

This was published 6 years ago

'It almost feels like espionage': what Facebook did to democracy

By Nick Miller

Has Cambridge Analytica intentionally broken democracy? Or is it just a good direct marketer which worked on a few elections?

Is all this fuss about CA the start of a backlash against the subversion of our political system by malevolent technological elites and oblivious social media behemoths, or is it just prim disgust with the political sausage machine from lifelong sausage eaters?

Chief Executive of Cambridge Analytica Alexander Nix leaves the offices in central London after he was suspended.

Chief Executive of Cambridge Analytica Alexander Nix leaves the offices in central London after he was suspended.Credit: AP

This is, as one political observer said to me, the “million-dollar question”. Which puts quite a cheap price tag on the integrity of Western politics.

Observer journalist Carole Cadwalladr has been on the trail of CA for a year, and her sources say CA was doing a lot more than just the digital equivalent of dropping election flyers into letterboxes.

In a shock report on the weekend Cadwalladr interviewed a CA whistleblower, Christopher Wylie, who claimed he had built “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindf--- tool” for the company (which was then run by Bannon, the Breitbart editor-in-chief who became – for a time – a leading strategist in Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency).

CA used data gathered from social media, apparently including Facebook – allegedly against the company’s policies and without millions of Facebook users knowing the full story (they had surrendered their and their friends’ data simply through using an innocuous-seeming personality test app).

Using that data CA built what Wylie considered a weapon that was wielded to invisibly influence votes. CA offers to “change audience behaviour” by analysing consumer data then using behavioural science to target marketing material where it would have the most effect.

Wylie compared CA’s work to bullying – except worse because they “do not respect the agency of people… information warfare is not conducive to democracy”.


Channel 4 secretly recorded CA CEO Alexander Nix claiming they could also use dirty tricks in campaigns around the world such as bribery stings and honey traps.

He later told the Times he had been asked leading questions and “reeled off” ideas from the top of his head. “There’s an English thing about being slightly embarrassed when someone starts going off on one like this and you humour him a bit and then you leave,” he said.

Cambridge Analytica executives as portrayed in the Channel 4 expose.

Cambridge Analytica executives as portrayed in the Channel 4 expose.

But he couldn’t deny CA’s use of social media data for campaign message targeting – it’s virtually their mission statement.

Nix was also recorded saying CA made the difference in the election of Trump, using their data to identify the most effective messages and delivering them to voters who would swing the result.

But isn’t that just marketing?

We don’t demand that Coke explain why everyone is beautiful in its TV adverts.

We don’t get freaked out when Amazon looks at our recent book purchases and suggests something else we might like.

We don’t suspect a conspiracy when right-wing political parties place their messages in right-wing media.

We don’t convene parliamentary inquiries when Aussie election guru Sir Lynton Crosby crafts campaign messages through focus groups to motivate British voters on an emotional level. We give him a knighthood and make him Australian of the Year in the UK.


Certain political groups – especially what you might call the Breitbart cluster – have haughtily dismissed the CA scandal.

Conservatives and populists are “not allowed” to use the same tools as Democrats and liberals, National Review columnist Michael Brendan Dougherty complained.

There is a “moral panic” over a data mining technique that was smaller and less manipulative than the one the Obama campaign used four years earlier, he said.

Millionaire UKIP backer Arron Banks said it was sour grapes from those shocked by Brexit – “anything but admit the truth of why people voted to leave”, he said. “Why no outrage at the government analogue leaflet to every voter urging them to vote Remain?”

“CA was nothing more than an agency that placed social media ads and then told big whoppers,” he said (the whoppers being what Nix claimed they could do).

“It’s clear they were nothing more than an agency that placed Facebook ads. Obama did this years before.”

But others disagree.

CA’s techniques – familiar to anyone in the world of digital marketing – are “skewing the way in which democracy is done, the way politics is done”, says Anthony Ridge-Newman, a lecturer in digital media at Liverpool Hope University and co-convenor of a national group of academics specialising in political marketing.

Companies and political parties across the world are harvesting and analysing public data, building profiles of consumers/voters and deploying marketing on the back of it.

It might be (just about) acceptable in the corporate world. But in politics it puts disproportionate power in the hands of those who can afford the latest hidden techniques and technologies, Ridge-Newman says.

The rest of us end up “unable to understand our democracy”.

“It almost feels like espionage. Democracy is about power to the people but what we are seeing is powerful elites, a small group of people, who because of their access to information are able to use it in powerful ways, to skew the results of elections.

“It’s anti-democratic.”

Ridge-Newman also fears these techniques and modern social media are polarising the political debate – their algorithms create self-fulfilling predictions that send people into cul-de-sacs of opinion, “filter bubbles” of narrow interests.

Voters are fed a poor information diet – and even the proposed solutions still leave the power in the hands of social media companies to select “good” information.

Even if it turns out that Cambridge Analytica has done nothing illegal, or unethical, we need to have a conversation about what the new world of digital marketing is doing to our political system.

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