

This was published 9 years ago

Australian firm bribed Nauru government ministers for special deal: AFP

By Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker

Federal police are preparing to lay criminal charges over allegations that a number of high-ranked Nauru politicians - including its president and justice minister - accepted bribes from an Australian company.

The allegations are likely to plunge the impoverished island nation into further turmoil and raise

Nauru President Baron Waqa

Nauru President Baron WaqaCredit: Michelle Smith

Documents obtained under freedom-of-information laws by Fairfax Media reveal that in 2013, AFP investigators running an Operation codenamed Zurzach uncovered strong evidence that senior Nauruan politicians had been bribed by a Gold Coast mining company, Getax.

It is understood the alleged bribery involved payments and inducements made via Asian bank accounts as part of suspected efforts by Getax to obtain political backing for its phosphate mining operations.

The AFP has been planning the resolution of its operation after gaining evidence of these alleged inducements, which involve some of Nauru's most influential political figures.

The AFP, which declined to comment on the probe, has also flagged in documents that diplomatic tension is likely to erupt when charges are laid in connection to the case.

Each year, Australia gives around $25 million in aid to Nauru, making it the Pacific island's most significant donor partner.

AFP files reveal that the probe has uncovered corrupt conduct "involving members of the" Nauru government.

Police have briefed the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the federal government.


One document states that the likely arrest of Getax directors and alleged involvement of Nauruan officials will require "significant [Australian] ministerial attention".

The files also state that the release of information uncovered during the investigation prior to its completion may risk damaging "the international relations of the Commonwealth".

On Monday Fairfax Media sent questions about the corruption case to the office of the President of Nauru, Baron Waqa. His media spokesperson said it was unlikely Mr Waqa would respond.

Last week, in anticipation of adverse coverage in the Australia media, the Nauru government released a statement blaming opposition MPs for spreading "lies about the country and President Baron Waqa".

"The Waqa government has been the first administration to truly tackle cronyism and corruption that has plagued previous governments," the statement said.

On Monday night the ABC reported that among those bribed were the president, who allegedly received $60,000 and justice minister David Adeang.

The revelations of the impending charges are also likely to raise fresh questions about the breakdown of the rule of law in Nauru and what impact this has on the asylum seekers on the island.

Refugee advocates have claimed Nauru cannot guarantee the safety and welfare of asylum seekers, due in part to the shaky rule of law.

Earlier this year, a damning report by Philip Moss found that women had been sexually abused on the island and asylum seeker centre guards were trading contraband for sexual favours.

On Tuesday, an inquiry into conditions on Nauru will hear from more witnesses.

Fairfax Media reported on Saturday that a former senior child-protection worker for Save the Children, Viktoria Vibhakar, had claimed children as young as two being assaulted in the asylum seeker centre.

The AFP bribery inquiry is part of a major ramping-up of the agency's attack on firms allegedly engaging in foreign corruption. These inquiries suggest the AFP is committed to a far bolder anti-corruption regime than previously existed.

Getax, which could not be reached for comment, is just one of several firms the AFP is investigating over allegedly bribing foreign officials.

Members of the wealthy Gupta family, which is based in Queensland, India and Singapore, run Getax, and several of the firm's directors are believed to be among those likely to be charged.

The FOI documents reveal the AFP investigation has uncovered "potentially suspicious relationships" involving "entities" closely linked to Getax.

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