By Judith Ireland
The NT News is famous for its headlines as much as it is for its love of a crocodile story.
"Our dog ate my G-string", "Horny ghost haunts house" and "Best man left bleeding after being hit in the head by flying dildo" are just a small sample of the oeuvre that have won awards and been turned into fridge magnets.
The day after Tony Abbott was dumped by the Liberal Party, the NT News added another concise headline to the canon with: "Rich dude becomes PM".
You can't argue with them on facts. Not only is Malcolm Turnbull of the male persuasion, but he is conservatively estimated to be worth about $200 million.
Illustration: Dionne Gain.
Turnbull's wealth has become something of a national fixation over the past week.
There have been stories about his $52 million Sydney hacienda, lakeside Canberra penthouse and art deco New York apartments. Along with talk of his Hunter Valley land holdings, there have been reports of Turnbull's dealings with hedged Japanese equities and exchange traded funds (we don't exactly know what these are, but they were reported in The Australian Financial Review and certainly sound rich).
The most searched for Turnbull term on Google is "Malcolm Turnbull house", beating out "son" and "cabinet". So there was great fascination when Turnbull announced he would continue to sleep in his current home and only hold official functions at Kirribilli House. As the logic goes, why move to the prime ministerial crown jewel when the harbour views are better at your Point Piper hut?
Amid all this, during Monday night's 7.30 interview, Leigh Sales politely wondered what Turnbull would say to Australians who think, "how can Malcolm understand what it is to struggle for anything 'cause [he's] had everything he's ever wanted?"
Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull's sprawling home in Point Piper.Credit: Edwina Pickles
(Turnbull obliged with an anecdote about his time at Goldman Sachs in New York.)
Meanwhile, over on online petition site Change.Org, a 15 year-old kid from Queensland started a move for Turnbull to donate his $500,000-plus prime ministerial salary to charity.
The rich dude who became prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull.Credit: Andrew Meares
So far, Labor have not made a big deal out of Malcolm's money. The closest they have got is suggesting that the freshly minted prime minister doesn't care about anyone but himself. As Bill Shorten said last week: "Australians understand that the thing about Malcolm is, it's always about Malcolm."
But the Richie Rich undercurrent is still there, even without the opposition having to stand up in daily doorstops and shout it to the nation.
Why aren't we more creative than this?
The fact that Turnbull is fabulously wealthy is no secret and no revelation. He's been on the national stage for the best part of 30 years. And for much of that time, hasn't been short of a bottle of Krug.
Indeed, his success in business and contacts with the ritzy end of town is part of his charm. It's not that the electorate married him for his money, but they liked that he didn't need to be in politics per se.
The fact that Turnbull had another, fully formed life away from Canberra rounded him out and made him more interesting. For some, dare we say it, he puts the aspiration in aspirational voting.
And it's not just a Gordon Gekko affair. Apart from the property and hedge funds, the Turnbulls are long-time, active philanthropists. In 2013-14, the Turnbull Foundation gave $780,000 to local charities, schools, universities and the arts.
It is also important to note that Turnbull has to publicly declare his investments and interests as a member of Parliament. And Australia – thankfully – is not the United States, where money forms a huge part of how presidents get elected. Clive Palmer's chequebook helped him smother Australia in yellow in 2013, but he's the exception to the rule in Australian political culture.
Point being, Turnbull's money doesn't give him an unfair advantage over other candidates and should not obstruct his decision-making.
Granted, there will be those that jump on the last sentence like a scrum of Tongan rugby players. How could Turnbull possibly make policies and decisions about normal people when he's got a backyard pool that backs on to Sydney Harbour?
But no politician – whatever their life story – can claim to know from personal experience what life is like for all Australians. There will always be gaps in their first-hand knowledge of different demographics, geographics and situations. This is where the skill of an MP comes in: listening to people, taking the best advice, knowing when to make a call on an issue, being able to make hard decisions.
As Turnbull explained on 7.30 (after the Goldman Sachs bit), "the important thing is to have the emotional intelligence and the empathy and the imagination that enables you to walk in somebody else's shoes".
Kevin Rudd and Joe Hockey (or their wives) have millions of dollars, but this isn't what bothered people about them. In Rudd's case, it was his bizarro management style. In Hockey's, it was his budget that declared war on poor people.
Judging Turnbull for his money bags is reverse snobbish and boring. The real tests will be how his revolutionised ministry works (with people like Peter Dutton and Mal Brough in prominent positions); how he balances the left's desire for warm fuzzy reforms with the right's desire for budget blackness; and how he connects with colleagues and voters after the honeymoon.
Take it from this non-millionaire, even $200 million men deserve a fair go.