

This was published 7 years ago

Food waste averages $3800 per household, yet food insecurity at 'crisis' point

By Lucy Cormack

More than 800,000 tonnes of food waste is thrown out by NSW households every year.

In dollar terms, the state's waste amounts to $10 billion, or $3800 per household.

For single mum of two, Kristy Alliband, the prospect of throwing away almost $4000 a year on wasted food seems unimaginable, when just two years ago simply funding household expenses was a weekly struggle.

"After I broke up with my partner just paying rent and bills was so expensive, I thought, what am I going to do?"

In NSW more than 80,000 adults and children were assisted by food charities last year.

In NSW more than 80,000 adults and children were assisted by food charities last year.

It seems a cruel paradox that as Australia's food waste bill mounts, so too does the number of people suffering food insecurity and seeking food relief.

In a single month 644,000 Australians receive food relief from charities, while 43,000 people are turned away due to a shortage of food and resources.

A third of those going without are children.

In NSW more than 80,000 adults and children were assisted by food charities last year, while 7735 were turned away, according to data from relief agency Foodbank.


Two years ago, Ms Alliband turned to Foodcare, a Foodbank supported service, and has been using it ever since.

"It helped so much. At Foodcare I can fill a whole trolley with groceries for $30," she said.

Foodbank chief executive Brianna Casey said food insecurity in Australia was reaching "crisis point".

"We know one in six experiences food insecurity ... and when families are struggling with bill shock and the rising cost of living and energy, food becomes a discretionary item."Ms Casey said she regularly saw families choosing between "heating and eating", and called for "government intervention".

"We are thrilled government is engaging meaningfully in the food waste debate ... but [it] certainly needs to do more. We need a whole of government approach to food insecurity."

In addition to government, Ms Casey said local businesses could also adopt meaningful initiatives to tackle food waste and insecurity, pointing to Mexican restaurant franchise Zambrero, which has partnered with Foodbank since 2015, donating one plate of food for every retail product purchased.

Through its global Plate 4 Plate initiative, Zambrero has donated 15 million meals those facing food insecurity since 2005.

In NSW the Environment Protection Authority has launched the statewide Food Waste Study, in an effort to measure whether people's attitudes to food waste reflect the amount of food they actually waste.

The pilot study will involve around 1000 households measuring their food waste in a 27 litre EPA-issued bag, from one fridge clean out and two days of measuring food waste.

With 439 households having participated the study is already statistically valid, however the EPA hopes to engage 1000 households before completion at the end of June.

"Already we know the biggest food wasters in NSW are households with children, people earning more than $100,000 a year, and young people aged 18-35," said Amanda Kane, head of the EPA's waste and resource recovery unit.

She said the ABC's three-part series War on Waste has put the issue on the agenda for the first time for many Australians.

"From the study we hope to correlate attitudes: if people care more, do they waste less?" Ms Kane said.

NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton said the message of the study was that "every plate counts".

"We want to get a better read ... so we can develop programs to reduce food waste and the impact it's having on our environment," she said.

Initial findings from the study reveal that waste bags were one quarter or half full after the fridge clean out for 50 per cent of respondents.

Sixty per cent said their bag was up to half full after day one, and 55 per cent found their bag was also up to half full on the second day.

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