

This was published 7 years ago

One Nation stand by WA candidate after calling single mums 'lazy and ugly'

By Brendan Foster

One Nation is standing by its WA candidate for the seat of Pilbara despite his offensive and bizarre comments towards single women labelling them too "lazy to attract and hold a mate".

Writing an article for the prestigious literary online magazine Quadrant in 2015, David Archibald claimed there were a number welfare programs that should be slashed because they support "lifestyle choices that could be defunded".

"The first that springs to mind is single motherhood," he writes.

"These are women too lazy to attract and hold a mate, undoing the work of possibly three million years of evolutionary pressure."

One Nation candidate for the PIlbara David Archibald called single mums 'too lazy to attract and hold a mate'

One Nation candidate for the PIlbara David Archibald called single mums 'too lazy to attract and hold a mate'Credit: YouTube/mmattjanet

"This will result in a rapid rise in the portion of the population that is lazy and ugly. We know what causes pregnancy these days, so everyone who gets pregnant outside of marriage is a volunteer."

Mr Archibald didn't just have a pot shot at single mums in the Quadrant article, he also had a swipe at childcare funding, spending on Indigenous affairs and the disability pension.

"Second, the 800,000 Australians on the disability pension. OK, not all of them. But a good proportion are able to drive cars, bash police and each other, go fishing and so on," he wrote.

"Now comes federally funded childcare. This is a lifestyle choice. Looking after children is very labour-intensive.


"If society wishes to encourage childbearing, it should reward that with tax rebates to the childbearing pair and leave it at that."

Federal Shadow Minister for Transport Anthony Albanese, who was in Perth on Tuesday backing WA Labor's push to dump Roe 8, called on One Nation to dump Mr Archibald.

"The idea that if you have a single mother you are somehow less of a human being, really belongs way back in the dark ages," Mr Albanese, who was raised by a single mother, told SBS.

Despite the outlandish statements, Mr Archibald, who is running against the leader of the WA Nationals Brendon Grylls, told the ABC he stood by his comments.

National Council for Single Mothers and their Children chief executive Terese Edwards said the One Nation candidate's comments were "disrespectful".

"I just found it incredible that a man in 2017 would feel comfortable in being so disrespectful to women — women who are doing a wonderful job in raising children by themselves," she told the ABC.

Mr Archibald - a geologist and climate change skeptic - has written numerous articles for Quadrant, with one titled Evolution vs. Gay Marriage from August 2015, claiming a "successful culture" wouldn't allow homosexuality.

"Homosexuality is part of the human condition," he writes in his premise. "But so is marriage, which is more than a mere societal construct, as those who are keen to change the long-established norms of mating and reproduction would have us believe. A successful culture wouldn't mix the two. A degenerate culture might."

Even though One Nation is expected to be the wild card in the upcoming WA election with political pundits expecting the party to poll as high as 11 per cent, it has courted controversial with a number of its candidates.

One Nation candidate for the seat of Dawesville, Lawrence Shave, had plans to open a "bikini baristas" drive-through coffee shop, where staff donned only scantily-clad swim wear.

And party leader Pauline Hanson dumped Brian Brighton, who nominated for the seat of Joondalup because of his past criminal conviction.


Mr Brighton was fined $5000 back in 1993 for stealing departure tax stamps and selling them for $1000 while working as a customs officer.

He later told WAtoday he was planning to run as an independent in the March election and wanted wants all drug addicts to be dumped on an island to fend for themselves.

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