

This was published 6 years ago

More peaceful but facing uncertainty: Northern Ireland 20 years on

By Nick Miller

Belfast: “We have peace, but it’s not a perfect peace. We are still living with the residue of the violence.”

Derry, on the northern Northern Ireland border.

Derry, on the northern Northern Ireland border.Credit: Nick Miller

For Belfast man Noel Large the residue is a life of regret and horrific memories.

Large, 60, was an assassin for the Ulster Volunteer Force. As a teenager, he says, he was “radicalised” to believe that Catholics were to be feared and distrusted. He volunteered to be a gunman, he was involved in murders, carjackings and bank robberies. He went into prison just before his 25th birthday in June 1985 with four life sentences: 357 years.

Noel Large was radicalised but now advocates peace.

Noel Large was radicalised but now advocates peace.Credit: Nick Miller

In jail, he says, he became a man. “I rejected violence… that’s where I finally got a brain.”

He was released under the hard-struck terms of the Good Friday Agreement, which was signed 20 years ago on April 10, 1998.

“People at the time of the agreement had a lot of hope,” Large says. “And that’s where our politicians need to get back to.”

The Good Friday Agreement, or Belfast Agreement, was the foundation stone of peace. Much of its 35 pages is technical, establishing the roles and powers of Northern Ireland’s new power-sharing government.

But that government has not existed for more than a year. A political stalemate between Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party (the only party not to support the agreement) has left a power vacuum – unless they can find common cause, no government can form. Northern Ireland is run by bureaucrats and, occasionally, Westminster, though there is no appetite to return to direct rule.

The Northern Ireland border near Derry, or Londonderry.

The Northern Ireland border near Derry, or Londonderry.Credit: Nick Miller

And now Brexit has added another destabilising spin. Alongside Gibraltar, Northern Ireland will have the UK’s only land border with the European Union. If border posts return, some fear they could be a symbol of division that re-ignites violence.

There is a sour taste to what would otherwise have been a celebration this week. Some are even wondering if the agreement has, ultimately, failed. That it ended the violence, but in the end could not heal the wounds or fully bridge the divide.

On the face of it, Northern Ireland is transformed from 20 years ago.

A huge pile of investment money, the ‘peace dividend’ put in place to help rebuild communities, has gone to local programs and big-ticket infrastructure.

A pedestrian bridge links Catholic and Protestant districts across Derry’s river. Belfast’s shipyards, where the Titanic was built, hosts a new high-tech, absorbing museum on the famous ship – as well as a Game of Thrones set out the back of an expanding film studio, and new bank offices and apartment buildings.

Cruise ships have Belfast on their itineraries, cranes hoist hotels into the skyline. The Lonely Planet, always keen to pick winners off the beaten track, calls contemporary Belfast a “hip-hotels-and-hedonism party town” and one of its top places to visit in 2018.

There is a recurring theme among many you talk to in Northern Ireland today: that 20 years ago politicians led the way to peace, but now they are lagging behind the population and too absorbed in old battles.

Mike Nesbitt says the Good Friday agreement has not resolved political tensions

Mike Nesbitt says the Good Friday agreement has not resolved political tensionsCredit: Nick Miller

Mike Nesbitt was leader of the Ulster Unionist Party for five years until April 2017, when an election took power from the centrist parties and gave it to the DUP and Sinn Fein.

“Despite the politics, people are just getting on with it,” he says. “Northern Ireland is a much more peaceful place.”

But he is frankly gloomy about what’s happening in the corridors of power.

“The Good Friday Agreement was an attempt to resolve a tension suffered on this island for centuries,” he says. “The tension between an individual’s sense of who they are, their identity, and territorial identity, where they are living.

“Has it worked? I am afraid it has not. For Unionists this was a final settlement. For nationalists it’s a staging post on an incomplete journey towards a united Ireland.”

He quotes the agreement’s first clauses, promising “a fresh start in which we firmly dedicate ourselves to the achievement of reconciliation, tolerance and mutual trust”.

“I ask myself have we built new relationships based on reconciliation, tolerance and mutual trust? I’m sorry to say the answer is ‘no’," he says.

He wishes more politicians would come to the understanding he came to with Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness, that party’s chief negotiator in the peace process.

“We agreed we couldn’t agree on the past, but we can change the future. We had to work together to do it, and we wanted to.”

Pedestrians walk along with Belfast City Hall in the background last week.

Pedestrians walk along with Belfast City Hall in the background last week.Credit: Bloomberg

But before the government broke down last year and Parliament shut down, Nesbitt says he looked at the cafeteria in the basement of Stormont at lunchtime and saw Sinn Fein at one end and the DUP at the other.

When it comes to the ballot box, the old divisions determine votes.

And he fears Brexit could prove catastrophic.

“Some of my Unionist friends are saying for the first time to me, ‘exactly how would I be worse off in a united Ireland [compared to Brexit Britain]’? The answer is they wouldn’t be worse off.

“The Unionist majority will not be around for very much longer… nationalism is now energised. Brexit is an existential threat to the UK.”

Brexit brings uncertainty for the people of Northern Ireland.

Brexit brings uncertainty for the people of Northern Ireland.Credit: Nick Miller

Elisha McCallion, a Sinn Fein politician in Derry, says the agreement brought peace, and only a small minority would now want it gone. But she believes Sinn Fein now has an opportunity to begin a conversation about reunification – a ‘New Ireland’.

The peace cannot be taken for granted. On the weekend a Derry Sinn Fein councillor’s car was torched outside his home. He was a former IRA prisoner. Another Sinn Fein politician, Raymond McCartney, says there had been a “pattern” in recent years of homes and cars of Sinn Fein representatives and activists beind set on fire.

The old walled town is also called Londonderry, a linguistic reminder of its torn history.

McCallion, 35, says she believes Brexit will be the catalyst for “some form of civil unrest”.

“Even if there is a camera on the border, all it will take is some young person shooting a camera and the British government will put in something more concrete and then it will go back to customs posts,” she says.

And Peter Sheridan, chief executive of Cooperation Ireland recalls that in the bad old days “when the customs points were shot at, that required police to guard them. Then when the police were shot at, that required the army.”

Not everyone believes this scenario. Peadar Whelan, 60, is a guide for Coiste Irish Political Tours. Like Large he was a former prisoner freed under the agreement: he had been given a life sentence in 1977 for “trying to kill an RUC man”, he says.

Peader Whelan is optimistic.

Peader Whelan is optimistic.Credit: Nick Miller

For him the military aspect of the conflict “has gone”.

“I don’t believe for one second that [Brexit] will be an opening for military conflict,” he says. “I don’t accept it. The people who say that are scaremongering.”

Bertie Ahern, who was the Irish prime minister from 1997 to 2008 and a major player in the peace process, also chooses optimism.

“We had huge issues to face,” he recalls. “What’s still on the agenda is very doable.

“I don’t think Northern Ireland will ever go back into its black past. Hopefully this week will remind people what the past was like and what was achieved 20 years ago, and they can get on with the remainder."

He believes the power-sharing government will return “sooner rather than later”. And while he thinks there will be a unification vote “some day”, right now is not the time or place.

Paul Murphy, the minister of state for Northern Ireland 20 years ago and a key negotiator in the agreement, agrees.

“A whole generation has grown up taking [the peace deal], in a way, for granted,” he says. “You can’t take it for granted. It was done through intense hard work, day in and day out for more than three years, non-stop.

“It’s under strain at the moment. But things will be put right, eventually.”

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