

This was published 7 years ago

Don't do it: Paul Keating in 11th hour bid to stop euthanasia laws

By Mark Kenny and National Affairs Editor

Paul Keating has made a dramatic last-minute bid to stop Victoria's Parliament from approving voluntary euthanasia laws as state MPs prepare for their third late-night debate before a vote he characterised as "a threshold moment" for the entire country.

The 73-year-old, who was Australia's 24th prime minister and has virtually unrivalled status within the Labor Party, slammed the "bald utopianism" underlying the case for change, which assumed rules would never be bent by doctors and families when it becomes more convenient for carers or financial beneficiaries to see a gravely ill person die sooner.

And he also condemned the parlous state of geriatric and palliative care in Australia, which he said was where the real priority ought to lie. "The weakest link in the chain is palliative care," he told Fairfax Media.

Arguing against what he called "an unacceptable departure in our approach to human existence ... and what it means to be human", he said supporters of the Voluntary Assisted Dying bill being debated in the Victorian lower house ahead of a final vote on Thursday night were misguided.

Former prime minister Paul Keating.

Former prime minister Paul Keating.Credit: Christopher Pearce

The powerful intervention represents the most senior political foray into the highly contentious debate which, while more advanced in Victoria, is due to be prosecuted in other jurisdictions in coming months, including the New South Wales Parliament.

In New South Wales, both the Premier and the Opposition Leader have indicated they would vote against the move.

The comments put the former leader on a collision course with majority opinion in his party and openly at odds with Victoria's Labor Premier, Daniel Andrews.

His remarks could even influence the outcome of the tight vote in the Legislative Assembly, before the bill moves to the Legislative Council in coming weeks.

The former prime minister has come out strongly against the assisted dying bill in Victoria.

The former prime minister has come out strongly against the assisted dying bill in Victoria.Credit: Nic Walker

Mr Keating said all the safeguards in the world could not change what he called the "core intention of the law".

"What matters is that under Victorian law there will be people whose lives we honour and those we believe are better off dead," he writes in a forcefully worded opinion piece for Fairfax Media.

A life-long Catholic, Mr Keating said the bill's sponsors had sought to respond to a genuine human dilemma, even acknowledging that if the bill fails, some people will endure more pain.

"This is difficult for legislators to contemplate," he conceded.

But he warned that advocates were in a state of denial about other human failings which exist also, including errors of diagnosis, the potential for selfish and sometimes predatory behaviour by family members, and commercially motivated decisions by nursing homes, hospices, and hospitals.

Mr Keating warned that protections for the most vulnerable of all people, those in the end stages of life, were highly problematic.

"The advocates support a bill to authorise termination of life in the name of compassion, while at the same time claiming they can guarantee protection of the vulnerable, the depressed and the poor," he writes.

"No law and no process can achieve that objective. This is the point. If there are doctors prepared to bend the rules now, there will be doctors prepared to bend the rules under the new system. Beyond that, once termination of life is authorised, the threshold is crossed."

The Andrews government has provided its members with a conscience vote on the subject and while it appeared to have the numbers to pass the changes, those numbers are regarded as tight.

If it does proceed, it will become the first of the Australian state parliaments to legalise assisted dying for the terminally ill.

In his opinion piece, Mr Keating characterised those efforts as misguided, warning that as technology, lifestyle, nutrition, and medicine improved, it was precisely the wrong time to be sending a confusing message to the medical profession.

Rather he said, doctors should have a clear objective to keep people alive and comfortable for as long as possible.

"We are living longer and often dying in a more attenuated way. This should never signify that the care should be any less, nor devotion to life, any less, he said.


"The key is to recognise that as we all die, dying is a complex matter, and its complexity can never be solved by a single legislative bill, which of its essence, puts a low premium on life."

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