

This was published 5 years ago

The Rosie Result review: Graeme Simsion ends his story of an unlikely couple

By Helen Elliott

The Rosie Result
​Graeme Simsion
Text, $29.99

Graeme Simsion says that he is "on a mission to make men read more novels". Fact: a man I know rarely reads fiction but happened to read Graeme Simsion's first novel, The Rosie Project. Result: he sped to his local bookshop to order 20 more copies to distribute to friends and family. So to judge by my friend, Simsion is mission accomplishing.

The Rosie Result. By Graeme Simsion.

The Rosie Result. By Graeme Simsion.

Why did my non-novel-reading friend, a scientist, want to distribute all those copies? Possible answer: at last he had found a book featuring a man with whom he identified. (Question: does reading Simsion have a peculiar effect on one's prose?)

Don Tillman, Professor of Genetics, is rational, smart, attractive but doesn't do well in the more diffuse murk – optimists call it richness – of the real world. The real world not only embraces ambiguity but valorises irony and Tillman is a natural Boolean.

The Rosie Project detailed Professor Tillman's pursuit of love and desire. The object (unobscure) of desire is Rosie, a graduate completing her PhD in medical research. Unlike every other female Don has met Rosie gets him. She likes, then loves him and makes the effort to see the world from his angle. That angle is autism. Rosie Jarman guides Don Tillman into a degree of emotional self-actualisation and The Rosie Project was a deserved global bestseller.

The second novel, The Rosie Effect, describes Don and Rosie's life in New York and isn't as sharp because it couldn't find a single designing focus. The Rosie Result sees them back in Melbourne and Simsion back in form. And the focus, smoothly batting the action along, is Don and Rosie's 11-year-old son, Hudson.

Hudson is obsessive, a lover of maths, hater of school, hater of change, clumsy. He corrects his teacher's grammar. (You're beginning to label as you read, right?) He doesn't have friends his own age. Eleven-year-olds such as Hudson need to evolve into likeable so that they can manage the world. But right now Rosie and Don tiptoe around him and he tends to control them. Hudson is unhappy. He's a child but the world from his perspective isn't childish. (Susan Sontag had a similar problem).

Don is involved with and concerned about his son but obsessed with his work, and Rosie, imperfectly perfect mother, is trying to balance her own career as a medical researcher with her need to parent her unusual son.

There's a crisis and Don flips into action. He must find the solution. Emotions will never be his territory but he loves Rosie and he loves his son. How can they help Hudson to make his way through the world without self-destruction? Don knows that he and his son are different people but he remembers how his own early social isolation and confusion in the world brought him close to suicide.


The Rosie Result is a handbook for those who believe the world can be organised by rationality. It is, above all, sensible. Simsion indexes many of the fads currently piercing the stately fabric woven by Team Enlightenment. Homeopathy, non-vaccinaters, mouthy sports parents, 25-year-olds with psychology degrees let loose on the public, junk food, veganism, teachers and others who unthinkingly label, education in general, all get a run. And men.

Simsion writes amiably of difference but makes his own views apparent. He also writes about making cocktails with a degree of intensity and length that could get dull. But that's the point. Don Tillman, wearing a breastplate of optimism, knows there is a correct way to do things and he also knows there is little that cannot be improved upon. Find the problem then seek the solution. Slow, careful, steady are dull in a world where instant, careless, erratic are rewarded. The fable about the hare and the tortoise is as irrelevant as the rounded vowel.

Don Tillman and Rose Jarman are fiction's most unlikely couple but Graeme Simsion's skills with dialogue and tone make them, and their relationship, (just) believable. Hudson, too, is uncomfortably believable. Simsion has mighty intellectual confidence but behind all the steady wit, the rolling jokes, the faux innocence and the cocktail instruction, this is a thoughtful and provocative novel.

It is less a recreational novel than its predecessors because it has a grand design that will have relevance in the lives of many individual readers. Simsion needn't worry, men will love it quite as much as they did The Rosie Project. Accomplished novel, mission accomplished.

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