

This was published 8 years ago

ANZ's Asian retreat is no cause for applause

By Michael Pascoe

So ANZ reportedly has run up the white flag on its bold plans to have a serious presence in Asia. That the market and commentariat generally applauded the retreat says plenty about the lack of ambition at the cosy Big End of town and our market's preoccupation with the short term.

ANZ's retreat should be a matter of regret rather than applause. Yes, ex-CEO Mike Smith was overpaid and failed to deliver what he promised to do in Asia, what he was hired from HSBC to do.

But that doesn't mean it was wrong to try or that it's necessarily right to give surrender.

To succeed in Asia takes decades, not one CEO's turn at the wheel. It requires a long-term commitment of money and talent to make it in the world's great growth markets. It looks like Australia's comfortable cartel members haven't got the ticker for that.

Outgoing ANZ CEO Mike Smith says the bank is stronger and more profitable than when he became chief in 2007.

Outgoing ANZ CEO Mike Smith says the bank is stronger and more profitable than when he became chief in 2007.

Chairmen and CEOs are happy to blame the short-termism of analysts and fund managers, the sort of myopic activism that curtailed IAG's China business. You might wonder then who is running corporate Australia and why the nominal leaders are paid so much.

Thursday's Chanticleer column can serve as a summary of the market reaction to the new ANZ CEO, Shayne Elliott. He was welcomed as offering something of a small target after the high-profile Smith. Elliott told Chanticleer he wants his legacy to be "defined around our digital ambitions''.

In modern banking, "digital ambitions" basically means making sure things work – just like every other bank.

The analysts who doubted ANZ's ability to make inroads against local Asian banks and the two or three multinational incumbents can claim to be proven right, at least over the time span of a half-dozen years. No, ANZ did not have a natural advantage, other than a strong balance sheet at a time when many were weak. It would have had to have earned its place over time by being excellent, by creating its own advantage rather than wallowing in incumbency and protected status the way our Big Four banks do domestically.

(Left to right) Former ANZ chief executive Mike Smith with his successor Shayne Elliott and chairman David Gonski.

(Left to right) Former ANZ chief executive Mike Smith with his successor Shayne Elliott and chairman David Gonski. Credit: Josh Robenstone

It's worth remembering that ANZ taking over Standard Chartered was a rumoured possibility. Now Standard Chartered is one of the banks ANZ is unable to compete with.

The consensus view rules that Australian banks can't compete internationally. Maybe that view is right – maybe our cosseted, government-protected, parish-pump bankers are only capable of being glorified building societies. Maybe we should start paying them accordingly.

The malaise of retreat from adventure is widespread. Sometimes it can be a reasonable decision of picking the right CEO for the times, the manager and consolidator in rotation with the leader and expansionist, or the change agent instead of the replicant when the status quo isn't working.

Corporate Australia though seems mired in a broader risk avoidance – management broadly unable to break out of the mindset of cost cutting its way to annual bonuses.

There was a touch of that defeatist tone in the Australian participation in the annual PwC CEOs survey. Released at the Davos Festival of Self-Importance, it confirmed that many of our alleged corporate leaders look more like managers who just got lucky playing corporate snakes and ladders.

And when such management fails to deliver, it's generally the same old same old with new chief executives – clear the decks, either implicitly or explicitly blame their predecessor, absolve the board, write everything down that can be written down to ensure a low hurdle for future bonuses, and then, as often as not, proceed to make not much difference in the long run.

A complaint sometimes made about the public service is that it reflects a structure where success is not rewarded but failure is punished. As Australia's corporate animal spirits decline to stir, it begins to look like a culture where not much success is expected and failure still pays handsomely.

By way of stark comparison, the most pleasing and surprising business survey I saw last year was an under-reported effort sponsored by ANZ Bank (of all companies) on Australian companies doing business in Asia.

The survey of 1000 companies found that of the 35 per cent active in Asia, nearly half had more revenue from their Asian operations than from Australia.

Most impressively, 38 per cent of small businesses reported achieving a satisfactory return on investment in Asia within 12 months, compared with 29 per cent for medium companies and 16 per cent for large.

Another 26 per cent of small businesses reported achieving satisfactory ROI in two-to-three years, compared with 30 per cent for medium businesses in that timeframe and 23 per cent for large.

I'm guessing much of the SMEs' outperformance came down to the difference between commitment and involvement, as in the old analogy of the plate of bacon and eggs: the chook was involved, the pig was committed.

Large corporations, comfortable in their home market, can roost around the edges of Asian involvement. For an SME, it's a matter of bringing home the bacon.

The ANZ has lots of company in the hen house.

Disclosure: The Pascoe family super fund holds ANZ shares, patiently.

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