

This was published 6 years ago

Unfettered and Alive review: Anne Summers on her brilliant career

By Lucy Sussex


Unfettered and Alive
Anne Summers
Allen & Unwin, $39.99

Some people have interesting and eventful lives. Some even write about it — but not many manage multi-volume works. Unfettered and Alive (the title from Joni Mitchell) is the second book in which Anne Summers scrutinises her long and busy life. The first, Ducks on the Pond, took her to age 30 and this instalment covers the next 40 years.

Anne Summers.

Anne Summers.Credit: Jacky Ghossein

Ducks was called an autobiography, Unfettered is a memoir. Increasingly the distinction is blurred by booksellers and publishers, but a memoir still implies a selective retelling of events, aspects of the impressionistic, even novelistic. Unfettered begins in the second person, with today's Summers addressing her past self, aged 30. Once she would have found 70 unimaginably old, the end of life. Instead, she is "still evolving".

As a girl in Adelaide, Summers had the dream of being a writer and journalist. Feminism enabled her, as well as the extraordinary times of the 1960s. Yet she admits she never had a career path, a comment now heretical. Rather she seized opportunities as she went, her skills adapting to circumstance.

Anne Summers with Paul Keating at the launch of her book <I>Damned Whores And God's Police</i> in 1994.

Anne Summers with Paul Keating at the launch of her book Damned Whores And God's Police in 1994.Credit: Peter Rae/Fairfax Media

Her brilliant career resembles a series of strategic moves: when blocked in one direction, she goes elsewhere. Not many people now could write an important feminist history in Damned Whores and God's Police, and follow it with political journalism, the public service and editing Ms magazine. Unchanging is the commitment to feminist activism, a never-ending battle.

Public achievement is on continual display here. What Summers describes might be conventionally regarded as a man's life (and the title comes from a song about a man). Yet the masculine career still implies linear progression, hierarchy and dominance. What we get in Unfettered is more interesting, rather like Ursula Le Guin's carrier-bag theory of narrative: gathering of experience rather than chase and kill.

It begins with our heroine, first book published, off to work for Fairfax. She was cherrypicked for her talent, her expertise in difficult subjects. Next she is off to America, where begins an ambivalent love affair with the country. Then comes the Canberra press gallery, a different world then: Summers could pose for Malcolm Fraser's camera while sitting on the knee of his speechwriter: Alan Jones. That is followed by working as an advisor for PM Hawke, a proud femocrat.


It goes on, another chapter, another change. A highlight is editing Ms in New York, which turns into a cautionary tale. Summers and her talented business partner Sandra Yates never quite understood America. A boycott from the religious right was one factor; another Gloria Steinem's inability to let go. It could have destroyed Summers, but she walked away, unshackled and unscathed.

<I>Unfettered and Alive</i> by Anne Summers.

Unfettered and Alive by Anne Summers.Credit: Kevin McDermott

Like a cat she landed on her feet with yet another plum job, with Paul Keating, employed initially to improve his image with women. She might have worked well with Hawke, but has real affection for Keating, as a man whose vision for Australia also empowered women. He offered her the job of Consul-General in New York, but she switched again, back to editing Good Weekend for Fairfax.

At this point she experienced the backlash against women in power, linked here to the experience of Joan Kirner in Victoria, but also the rise of John Howard. She does not call him a misogynist, but accuses him of a "war against women" alongside his fight against "political correctness". He enabled, she argues, both Pauline Hanson and the increasing incivility of public discourse. It took Julia Gillard to turn the tide, revitalise Australian feminism, but at a huge personal cost.

What has been the cost to Summers, it might be asked. She depicts herself as beleaguered at times, with a lack of specificity no doubt caused by the libel laws. She has no regrets about not being a mother: it would have made her life impossible. What she has is the long-standing love and support of Chip Rolley.

Unfettered shows a constant devotion to the word, primarily used in the cause of women. It is as notable as her continual reinvention, which in a late stage included being chair of the board of Greenpeace International for six years. The final words of the book are: "I am not yet finished and I never will be."

In the context of Summers' oeuvre, Unfettered is not as ground-breaking as her debut, and Ducks is arguably superior. One day she will undoubtedly have her own biographer. In the meantime she provides a thoroughly edifying, even uplifting account of an extraordinary life with this second volume. And who knows, there is the energy and vitality here for a third.

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