

This was published 6 years ago

Felicity Ward on the fine art of the comedy roast

By Ben Pobjie

In readiness of your part on Roast Battle UK, what is the most important trait of a good roaster?

Finding the balance between light-hearted joke and trauma. But always, that both people are having a good time while it's happening. Otherwise it's just high school with an audience.

Felicity Ward

Felicity WardCredit: Philip Gatward

Is the ultimate aim of comedy roasting to get laughs, or make someone cry?

Always laughs. Crying makes for terrible comedy.

What's the cruelest joke you've ever told?

I told my Mum I was going to go to uni.

Comedy Roast features some famous comedy stars. Who among them do you hate the most?

The British version of Roast Battle has a slightly different remit in that they've mostly picked good mates to roast each other. So it's more like a very nasty 21st speech, but you love everyone at the party.

Is being on TV as great as it looks?


I dunno. How good does it look? I got Nando's for dinner that night…so…yeah, probably as good as it looks.

Have you Made It in comedy, or are there still mountains to climb?

There will always be mountains. And when you think you're at the top, there are new mountains. And when you think you have your best climbing boots on, some loose stones will cave beneath your feet and you'll be looking at the same mountain again. Apologies if I stretched the metaphor a bit far.

Are there people from your real life that you'd like to be able to roast on TV?

That's what my stand-up shows are for.

Is winning more important than taking part?

I'd love to say no. But yes. Winning is very important. How else do you correct the wrongs of your childhood?

How's Brexit going? In your opinion I mean, I know you're not in charge of it.

I am in charge of it. That's why it's going so badly. I haven't a clue what I'm doing. But the Aussie accent is proving very charming in the UK.

What's the best show on TV right now that you're not personally involved in?

RuPauls Drag Race. But if anyone is reading this that is personally involved in that show: please get me personally involved. For my final music performance exam in high school, I dressed in drag as Frankenfurter from Rocky Horror Picture Show and sung Sweet Tr*nsvestite. I was on a scholarship. Half the donors were none so pleased that I was an "investment"; what I'm saying is, I am crying out to be a judge on that show … so ….

Roast Battle UK is on Comedy Central, Tuesday, 9.30pm.

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