

This was published 6 years ago

Kate Carnell accuses banks of missing the point on small business

By Cara Waters

Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell isn't buying the banks' claims that lending to small business is booming and says action is needed.

In a speech to the Institute of Public Accountants conference on Friday Carnell will call out the barriers to investment for small business including access to capital.

Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell is concerned with the barriers to finance for small business.

Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell is concerned with the barriers to finance for small business.Credit: Louie Douvis

Carnell is sceptical about Westpac business banking chief, David Lindberg's claim lending to small firms is booming and that a government backed small business bank is not needed.

Similar claims were made by other banks appearing before parliamentary committees over the last few weeks.

David Lindberg from Westpac Banking Corporation.

David Lindberg from Westpac Banking Corporation. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"These arguments miss the point," Carnell will tell the IPA. "Small business start-ups struggle to obtain affordable finance because the banks require them to have property security or significant cash equity. How do we help an energetic, clever young woman or man start or acquire a successful small business with high cash flow if they don't have security?"

The property problem

Traditional bank loans are backed by real property mortgages and although alternatives are emerging Carnell says they are not currently mature and affordable.

"Our market simply does not work well for smaller businesses," she will say.


Australia's prudential rules are focused on system stability which Carnell claims incentivises banks to focus lending against real property security.

"This has the effect of increasing the cost of capital on other lending and, to a very large degree, destroying the ability of businesses to obtain funding secured against other business aspects, such as cash flow," she will say.

While the banks are able to offer schemes for lending businesses smaller amounts of money Carnell says she is particularly concerned with entrepreneurs who are looking to borrow $100,000 or more to buy a business.

"There are a very large number of small businesses owned by baby boomers and those baby boomers are relying on those businesses for superannuation and if nobody can buy them because nobody can get the money there's a problem," she told Fairfax Media.

"An increasing number of young or not so young people simply don't have a house or a large amount of equity to borrow against."

Instead young aspiring small business operators are increasingly relying on their parents to provide seed finance.

"Many of you would have seen the "Bank of Mum and Dad" in operation," Carnell will say. "Yes, it offers convenience and flexibility, but it puts retirement savings at risk. It also raises social equity issues in that the children of affluent parents have greater opportunities."

Government backed small business banking

Alongside Carnell's speech, the ombudsman's office is releasing a study on Friday into the factors impacting small to medium enterprise investment.

Barriers to Investment identifies several barriers, including red tape, energy prices and unreliability, and access to capital.

In the study the ombudsman considers an alternative offered by Britain, which has implemented a government-backed approach to small business lending to overcome some of these barriers.

The British Business Bank is 100 per cent government owned, but independently managed and aims to make finance markets work better for small businesses in the UK.

The bank brings expertise and government money to the smaller business finance markets. It doesn't lend or invest directly but works with more than 100 finance partners such as banks, leasing companies, venture capital funds and web-based platforms.

"It has created a more diverse and vibrant finance market for smaller businesses, with a greater choice of options and providers," Carnell will say. "It has also built confidence in the market by increasing smaller businesses' understanding of the options available to them."

The Barriers to Investment study also highlights other potential solutions for small business, such as a partial credit guarantee scheme or a publicly supported venture capital fund to ensure risk capital is made available to high-potential young firms.

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