

This was published 8 years ago

Golly gosh: Jeff Kennett says reviled, black-faced dolls aren't that bad after all

By Suzanne Carbone

You might have thought golliwogs were gone for good, locked away in history's toy cupboard along with such non-politically correct items as toy machine guns, the original, blonde Barbie and candy cigarettes called "Fags".

But former premier Jeff Kennett and a Melbourne toy shop are united in their wish for the golly to be rehabilitated.

Hawthorn fan Jeff Kennett and his golliwog named ''Buddy'' after Buddy Franklin.

Hawthorn fan Jeff Kennett and his golliwog named ''Buddy'' after Buddy Franklin.Credit: Nine News

Seventy five years after it opened its doors in Melbourne's historic Block Arcade, the shelves at Dafel Dolls & Bears are heaving with porcelain dolls, stuffed animals - and golliwogs.

The besuited black-faced toys are one of Dafel's biggest sellers, despite the uproar they can create.

A collection of the beautifully dressed dolls in the Block Arcade window.

A collection of the beautifully dressed dolls in the Block Arcade window.Credit: Justin McManus

"They are not racist if you know the history of them," says Dafel's owner, Lisa Seaton.

A printed flyer in the shop says that at the end of 19th century, labourers who worked for the British military in Egypt wore armbands bearing the acronym WOGS, to indicate they were "Working on Government Service".

To the Egyptians, the labourers were known as "Ghuls" - Arabic for desert ghost. Egyptian children played with black stuffed dolls which became known as "Ghuliwogs", then golliwogs.

There are other, competing, etymologies but there is, in any case, far more to Dafels than just golliwogs.

The stuffed toys are among friends in their neat shelves.

The stuffed toys are among friends in their neat shelves.Credit: Justin McManus

The Seatons took over the business 25 years ago from its founder, Ada Schmidt, and stuffed it full of nostalgia for three generations of families and international tourists.

Neatly and beautifully displayed are tin spinning tops, miniature Mary Bears, a three-metre teddy bear with a $350 price tag and a $1300 porcelain doll made in Germany in the 1930s with ball-jointed composition.

Everyone from great-grandmothers to Britney Spears have delighted in this life-size doll house. But for Mr Kennett the golliwog is the main event.

He has about 50 in a collection he began 60 years ago. He loves them, perhaps, because they don't answer back or mimic him.

Mr Kennett, leader of the unofficial Golliwog Liberation Party, told Fairfax Media that he believes the Australian of the Year, David Morrison, should stand up for golliwogs as part of his commitment to inclusion, diversity and gender equality.

"I hope he will give all golliwogs and golliwog lovers great hope that by the end of his term, golliwogs will again be able to walk the streets freely without being abused," Mr Kennett said.

Mr Kennett, premier between 1992 and 1999, also hinted, tongue-firmly-in-cheek, that he might consider standing for office again.

Lisa Seaton never gets stressed at work because there's always a toy to hug.

Lisa Seaton never gets stressed at work because there's always a toy to hug.Credit: Justin McManus

"If I stood as an advocate for the liberation of the golliwog and for probably culling possums, I think I'd be overwhelmingly re-elected," he said.

It appears that the opinionated drill sergeant is back on the Kool Mints, though he lowered the dose by adding: "[But] if I stood again, I would have to give up looking after the golliwog."

The golly, with its thick lips and corkscrew hair, has long drawn the ire of those who dislike racial stereotyping.

Fifteen years ago, British jam maker, Robertson's ditched its golly motif after a long-running campaign.

Jeff Kennett's happy golliwog collection.

Jeff Kennett's happy golliwog collection.

When Oprah Winfrey came to Melbourne in 2010, it was reported in the tabloid media that Dafel had to remove a "Mamee" washer woman doll to avoid offending the TV star during a cocktail party in the Block Arcade.

Speaking about their three-quarter-of-a-century milestone, Dafel's owners Lisa Seaton and her mother Pauline say those stories were wrong.

At the time, Mr Kennett, defended the dolls and when the Seatons sent the former premier one as a thank-you, he rang to thank them.

Dafels, which celebrates its 75th anniversary on Monday, has provided a comforting haven since 1941.

If you're having a horrid day just walk into the store and you'll find shelves of therapeutic stuffed toys to hug. You can even burst into tears and tell them everything, because they will always listen.

Bears are lovingly put into the coffins of their dead loved ones. When a dog dies, a stuffed one takes its place.

You feel right at home when Pauline Seaton greets you with: "Hello doll."

Humans play by the rules in Dafel when a sign says: "No parking anytime, except for bears."

You even wish you were a toy because there are off-site doll and teddy hospitals to repair worn-out parts, as well as and a fashion department for made-to-measure outfits.

Dafel's longevity in the $875 million toy and games industry is testament to quality toys from France, Germany and Spain fending off mass-produced ones from China, along with video games, computer games and iPhones.

"It's still very nice to see children playing with dolls and not technology," Lisa Seaton says. And reassuring to know is that a report by business information analysts IBISWorld shows traditional toys and games command a 53 per cent market share after electronic toys and games with 45 per cent.

But internet shopping is hurting boutique toys shops such as Dafel, as shoppers seek better deals online, but the Seatons are one step ahead by not listing brands on the price tag.

When you own an old doll, triage is vital. Dafel offers an old-fashioned doll hospital run by toy doctor David to repair missing bits and pieces. Bears who have lost noses or arms are made complete again by David's offsider Margie the repairer.

Unlike the cluttered toy rooms of today, baby boomers who grew up in the austere 1940s have held on to their one toy. Men aren't shy about bringing in their teddy bears to get a new hat.

Surrounded by so many huggable toys, Lisa Seaton says: "I don't get stressed at work at all."

Toy machine guns, candy cigarettes, gollies - what non-PC items from your childhood do you still hold a candle for? Let us know.

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