

This was published 6 years ago

If anyone should be left off boards it should be men

By Jenna Price

Kelly O'Dwyer is shocked by the argument that says women don't deserve a place at the boardroom table. As she said on Monday on the ABC, "corporate failings are not gender specific".

Yet who is it who has resigned from the AMP board in the leadup to the AGM on Thursday? Not the men. Never the men. Three women womanned up and stepped down.

O'Dwyer was responding to criticisms of women on boards, now coming from the mouth of every bush compliance officer, because of the role of Catherine Brenner in the undoing of the insurance behemoth AMP. From their point of view, the anecdote makes the case. The former AMP chairman's* demise is being seized upon as some sign that women aren't up to the job.

I disagree with O'Dwyer, Minister for Revenue and Financial Services. I reckon we could make a case for the gendered nature of corporate misconduct. Look at the long history of male malfeasance in Australia: Alan Bond. Definitely a man. So too Christopher Skase. Rodney Adler. Rene Rivkin. Rogue trader David Bullen and friends.

Catherine Brenner, whos resigned as AMP chairman.

Catherine Brenner, whos resigned as AMP chairman.Credit: Peter Braig

So do we ban all men from corporate leadership positions? I'd argue that's an excellent idea in the short term. After all, they've had their go and the banking royal commission is rolling out horrifying evidence day after day, examples of what goes wrong when men are in charge as they have been to an overwhelming degree. A few women on boards but nothing substantial. Nothing close to 50 per cent, which is when women get traction.

Sadly O'Dwyer won't back in my modest proposal. "To try and draw out from the experience of one chairman and say that has a relationship for all other women I think is really quite preposterous, it would be just like drawing out the experience of a man CEO and suggesting that somehow that means that men are not appropriate CEOs – it's clearly a completely specious argument."

And as for the suggestion that women aren't up to the task of board work the research tells us this is dead wrong. The University of Sydney's Robinson Fellow, Madeline Taylor, is one of the contributors to hot-off-the-press international research Women on Corporate Boards: An International Perspective. She says the book's comprehensive review of international literature reveals the positive evidence for board diversity is overwhelming. Companies with strong female leadership generated a return on equity that was substantially greater than ones without women on boards (10.1 per cent versus 7.4 per cent). Companies which lacked board diversity tended to suffer more governance-related controversies than average. And, that old trope about wimpy women? There was no analysis which showed having more women on boards indicated greater risk aversion.

There we have it. Women (working together with men) are clearly better.


Taylor says Brenner's position was but a token. Yes, it's true that Brenner herself had been on the board for eight years but to get real impact you need many more. And at least two of the women on the AMP board had only been there for two years.

"The tokenistic effect of having one female leader doesn't show a trickle-down effect . . . there needs to be critical mass and that critical mass means having two or more female board directors in order to have an impact on corporate social responsibility, profit maximisation and compliance."

And as for this idea that women don't have merit? Her classrooms in the university's law schools are now filled with women. So are those in the MBA program.

Taylor says: "The pool is female and so is the future."

Unfortunately, the present is male and so too are the structures which make it difficult to break through. A number of stories about Brenner criticise her networking skills as if somehow she shouldn't have been able to schmooze her way onto boards in precisely the same way that endless men before her have schmoozed their way onto boards. Should women wait to be invited? Wait to be brought into the conversation? That will never happen. You have to have the ovaries to make the moves.

What Brenner oversaw at AMP was a freaking disaster but she was not alone. She had a male chief executive who is being followed by another male chief executive and a new chair in David Murray who doesn't even believe these problems are systemic. God help me.

Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of the steering committee of the 30% Club, Susan Oliver says there are substantive issues in the way we select boards, the way we remunerate and the workload. Those are serious topics, the ones which might make a difference.

"We are the newcomers but it's proven that diverse boards make good decisions.

"But to think this is an issue about women is about as banal as anything I can think of."


Jenna Price is an academic at the University of Technology Sydney and a Fairfax columnist.

*Let's get rid of this chairman nonsense. The language shapes what we do and how we think. Unsex it right now and it could be the beginning of something big.

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