This was published 7 years ago
Squeezed out by Silicon Valley, the far right is creating its own corporate world
By Matt Pearce
Los Angeles: Over and over again, those on America's far right have learned that the United States' First Amendment doesn't protect them from Silicon Valley tech companies.
For weeks, neo-Nazis, white nationalists and other far-right figures organised for last weekend's "Unite the Right" demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left three people dead and dozens injured.
White nationalist groups march through the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville.Credit: AP
But days before the rally, the short-term rental service Airbnb started suspending the accounts of rally attendees who had rented houses in the area. Why? The San Francisco-headquartered company requires customers to "accept people regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity", among other things – a deal-breaker for white nationalists, who have been banned by other popular companies for similar reasons.
It was a blow for the organisers, who had "taken over all of the large AirBnBs in a particular area," according to a user on the message board for the Daily Stormer, a popular neo-Nazi website, who had "set up 'Nazi Uber' and the 'Hate Van' to help in moving our people around as needed".
One person was killed after a 20-year-old drove his car into people protesting the white nationalist rally.Credit: AP
This wasn't the first time the far-right had to find someone willing to provide services for its members. And after the rally, some of the far-right movement's most infamous personalities were kicked off Uber, Google and PayPal as tech companies rush to condemn last weekend's violent white nationalist marches and penalise those who condoned them.
Increasingly, the group's solution is to provide its own.
Over the last two years, a crop of startups has begun offering social media platforms and financial services catering to right-wing internet users.
The new companies are small, paling in audience size to their gargantuan, mainstream counterparts. But piece by piece, supporters of the far-right are assembling their own corporate tech world – a shadow Silicon Valley, one with fewer rules.
Nathan Blecharczyk, co-founder and chief technology officer of Airbnb.Credit: Bloomberg
After being banned from Twitter during the 2016 presidential campaign, many members of the "alt-right" movement of white nationalists joined Gab, which describes itself as "an ad-free social network for creators who believe in free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online." On Tuesday, one of the site's most popular posts was an image that said: "I [HEART] BEING WHITE."
"The market is owned and controlled and operated by the oligarchy of Twitter and Facebook and Google," says Gab's founder, Andrew Torba.
White nationalist demonstrators are surrounded by counter demonstrators in Charlottesville.Credit: AP
"The reality is hate speech is free speech," Torba adds, citing US Supreme Court precedent. With predominantly left-leaning companies, many of them in San Francisco, setting the boundaries on what speech isn't acceptable on for-profit platforms, "that's a huge opportunity to sit here and defend the internet that I grew up on".
Right-wing activists banned from the crowdfunding site Patreon can fundraise on Hatreon, a platform created to counter the "inexcusable content policing of services like Patreon".
Hatreon – pronounced HATE-ree-on – currently features fundraisers supporting Richard Spencer, one of America's most prominent white nationalists (who has 34 "patrons" pledging to donate $US362 to him a month), and Andrew Anglin, one of America's most prominent neo-Nazis (with 50 donors pledging $US869.17 a month).
Spencer called Hatreon's founder, Cody Wilson, of Austin, Texas, to praise the service, telling him he would use it "even if you were the most left-wing Jewish communist," according to Wilson. (Spencer confirmed the accuracy of the remarks.)
Wilson, who is best known for his efforts to produce guns through 3D printing, described himself as an "internet anarchist" who wants to disrupt the establishment's status quo. He was intrigued by far-right users on social media, who sometimes post racist, sexist and anti-Semitic comments and images but also playful memes of their de facto mascot, "Pepe," a cartoon frog. "Frog Twitter and the so-called 'alt-right' – there's a lot of life there," Wilson says. "I'm kind of happy to help it mutate."
Another crowdfunding startup, WeSearchr, has raised more than $150,000 for Anglin's legal defense in a lawsuit filed by the Southern Poverty Law Centre, the anti-extremism non-profit organisation, after Anglin organised a "troll storm" against a Jewish woman on his website, The Daily Stormer.
WeSearchr often sponsors fundraisers for medical bills and legal defence funds for far-right figures. It also offers "bounties" – money donated by users to meet a certain objective – seeking the identities of anti-fascists involved in violent encounters.
WeSeachr's owner, Chuck Johnson, a right-wing journalist and provocateur who has been banned from Twitter, said it was "good business to allow free speech" and that he believes not discriminating against users' political views might give him better protection from lawsuits.
One of WeSeachr's other founders, Pax Dickinson, recently split from the company to start his own crowdfunding site, Counter.Fund, with an "explicit dedication against Marxist political correctness and the globalist progressive Left," according to its website.
Dickinson was the chief technology officer of Business Insider until he was forced to resign in 2013 after sexist and racist tweets of his were uncovered by US news site Gawker. Since then, Dickinson has channelled his entrepreneurial energies into creating financial infrastructure to sustain the far-right.
"Counter-cultural content creators are trapped into funnelling income streams through platforms owned by their ideological enemies," Dickinson wrote in a manifesto explaining the need for his new company. "A non-liberal on Patreon or Kickstarter is just one hack journalist's hit piece or progressive cultural campaign away from being censored from their platform and losing their income stream entirely."
Dickinson declined to be interviewed for this article.
The relationship between America's far-right and liberal tech world was mutually beneficial at first.
As the alt-right movement gained momentum over the past two years, supporters found that advertising-supported platforms like Facebook and Twitter were powerful tools for trolling and self-promotion. For a fee, crowdfunding sites such as GoFundMe offered the possibility for rising stars in the movement to convert their newfound social capital into actual financial capital.
But as the far-right's influence grew, many of those companies cracked down after liberals and leftists accused them of sponsoring hate speech.
"I don't want to patronise anyone that patronises them," said Daryle Lamont Jenkins, an anti-fascist activist who has pressured companies that do business with far-right figures. "They make it clear that they want to undermine society, that they want to break up society as we know it, that they want to be a boot on everyone's neck. Why should we ignore that?"
Los Angeles Times