

This was published 6 years ago

Imagine council told you your land was worthless – and still charged you rates

By Gabrielle Costa

Imagine that the local council told you your block of land was worthless.

Imagine they told you that the little piece of beach paradise you'd scrimped and saved to buy, perhaps with the dream of building a holiday home for your loved ones, maybe a retirement house or just a little fishing shack, was unstable and under water, useless and forever unusable.

Now imagine that the council kept asking you to pay rates on that block of land, year after year.

This is the sad reality for thousands of Victorians who got caught up in the promise of owning a slice of what was touted as our very own Surfers Paradise.

The tale of the blocks of land – there are 11,800 in all, along a beautiful stretch of Victoria’s coastline within the bounds of Wellington Shire and just south of Sale – is a sorry saga that has been described as the state’s longest-running planning dispute.

The allure of Paradise Beach is easy to understand.

The allure of Paradise Beach is easy to understand.Credit: Justin McManus

The buyers, mostly newly arrived migrants who were often sold the properties by people from their own ethnic communities, were bussed down from the city as special guests of the development company.

Others bought the blocks, a three or four-hour drive from Melbourne, sight-unseen.

The area was subdivided from the mid-1950s to 1969 and sits on a 25-kilometre strip of land between Bass Strait and Lake Reeve, from The Honeysuckles in the south-west to Paradise Beach in the north-east.


Shortly after the blocks were bought the owners were told that they could not build on them.

There are a number of beaches along the tract and different parts are subject to different controls and regulations, as well as different “buy-back schemes”. Planning regulations have chopped and changed from government to government and council to council. It is, in short, incredibly complicated.

Mostly the blocks are said to be unstable because of eroding soil and sand dunes, as well as some being flood-prone or even flooded outright. Many of the owners who were first hit by news they could not build on their blocks copped a second swipe a decade ago when a report on the impact of flooding on low-lying coastal areas saw their property values nosedive overnight by up to 96 per cent.

Maureen Verga, whose husband Charles bought one of the Golden Beach blocks in 1960 for £200, says many of the buyers were new migrants enticed by the allure of “owning their own little bit of Australia”.

But “you couldn’t camp on it, you couldn’t build on it, you couldn’t do anything with it” - and the fact that they are still served with a quarterly rates notice adds to the pain of what has been “a thorn in our flesh for many, many years”.

“It’s an insult,” declares Mrs Verga of the rates notices. “It’s like a red rag to a bull” that sends her blood pressure soaring.

“Some years ago, they said that we wouldn’t have to pay any more rates … because the land was unusable because of flooding.” But then, the rates started coming again.

Maureen and Charles Verga.

Maureen and Charles Verga.

For some owners, rates were excused from 1980 to 2006 before they were reintroduced on “legal advice,” a council spokeswoman said.

Mrs Verga won’t pay the rates and lets arrears notices accumulate. But many do pay, believing that they will have the Sheriff knocking at the door to demand they cough up. The rates notice expressly warns of legal action and the appointment of debt collectors to recover unpaid rates and charges.

One property owner – who was unaware her name was even on the title until she contacted the council a few weeks ago – recently paid $180 in rates on a property that is valued at $100.

The value of the properties is often a fraction of what is owed in rates. The rates notice suggests legal action may be taken against those who don't pay.

The value of the properties is often a fraction of what is owed in rates. The rates notice suggests legal action may be taken against those who don't pay.

“When I called the council … I spoke to a lady who said, ‘I noticed you paid the rates the other day. You won’t get your money back’. She told me not to pay it anymore.”

The council has been offering some owners a Voluntary Assistance Scheme, whereby they can return their land to the council for a one-off payment of $1500 a block, minus any outstanding rates and charges.

"The benefit for landowners,” a council document states, “ is that once the title has been transferred into council's name, owners will no longer receive rates notices or other letters from council and will no longer be responsible for land that cannot be developed.

“If you transfer the land you will finally resolve this issue ... You can keep your land but you must understand that it can never be developed and you will still be liable for rates and other charges.”

Some blocks, about 460, are about to be compulsorily acquired because their owners cannot be found.

Next year, the council will offer to take back a separate cluster of flood-prone lots – for nil compensation. Any rates or levies paid to date – including those paid recently – will never be refunded. Almost 3000 blocks fall into that category.

The Age expressly asked Wellington Shire whether it was fair to impose rates on landowners who would soon be asked to hand their land back without any form of compensation.

The question was not answered.

The same question was put to Councillor Carolyn Crossley, the shire mayor. She did not respond.

But the landowners had a response when asked about fairness. “I’d like to know myself [how it could be fair]!” Mrs Verga said.

Vassily Afcouliotis is one of the thousands who bought blocks along Ninety Mile Beach decades ago in order to build holiday houses.

Vassily Afcouliotis is one of the thousands who bought blocks along Ninety Mile Beach decades ago in order to build holiday houses.Credit: Jason South

“Hah!” said Vassily Afcouliotis, a previous president the Property Rights Action Group that was set up to represent affected landowners.

Mr Afcouliotis is one of the most outspoken of those who have found themselves in possession of the worthless land. He believes the council is doing everything possible to reclaim the blocks as cheaply as possible.

“They’ve been told they have to find a way of handling this Ninety Mile Beach with minimal costs,” he says, adding that it appears the owners are being forced out by contradictory regulations that make management of the blocks almost impossible.

They are permitted to camp on site in a caravan for 28 days of the year – but site access is almost impossible because they cannot clear vegetation. In addition, they must keep the land free of fire hazards – but grass and trees cannot be removed. Much of the area is scrub and tea-tree and many areas are now completely overgrown.

They’re so shifty . . . They made it impossible because they want to take it back.

Vassily Afcouliotis, landowner

“They are shifty. They’re so shifty ... They made it impossible because they want to take it back," Mr Afcouliotis said. "They sent papers out saying that if a fire starts on your property you’ll be liable for $2000.”

Mr Afcouliotis bought his two adjoining blocks along Shoreline Drive in Glomar Beach in 1970, for $750 apiece. At the time, his apprentice wage amounted to $5 a week. It was a significant investment for him.

“We heard about that land from friends. They said look, there’s a bus that leaves the city. Why don’t you go with the bus and see if you like it.”

He did. And he liked it a lot. So did his wife at the time. It was “absolutely” beautiful, he says, and as a fisherman, he had grand plans.

“I’d travel all day to get to a block like that,” he says. So far, he has travelled almost 50 years. And he still hasn’t arrived. “I’m not prepared to just sit back and let things happen. I want to negotiate a term.”

The original promotional material for Victoria's Golden Beach.

The original promotional material for Victoria's Golden Beach. Credit: Jason South

Some have no intention of giving their block back and hang on to the “useless title” in the hope that one day, the planning rules will change yet again and they, or their children, may be able to build there.

“It’s actually pathetic,” Juliet D’Alessandro says. “That’s why I’m not paying it.

Her father Severino D’Alessandro came to own his through a swap – his block in Rye was traded for the now worthless flood-prone land at Golden Beach.

Ms D’Alessandro said that when she contacted the council, an officer told her: “You can pay them [the rates] if you want but you don’t have to pay them.”

She agrees that many people would still be paying them, particularly those owners whose English is limited, or who are now elderly.

The D’Alessandros’ block is said to be worth $100, according to the most recent valuation notice from the council. The rates payable for the Mauritius Drive block are in arrears to the tune of $317.

“It’s just awful,” Ms D’Alessandro says, adding that when she contacted the council, she sensed the officer’s irritation with her questions, and with the issue in general.

Vassily Afcouliotis and his family protest on his Glomar Beach block back in 2013.

Vassily Afcouliotis and his family protest on his Glomar Beach block back in 2013.Credit: Angela Wylie

Local MP Danny O’Brien said that from time to time, he still gets letters and emails about the blocks, mostly from the angry sons and daughters of people who bought the blocks years ago.

“I think a lot of these people got sold a pup [by the original developers] and ultimately have been left with nothing,” he said.

Mrs Verga said the council had already offered $100 for their block.

“You must be joking,” she said. “We’ve paid thousands in rates in the 55 years that Charles has owned it … They’re making a fortune out of the people who are paying up.”

The council was unable to provide a figure for how much had been raised by rates over the years because it would require significant time and resources to calculate it. But a spokeswoman did say that “the vast majority remain unpaid”.

Mrs Verga says that she sometimes wonders whether, after she has died, the council will make a claim against her estate to recoup the unpaid rates, in turn creating a legal nightmare for the next generation.

Even now, some seven decades on, there is no end in sight for many who fear the disaster that has followed them through life may even outlive them.

Gabrielle Costa is morning homepage editor for

Her grandfather bought a property at Paradise Beach many years before she was born. She has no financial interest in it. If she did, based on today’s valuation and what would be an even distribution of the proceeds among his surviving descendants, her share would be worth $6.25.

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