

This was published 6 years ago

Grid values may fall as government moves to restrict foreign ownership

By Cole Latimer

The value of prized power assets may be hit and harder to sell after the government introduced new foreign ownership restrictions on the electricity sector.

The new rules will allow the government to "actively manage the level of ownership and control from investors in a single asset or within a sector," the Treasury said.

"Each case will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account a range of factors such as the cumulative level of ownership within a sector, the need for diversity of ownership and the asset’s critical importance."

These latest restrictions could deter future foreign owners because of possible government intervention.

Grattan Institute energy director Tony Wood said with fewer buyers values could fall.

“I think, as a result of these rules then there will circumstances when foreign investors are not appropriate, creating fewer buyers and lowering the sales price,” Mr Wood told Fairfax Media.

Australia's poles, wires and transmission systems will have clearer restrictions on foreign investment.

Australia's poles, wires and transmission systems will have clearer restrictions on foreign investment.Credit: James Alcock

He said while some approaches for electricity assets have been blocked on the grounds of national interests, other similar proposals have passed.

“These rules need to be clear on what our national interests are.”

Last year Treasurer Scott Morrison blocked the NSW government's planned sale of Ausgrid to two foreign companies, Chinese owned  State Grid Cooperation and Hong Kong-based Cheung Kong Infrastructure on the basis of being contrary to national interests.


University of Queensland economics professor John Quiggin said while privatisation of the grid had created a dysfunctional system the new rules were a case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted.

“If we decide to put these assets in the hands of private owners and then exclude foreign ownership it’s not sustainable,” Professor Quiggin told Fairfax Media.

“Looking at the evidence, if you're going to sell the assets the only way to get a decent price is to sell to foreign investors.”

Mr Wood said the rules could help spur Australian investment in the nation’s assets, with superannuation funds – such as the buyers of Ausgrid – the most likely investors.

“The obvious owners of regulated assets are going to be groups like super funds.”

Despite concerns over the potential to dissuade foreign investment, Mr Wood said the decision would give certainty to potential investors.

“What this is trying to do is give a degree of clarity on what you're doing when investing,” he said.

“My view from working at Origin Energy, broadly speaking, is that Australia has benefited from long-term investment made in Australian assets, Asian buyers have stayed and run these businesses well.”


Mr Quiggin said the government should consider bringing these assets back under national control.

The new rules, launched by the Treasury and Home Affairs Office, came as concerns rise of security risks to Australian electrical assets.

Treasurer Scott Morrison said the Foreign Investment Review Board will be assisted by the Critical Infrastructure Centre, part of the newly established Department of Home Affairs, to develop national security risk assessments and support government decision-making on electricity asset investments.

The Treasury said the new foreign ownership conditions will apply to all future sales of transmission and distribution assets – the poles and wires – and some generation assets, and simply codify many conditions already in effect, which to date have simply been enacted on a case-by-case basis.

“The announcement gives clarity to potential investors and avoids surprises for state governments and private sellers of electricity transmission, distribution, and generation assets,” the Treasury said.

Out of the six interconnectors, which are the systems that export and import excess energy between states across the National Electricity Market, five are either owned or partly controlled by foreign companies.

Of the distribution networks, Energy Queensland, Ausgrid, Essential Energy, Endeavour Energy, TasNetworks and Aurora Energy are wholly Australian owned; while Victoria Power Networks – comprising Citipower and Powercor – and SA Power Networks have Hong Kong firm Cheung Kong Infrastructure as a major shareholder, and Chinese company State Grid Cooperation and Singapore Power hold major stakes in Jemena, ActewAGL, and United Energy.

Electricity networks are viewing these rules as business as usual.

Electricity networks are viewing these rules as business as usual.Credit: Robert Rough

Distribution companies seemed unfazed by the announcement.

Evoenergy and ActewAGL – the ACT’s distributor – said it was business as usual.

“I can’t see that today’s announcement will have any impact on ActewAGL or Evoenergy’s network businesses,” ActewAGL chief executive Michael Costello told Fairfax Media.

An AusNet spokeswoman said the company “supports the role of the Foreign Investment Review Board and is committed to working constructively with them at all times”.

Jemena said it understood the “importance of a robust Foreign Investment Review Board mechanism and will continue to work collaboratively within this framework”.

The Greens slammed the decision, saying it was too little too late to roll back foreign ownership.

“This announcement is next to useless as most of our electricity assets have already been flogged off,” Greens climate change and energy spokesman Adam Bandt said.

“The damage is already done. Instead of closely reviewing who else can own our infrastructure, the government should work out how to return the existing grid to public hands so it can be run solely in the public interest.”

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