

This was published 8 years ago

Cross River Rail project in hands of statutory authority

By Amy Remeikis

The latest incarnation of Cross River Rail has a route and a promise to keep the politics out of it.

What it doesn't have is funding, a business case, or even a plan on how the estimated $5.2 billion project would be delivered.

But if the power balance shifts at the next election, the next government will have to dismantle a (yet to be established) Statutory Authority charged with delivering the project before it scraps it for a third time.

Acting Premier Jackie Trad said the project was the most important in south-east Queensland and was crucial to head off a choke point on the rail network and prevent traffic gridlock and did not rule out - or rule in - adding to the state's debt pool to ensure the project happened.

Cross River Rail would take pressure off services at Central Station.

Cross River Rail would take pressure off services at Central Station. Credit: Bennet Nichol

But at this stage, with zero funds outside $5 million set aside for a business case, the only thing the Palaszczuk government was willing to commit to was setting up an authority to deliver the project.

"What we have seen is politics getting in the way of a good infrastructure project, of a city-building project," she said.

"What's different this time is the government won't deliver this. We will set up a delivery authority. We will make it a statutory authority that has the powers in order to deliver and drive this project.

"The only thing that will be subject to politics is the negotiation around funding.

The latest version of Cross River Rail will run from Boggo Road to the Ekka grounds at Bowen Hills.

The latest version of Cross River Rail will run from Boggo Road to the Ekka grounds at Bowen Hills.

"We want this project to succeed and move forward and the only way to do that is to not make it vulnerable to what happens at the next state, federal or local election."

Since the mid-2000s, politicians have talked about the need for another rail crossing, to help alleviate looming congestion concerns.

In 2009 the first official Cross River Rail plan was announced by the Bligh government for $8 billion.

In 2012, the Newman government scrapped the whole plan, knocking back a beginning funding offer of $700 million-or-so from the federal government, in favour of a Bus and Train Tunnel that went from the Ekka Showgrounds at Bowen Hills to Woolloongabba, with Queen's Wharf and Roma Street to serve as the city stations. It planned on using $1 billion from its asset sales plan to fund part of the $5 billion project, which would be one double decker tunnel taking in two modes of transport.

In 2015, the Palaszczuk government scrapped the BaT tunnel and announced it would re-investigate Cross River Rail options.

On Thursday, it announced a project it estimates at $5.2 billion - it will know more much once the business case, which is due mid-year, is finished, borrowing from the Newman government tunnel alignment, minus the buses.

It also moved its city tunnel back to Albert Street, which had been identified as a key flood risk, but Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe all but admitted the Queen's Wharf resort and casino development time line left the government with no choice.

"Primarily, the key motivation was ensuring the project was best located to service the whole of the city," he said.

"But there was some other issues, technical issues in terms of rock and drilling and other issues in terms of the timeline of development around it which had issues, but the primary issue is about making sure it was successful for the most number of commuters."

As for those flooding issues - it's a work in progress.

"The issue that had been raised in relation to an Albert Street station and the fear and the concern around flooding in that region of the city, that will be addressed through a range of technical solutions, including flood gates, and flood management," Mr Hinchliffe said.

"But the reality is parts our city flood.

"We need to have management around that, but we can't deny that Albert Street is the core and the heart of our city and it is the best way that we deal with overcrowding that we have on our rail network and Central Station right now, by delivering a top quality station as part of the project in the right place and there are certainly management processes and designs around reducing the risk of flooding of the station at Albert Street."

The government could face potential discontent from the northern Queensland cross bench, which holds the balance of power in the Queensland government and has previously expressed frustration at the amount of spending in the south-east corner, which they say, comes at the expense of the regions.

Ms Trad said the government was working to provide infrastructure across the state, but also had to manage population growth.


The project has been part of the government's infrastructure plan since it was elected and was listed as the number one priority by Infrastructure Australia late last year.

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