

This was published 9 years ago

Democracy is losing the plot, to our peril

While authoritarian regimes wield increasing power, liberal democracies are failing to offer compelling messages of progress.

By Chris Zappone

It is no revelation to say that Islamic State rejects democracy and offers a radical alternative to Western values to its followers. It's no surprise that China and Russia promote a vision of the future that sidelines the fundamental rights embraced by liberal democracies. What is surprising is that the political rhetoric in countries such as Australia, the United States and Britain includes so little argument for democracy in the world today.

Instead, democratic debate itself has grown overly partisan, unproductive and inward-looking, turning off the broader public whose consent and interest is needed if societies are to function to their best potential.

Illustration: John Spooner

Illustration: John Spooner

In democracies today we know too well how the partisans feel. We know too well who opposes which policy or politician. But opposing is not the same as standing for something.

And that's a problem because while we may reject IS as a "death cult", part of the group's success is its promise to would-be followers. China's leaders, too, have crafted a "Chinese dream" that links the historical arc of the nation with its aim in the immediate future. Putinist Russia seeks to reclaim the power wielded by Russia in the past for its strategic benefit today.

The West is dramatically underestimating the threat from Islamic State, says journalist Jurgen Todenhofer.

The West is dramatically underestimating the threat from Islamic State, says journalist Jurgen Todenhofer.Credit: AFP

Liberal democracies, however, are lacking the cohesive metaphor, or "narrative", to use a popular word, for what our collective place is in a world in which authoritarian governments thrive. It has been a long time since prime minister Ben Chifley described a "light on the hill, which we aim to reach by working for the betterment of mankind"; or US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt explained his plan for "four freedoms", which articulated in the broadest possible way the aspirations for what people everywhere – here and in Syria and in China – should, in a better world, enjoy. It's been a long time, too, since John F. Kennedy's optimistic "new frontier" speech.

All these metaphors derived from specific political platforms of their time. But they also spoke to universal aspirations. In so doing, they captured the imagination of the public. The metaphors explained the big picture of democracy's place in the world.

But today, facing a riskier international environment, democracies are silent. Part of that silence may stem from internal economic challenges. The Cold War was, among other things, a contest of economic systems. Prosperity and the political legitimacy of capitalism went hand in hand.

Today this prosperity is in shorter supply, a point the global financial crisis has emphasised. In the US, wages were stagnant for decades, as the rich got richer. In Australia it's another variation: wages rose but home prices have risen ever faster, driving a stake through the heart of the egalitarianism Australia was once famous for. The path to prosperity in modern economies is unclear.

President Vladimir Putin trades on the narrative of a Russia reclaiming the respect and fear enjoyed in its past for its strategic benefit today.

President Vladimir Putin trades on the narrative of a Russia reclaiming the respect and fear enjoyed in its past for its strategic benefit today.Credit: Alexei Druzhinin

Secularisation of the West is another issue. In more church-going times, there was a commonality in myths and moral codes that made it easy for politicians to speak across many different audiences. That's less true today, and that has implications – at least in finding a lasting strategy to counter radicalisation. A recent study concluded that the average jihadist in France is 15-21 years old and comes from a middle-class, atheist family. Something has to fill the religion-shaped hole in people's hearts.

Maybe the silence about the worth of democracy is yet another consequence of the disastrously misguided Iraq War. Western leaders today, therefore, are wary of invoking democratic ideals on the international stage.

Part of the silence may be technology-driven too. The internet was designed for decentralised communication, which makes it a powerful tool for the exchange of ideas. But it favours those outside power. Mastering the internet as a communication tool, even in liberal democracies, is challenging. The public's attention span is short, almost elusive. Sustaining a broad, cohesive message across a period of years is next to impossible.

Reaching uncommitted non-partisans is difficult too. For this reason, US President Barack Obama has taken to appearing on apolitical entertainers' shows with the hope of reaching a public not already wedded to an ideological position.

So when will democracy's great silence about its "grand narrative" end? It's unclear. But liberal democracies don't live in a vacuum and they are under pressure. And not just in geopolitical hot spots, either. Look at the thorny issue of governance, transparency and judicial independence in the developing world. And look at the opacity in corporate-friendly free trade deals. The challenge to democratic values is everywhere.

It is for historians to determine what were the great themes of a time. My hunch is that a meta-narrative about democracy's aspiration in our time exists already but it hasn't yet emerged from the cacophony of our political and media sphere. When a grand narrative does emerge, partisan rancour won't go away. Having vocal differences is something hardwired into democracy and we're stronger for it. The big change that's needed may be the ability to prioritise essential issues from the sensational ones.

Then maybe the unproductive incivility of politics, its relentlessly myopic focus, will gradually give way to a longer-term view. A grand narrative would take hold, one that tells people here, as well as people everywhere, what the goals for democratic societies are for this era. Then political discussion could again be about how best to get to the place on the horizon where voters want to be.

Chris Zappone is The Age's foreign news editor.

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