meeting this week, chief investment officer Mark Delaney confirmed to Fairfax Media.

The dicussion could be awkward, given the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association is affiliated with the ACTU which, until last year, was helmed by Dave Oliver a director of AustralianSuper board. Oliver was appointed to the board by the ACTU.


The HealthScope takeover, meanwhile, has months to run - and may well throw up some more exquisitely tricky situations for AustralianSuper.

It is also a sharp example of how this $130 billion behemoth has radically changed how it operates over the past year or so, surprising - even shocking - some observers in the process.


It is ditching some of its local fund managers - including Airlie Funds Management, run by high-profile stock-picker John Sevior - to bring more investment expertise in house, a move that has been met with scepticism by some in the investment community.

Having grown too big for the Australian market, it is also pushing heavily into international equities, especially US and Chinese technology stocks.

The fund now has more cash in Facebook than BHP.

And it has signalled it is likely to back more private bids for major assets, in the wake of its Healthscope play - described as “a global game changer” by one analyst at a major investment firm.

“We’ve changed the model so we can keep on generating excellent investment returns,” Delaney says, adding that industry funds have been an agent of change in Australia, and now isn’t the time to hold back.  “The biggest risk for us is that we don’t change our model and we start to generate [lower] investment returns because of inherent conservatism.”

But with scale comes scrutiny and plenty of tricky situations, as it grapples with the challenges that come with being a globe-striding financial services giant - one that is starting to throw its weigh around.

Big hitter

So just how big has AustralianSuper become? Last year, it overtook AMP to become the largest super fund in Australia by assets under management.

It was the top performing fund of Australia's $2.5 trillion super sector, with returns of 12.44 per cent for the year to June 30. Its pool was swelled by $7 billion in net inflows from one in seven working Australians.

Its assets under management are expected to almost double to $250 billion by 2021.

AustralianSuper has outstripped its industry fund siblings through the pace and scale of its growth through mergers.

Nick Sherry.

Nick Sherry.

Former Labor superannuation minister Nick Sherry, now a consultant on fund design for governments and funds in Australia and overseas, says AustralianSuper's long-time chief executive Ian Silk was quick to recognise the importance of scale in superannuation - "which ultimately delivers the best long-term diversified returns, year after year".

Last year, Wills Towers Watson ranked Australian Super as the 36th biggest pension fund globally.

With its steady and growing stream of inflows, "Australian Super will become one of the largest global pension funds in the world in the next ten years," says Sherry.

Australian Super's headquarters, in the upper levels of a corporate skyscraper in Melbourne's CBD, seem a long way from the austere office on St Kilda Road from which Silk ran the Australian Retirement Fund in the 1990s.

Ian Silk, Australian Super CEO in its Melbourne office.

Ian Silk, Australian Super CEO in its Melbourne office. Credit: Jesse Marlow

The 2006 merger of Silk's ARF with the Superannuation Trust of Australia, then helmed by Delaney, was the first of more than a dozen other mergers - including Westscheme in 2011, and the public sector AGEST fund in 2013 - that would help take AustralianSuper from $21 billion and 1.2 million members in 2006 to its current $130 billion pool managed on behalf of one in seven Australians.

The other key strategy, Sherry observes, was to keep the model "simple and lean".

Initially, Sherry says, the fund kept costs down by using external providers for asset management, administration and other functions. Once it reached "sufficient scale", he says, it made sense to start bringing functions in house to reduce fees.

The most high-profile example is Australian Super's plan to boost its in-house funds management operations to handle 50 per cent of its assets by 2021 - a process that has sparked considerable controversy, and that some industry players warn could backfire.

It currently handles about 30 per cent of its domestic portfolio internally.

Sevior was overseas and could not talk to Fairfax Media about his fund's dumping.

But Mercer chief investment officer Kylie Willment said external funds managers provide different skills and perspectives, and can be dumped if they underperform.


"You don't have the ability to walk away from it," she says.

Going in-house may save on fees, but "the compromise you are making is that you are denying yourself the richness of talent pool," she says.

Delaney, who is largely behind AustralianSuper's recent investment shift, admits he encountered questioning from his board when he proposed the idea.

“The first question we had was- ‘why do we want to change it if the current model’s working well’?,” he says.

“The second was, ‘how are you going to handle people when they underperform - you wont be able to get rid of them like you can with external managers’. The third was, ‘how much are you spending [on them]’, and the fourth was, ‘are they going to be any good’?”

Delaney acknowledges the hurdle is now higher.

“We are going to have to generate an investment outcome better than what we’ve had”. But he goes on: “That’s what they pay me for.”

Indeed, he's ready to pay top-dollar to get the right people. Delaney himself takes home more than $1.4 million a year which is more than would traditionally be paid in industry funds.

“You can't expect to attract talented people and not pay competitive remuneration," he says.

Part of the way we are going to manage [the fund] is to have larger concentrated holdings.

Mark Delaney

AustralianSuper is likely to wade into more controversies with its plan to amass bigger, concentrated holdings in key assets.

“Part of the way we are going to manage [the fund] is to have larger concentrated holdings, and a way to get larger long-term holdings is to participate in private transactions,” Delaney says.

“That’s where we are heading. ...we think that will be the best way to make money for members rather than having an overly-diversified portfolio.”

Delaney says the move towards backing private bids is something that pension funds in Canada have long been doing.

He insists AustralianSuper isn’t being revolutionary.

But the reaction of others has been shock. Delaney laughs, when asked about the reaction: “Yeah, we thought that might happen,” he says.

Minority shareholders in Healthscope, who are unlikely to benefit from any bidding war given AustralianSuper's commitment not consider a rival offer, have been reluctant to comment on how they feel about the behaviour of the biggest investor on the register.

Global focus

Then there's its increasing shift into international equities, which have been steadily growing as a proportion of assets when compared to domestic stocks. Former fund manager Peter Morgan says given AustralianSuper's massive scale it has no choice but to move away from small caps, into larger international investments.

"They have to go offshore," he says.

Morgan likens the fund to a race horse carrying a great deal of weight. "It doesn't mean a champion cannot win carrying weight - Phar Lap did it," he says.

North American equities have grown as a proportion of AustralianSuper's equity holdings to be well over half now as the fund has cut back its exposure to the United Kingdom and Asia.

But sinking funds into the likes of Facebook (where AustralianSuper has a $560 million stake) brings with it considerable scrutiny, especially following the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg preparing to testify before US Congress.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg preparing to testify before US Congress.Credit: AP

Delaney says that while there are clear concerns about data privacy and protection, “you have to come to a view whether or not these issues will impact sufficiently on long-term prospects of the business, or whether or not they [Facebook] will be able to adjust their business model and continue to grow the business." (He thinks it’s the latter.)

AustralianSuper also has a $391 million stake in electric car maker Tesla, and used its position recently to vote against Elon Musk’s remuneration, under which the Tesla boss could collect more than $US50 billion if he meets certain milestones over the next decade.

A perusal of its offshore holdings also reveals a heavy stake in alcohol via London-based global drinks giant Diageo. Its last holdings of tobacco it will divest next year after shedding $900 million in shares in 2017.

Delaney says that in the 1950s there were thousands of studies highlighting the dangers of tobacco, but it is only in the past decade that it has become socially unacceptable.

“We think tobacco has sufficiently unique characteristics to separate it from the pack of what you might describe as other social negatives,” he says.

Delaney says there’s now studies showing that in the US more people are killed by food than they are by smoking (he says his wife heard that on a podcast and asked Delaney, ‘what are you going to do about food in your portfolios?’).

“There’s ways to handle social issues in the portfolio, of which exclusion is one of those, but it is not the only one,” he says.

Social stance

As Australia's biggest industry super fund, AustralianSuper's activities in the so-called "ESG" realm - environmental, social and governance - are closely watched.

Late last year, AustralianSuper emerged as one of the leading groups behind the Climate Action 100+ campaign, which aims to push the world's 100 biggest emitters into boosting disclosure and reducing emissions.

It backed landmark shareholder rebellions that called for climate disclosure at big oil companies, and last year supported a human rights-related resolution at Woolworths. In 2016, it backed the damaging shareholder "strike" on remuneration at the Commonwealth Bank, and voted against the reelection of CBA director Andrew Mohl following the bank's money laundering scandal last year.

But while some Australian industry funds have taken increasingly activist stances on climate change - with Local Government Super, for example, co-signing well-supported shareholder resolutions at the Rio Tinto and QBE AGMs this week - AustralianSuper has been selective in is support for climate change-related shareholder proposals.


Last year, it supported a call for boosted climate disclosure at Origin Energy but against similar proposals at Oil Search and Santos. And it voted against the Rio Tinto resolution, which called for more disclosure on the company's membership of peak bodies like the Minerals Council of Australia, despite it being backed by industry funds like Cbus, Hesta and VicSuper, as well as the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, of which AustralianSuper is a member.

AustralianSuper says it prefers to engage with companies - including through face to face meetings with boards - before weilding its proxy votes, saying its engagement with Rio Tinto led to a pledge of "much greater transparency" on the issue.

"We believe in engagement as the most important lever the fund has to get the right outcome for shareholders for the long term," a spokesman said.

But the NGO that coordinated the resolution, the Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility, is critical of the fund's stance.

"Given that ACSI supported the resolution, it strikes me as extraordinary that ACSI’s largest Australian member, AustralianSuper, would think it in members’ best interests to oppose it," says its executive director Brynn O'Brien.

We have to be clear about why we’re doing things and then have a way of managing these stakeholder groups so that we don't trash the brand.

Mark Delaney

Delaney says the fund has rejected certain investments outright, pointing to 2008-09 when it was approached by the NSW government to buy coal-fired generators. It passed, due to concerns about climate risk.

“We have to be clear about why we’re doing things - which is to maximise members retirement outcomes – and then have a way of managing these stakeholder groups at the same time so that we don't trash the brand of the organisation and we don't isolate ourselves and put ourselves in a position that is inconsistent with community exceptions,' Delaney says, adding that it's a balancing act the fund has managed for a decade.

Shake up

It is an interesting time to be making waves in the financial services sector.

The super sector - including industry funds - is yet to have its time in the spotlight before the royal commission, which has already ravaged the standing of the wealth management operators who run the industry funds' chief retail competitors.

Last year, AustralianSuper added ex-Macquarie Group executive Jim Craig to its board, chaired by former Reserve Bank board member and AiGroup chief executive Heather Ridout.

Craig is the only independent director, with the rest populated by union and employer-group representatives - a structure that would put AustralianSuper at odds with the Turnbull government's plan to boost to one-third the proportion of "independent" directors on industry fund boards.

Illustration: Joe Benke

Illustration: Joe Benke

But it could be argued that AustralianSuper is looking and acting less and less like the industry funds of old.

Seven-figure salaries, cut-throat takeover battles and a portfolio flush with trendy Silicon Valley tech stocks - it's all very... investment bank.

Could AustralianSuper risk losing its industry fund ethos and morphing into something closer to its retail fund rivals?

It’s a risk Delaney is well aware of, even if he dismisses it.

“I don't think we're like a retail fund at all,” he says.

AustralianSuper has, he says, had to spend more than a decade learning to navigate different interests – activist groups who want the fund to make more ethical investments, employer and union representatives who sit on their board, and ultimately, its members.

Former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser sat on AustralianSuper's board for many years, and pushed the fund towards making a bigger play in Asia.

He says the Hayne Royal Commission has highlighted the dangers of chasing fees ahead of member interests. If there was a risk of industry funds becoming more like retail funds, that risk has now diminished, "even if at the edges a few more senior executives get a pretty healthy pay packet".

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