

This was published 6 years ago

Barnaby Joyce's expenses audited as Nats reel from leadership change

By Mark Kenny & Adam Gartrell

The travel and accommodation claims of former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce and his new partner Vikki Campion are being independently investigated, opening the possibility of further embarrassment for the embattled MP and overshadowing the appointment of his successor.

The revelation came on Monday, just hours after shocked Nationals replaced Mr Joyce, selecting the little-known junior Minister for Veterans Affairs, Michael McCormack, to lead the party and assume the role of Deputy Prime Minister.

He avoided a late and potentially serious challenge from the rookie Queensland MP David Littleproud, who had already surprised colleagues with his first-term elevation to cabinet last December.

Sources said Mr Littleproud, with just 18 months in the Parliament, was within a single vote of the leadership before deciding not to stand.

The changeover has been costly, leaving bruised egos and prompting recriminations within the Nationals party room, where MPs loyal to Mr Joyce believe he was subject to a concerted effort to undermine him. Among the claims being made privately is a politically incendiary charge that Liberals up-to-and-including the Prime Minister's office helped feed a news frenzy around the Nationals leader and that it was Liberals rather than Nationals who leaked news of a sexual misconduct claim against Mr Joyce.

In a sign that Mr McCormack has some confidence to build among colleagues, Nationals MPs - from the fierce Joyce critic Andrew Broad to Joyce loyalist, John "Wacka" Williams - refused to rule out Mr Joyce's return to the leadership, with one citing Winston Churchill's political resurrection.

News of the inquiry into Mr Joyce followed shortly after it was revealed that a previously undisclosed inquiry, into possible breaches of ministerial standards by Mr Joyce, had been ordered by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull but summarily dropped in the wake of the former Nationals leader's resignation.

Mr Turnbull confirmed the investigations as Labor used the ongoing controversy around the besieged former deputy prime minister to call for the secretive Coalition agreement between the Liberal and National parties to be released to the public.

Labor claimed the protracted stand-off between the government's most senior ministers was a function of the Coalition deal that restricts Mr Turnbull from dismissing any Nationals minister from his cabinet without the express support of the Nationals leader.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer


Under questioning in the Parliament, Mr Turnbull revealed he had asked the Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Martin Parkinson, to investigate whether Mr Joyce had breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct at any point by having an affair with his former staff member, Ms Campion, and by then presiding as leader over her placement in the offices of Nationals colleagues.

In Senate estimates it had earlier been revealed that Mr Turnbull ordered Dr Parkinson to conduct the inquiry into Mr Joyce.

The order came on February 21 - two weeks after the scandal broke and two days before Mr Joyce resigned. The move also came six days after Mr Turnbull announced a change to the ministerial standards, banning sexual relations between ministers and their staff.

Mr Joyce knew about Dr Parkinson's investigation because Mr Turnbull informed him before ordering it.

"The Deputy Prime Minister continues to give me unequivocal assurance that he has not breached any rules or standards relating to his position as a minister," Mr Turnbull said in a letter to Dr Parkinson.

"However, to ensure complete transparency the Deputy Prime Minister and I have agreed that you will examine these matters."

Mr Turnbull did not know at the time about a separate sexual harassment allegations against Mr Joyce, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann told the hearing.

Mr Turnbull said Dr Parkinson had written to him on Monday advising that he had halted the review because there was "little to be gained" from continuing it in light of Mr Joyce's resignation, formalised on Monday morning.

"He's written to me, today, to say that 'in light of' - I'll quote his letter - 'in light of Mr Joyce's decision to stand down from the ministry, there is little to gain by continuing the investigation. I note, however, that the audit into the use of travel and travel-related expenses by Mr Joyce and Ms Campion by the Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority is ongoing'," Mr Turnbull told Parliament.

More details of the expenses audit are likely to be revealed when the Authority appears before Senate estimates on Tuesday.

Senator Cormann repeatedly insisted Mr Turnbull had no knowledge of the affair until it was made public in the media earlier this month.

Labor maintains that Mr Joyce's relationship with Ms Campion, who is now pregnant with the couple's child, meant that he was in breach of the spirit of the code of conduct, which prohibits the employment of partners.

Amid the turmoil of the leadership change, Mr McCormack, a 53-year-old former journalist based in Wagga Wagga, assumed Mr Joyce's cabinet-level port folios of Infrastructure and Transport, but is yet to name his replacement in Veterans Affairs.

One option is the simple elevation of former cabinet minister Darren Chester to the post. However, he might yet be elevated back into cabinet.

Such a move would require removing one of the Nationals' current entitlement to five cabinet ministers, with the most likely being close Joyce loyalist, Matt Canavan.

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