

This was published 9 years ago

PM Najib Razak finds decapitated Malaysian opposition grows new heads

By John Garnaut

Kuala Lumpur: It's hard to escape the irony that Mahathir Mohamad, the Malaysian strongman who terrorised Australian prime ministers and diplomats for 22 years, is now railing against his successor in the name of good governance and accountability.

This is the man who excoriated outsiders for ignoring "Asian values" when they dared to question the way he decapitated or otherwise tamed the media, police, judiciary, cabinet and opposition parties while channelling enormous contracts to his insiders.

Enduring presence: former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.

Enduring presence: former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.Credit: AFP

But there he is, looking a remarkably youthful 90, firing verbal assaults across the internet about the dodgy corporate dealings of Najib Razak, the prime minister he helped install.

"If they want to survive, I think they must change the prime minister," Mahathir told reporters last month, after raising questions that nobody else can ask about the gruesome murder of a pregnant Mongolian model at the hands of two of Najib's bodyguards.

Embattled: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Embattled: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.Credit: Bloomberg

There's something about the personalities of great authoritarian leaders that makes them falter at the question of succession. They can't stand incompetence but nor, it seems, can they bear the thought of standing alongside a leader who might be seen to be as capable as them.

Mahathir destroyed his right-hand man in the 1980s, Musa Hitam, and did the same for Anwar Ibrahim in the 1990s. He installed the more compliant Abdullah Badawi, and then destroyed him in favour of Najib, and now he fears that Najib is sending his beloved United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) hurtling towards the abyss.

"It has to be now because we still have two years to recover," said Mahathir, continuing the theme on his blog, but switching subjects to what may well be the largest corruption scandal in the history of South-east Asia, involving 42 billion missing ringgits ($15 billion) at Najib's sovereign wealth fund 1MDB. "If he [Najib] doesn't go now . . . we will lose."


Najib, in contrast to Mahathir, is the darling of Western governments. He is an Anglophone, a Muslim moderate, who quietly supports US-led efforts to constrain Beijing's ambitions in the South China Sea. US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Tony Abbott clearly enjoy his company. And he managed to keep his economy growing at 6 per cent last year. Nevertheless, since the resurrections of both Mahathir and Anwar, Najib's image of clean, technocratic moderation has started to fray.

Jailed icon: Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Jailed icon: Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.Credit: Reuters

After serving seven years on the mediaeval charge of sodomy, Anwar emerged to lead a ragbag of opposition parties to a shock majority of the popular vote in 2013. The achievement can be scarcely overstated given how UMNO's webs of control extend to the nation's media, police and courts. Najib survived only because of a gerrymander favouring UMNO's ethnic Malay rural heartlands.

Najib's mistake, said Mahathir, was that he had listened to his "enemies' demands" and abolished the notorious Internal Security Act, which allowed detention without trial. "These actions did not reduce opposition from the other side," Mahathir said in August 2014. "Instead, crime increased because many gang leaders were released."

Anwar Ibrahim's wife, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, has taken on the opposition leadership.

Anwar Ibrahim's wife, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, has taken on the opposition leadership.Credit: AFP

Najib's police sent Anwar back to jail in 2013, again for sodomy. Like the Hydra of Greek mythology, however, the two-time decapitation of Anwar's opposition movement has spawned a dozen younger leaders who have united around the competency, courage and universal values that he is seen to embody.

Najib's UMNO has appeared to resort to ever-growing cycles of corruption and thuggery to keep those opposition forces at bay, including bringing in tough new sedition laws to replace the Internal Security Act.

Nurul Izzah Anwar, daughter of Anwar Ibrahim, speaks at a rally in Kuala Lumpur in March.

Nurul Izzah Anwar, daughter of Anwar Ibrahim, speaks at a rally in Kuala Lumpur in March.Credit: Reuters

One of the new generation of bright, cosmopolitan opposition leaders is Anwar's eldest daughter, Nurul Izzah, who now holds a seat in parliament. The opposition's advantage, she says, is that they keep nurturing the kind of talent that Mahathir destroyed.

The biggest disadvantage, she says, was that she feared the deepening cycles of political thuggery had removed incentives to vote. "People feel it's an exercise in futility," she said. "Convincing them to turn out is not easy."

Rafizi Ramli says voter anger is focused on Malaysia's GST.

Rafizi Ramli says voter anger is focused on Malaysia's GST.Credit: John Garnaut

Her fears had been underscored the previous Friday, when 59 opposition leaders were arrested at a rally while chanting "Save Malaysia". "I arrived late - my flight was delayed - so I was spared," she said.

On Thursday night, however, election authorities announced that Nurul Izzah's mother, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who leads Anwar's Pakatan Rakyat coalition, easily won what she thought would be a knife-edge byelection for the seat in Penang that Anwar had been forced to vacate.

Tony Pua is looking forward to his day in court.

Tony Pua is looking forward to his day in court.Credit: John Garnaut

Earlier in the week I'd met with one of the leaders of the Friday rally, Rafizi Ramli, who told me how Anwar's initial arrest had jolted the student leaders of his generation from a patriotic torpor. "Most people before 1998 were pro-establishment, living in cocoons," he said. "We thought Malaysia was fantastic in all respects."

Rafizi recounted Mahathir's falling-out with Anwar over questions of due diligence for a multibillion-ringgit oil conglomerate deal. "The bailout of Mahathir's son's company was the straw that broke the camel's back," said Rafizi, pondering the echoes that still reverberate today. "We've been hammering anti-corruption, that was Anwar's battle cry."

Saifuddin Abdullah is seeking reform from within UMNO's ranks.

Saifuddin Abdullah is seeking reform from within UMNO's ranks.Credit: John Garnaut

Rafizi was clear-eyed about the risks he was taking. He was not concerned by the defamation cases against his name - seven of them, in fact - for the simple reason that Najib would not dare to appear as a witness even inside the courts that he controlled.

Three separate sets of criminal charges and investigations, however, will have to be endured. "My wife doesn't mind me going to prison for a year," he said, even with a one-year-old baby. "I think going to prison for a short while is a small price to pay for change."

Rafizi told me that he and one of his coalition allies, Tony Pua, found that campaigning on the issue of 1MDB and the corruption it represents had its limits.

"If you explain 42 billion ringgit they [voters] shrug their shoulders," said Rafizi. "But if you tell them 'they took 4 billion out of your pension fund', then they're furious. So Tony usually focuses on the technicalities, speaking to the educated Chinese, while I try to synthesise and explain. I usually preach on a bigger, more general level."

This general level, he says, means "the single issue that unites all Malaysians in hatred: the GST. It's getting harder for Malaysia to raise new debts so they now have to raise a new tax on you."

Rafizi was campaigning aginst the GST at the Friday rally when they arrested him, again, along with 58 others. Still, Malaysia is not China, or even Singapore, and until he is convicted he still finds a way to exercise free speech.

"The police told me I was investigated under the Sedition Act, as my speech had criticised the GST," Rafizi later told local media. "Now I know that according to the government of Malaysia, it is seditious to criticise the GST."

Tony Pua gave up his listed technology company eight years ago to join the Democratic Action Party, which in Malaysia's segmented politics reaches out to ethnic Chinese voters. Pua has used his forensic accounting skills to highlight how the 1MDB raised billions of dollars through bizarrely opaque channels stretching from the Middle East to the Cayman Islands, while leeching perhaps half of that amount in fees and costs to an Abu Dhabi oil fund, the investment bank Goldman Sachs, three of the big four accounting firms and a friend of Najib's son-in-law called Joh Low.

Joh Low, meanwhile, has become an international celebrity, with his fabulous soirees with Paris Hilton and dazzling apartments in Manhattan strewn across social and international media.

By contrast, the opposition can't get a word of their version of the story printed in mainstream Malaysian media.

"What accounts for our success?" asks Pua. "The internet. I live on the internet."

Pua is judiciously restrained in his comments about his prime minister, at least in print. He says he is not only unfazed by the usual defamation allegations arraigned against him, but savouring them. "To be honest, I want to see him squirm in the witness box," he says, knowing that Najib is unlikely to take that risk. "If our judges decide that I have to pay damages, then it had better be a good show."

But supporters of Anwar are also to be found in the ranks of UMNO itself. Saifuddin Abdullah, who followed Anwar into Islamic and then UMNO politics, was a deputy minister in the previous Najib government before losing his seat at the 2013 election. He wants to leave the party and serve independently in the UMNO-led coalition in order to better pursue the massive economic, technological and generational changes that are taking place.

"It's post-racial," Saifuddin says. "It's all about integrity, reflecting the shifting balance away from Mahathir's growth and development era to the new politics of democracy, justice and participation."

Another Anwar-inspired UMNO leader, Nur Jazlan Mohammed, is known as one of the party's "warlords". I asked what he thought of the allegation that 1MDB was effectively an UMNO slush fund, because he should be in a position to know.

"I don't think that's true, since the party funds we receive at the constituency level are small compared to the sums reported in the case of 1MDB," he said.

Nur Jazlan was reluctant to draw direct connections between the money and Najib without evidence, while noting that Najib was prime minister, finance minister and chairman of the fund's inactive advisory board during the periods in question.

So whose slush fund is it? As chairman of parliament's Public Accounts Committee, he says, he will soon call witnesses from 1MDB, the finance ministry, the central bank and the source of explosive leaked documents called the Sarawak Report to see if he can find out.

Nur Jazlan won't leave the party, due to deep family ties, but nor is he sure that he can save it. "It lacks the dynamism of its founders and nothing lasts forever," he says.

Najib may be fatally weakened but there are three long years before an election is due. Ironically, the damage that Mahathir did to the country's checks and balances makes it very difficult for a sitting prime minister to be forcefully dislodged. Meanwhile, opposition leaders are happy for Najib to remain on stage, allowing Mahathir to use his uniquely protected status to do their work for him, while working to prevent their own coalition from fracturing over the question of sharia and its place in Malaysian life.

In recent weeks the once-predictable game of Malaysian politics has become yet more entertaining, as Najib's supporters have recounted Mahathir's own historical dealings involving his sons. The most talented son is a billionaire while the other, Mukrus, is in politics.

So what is Mahathir's end game? The same as most great authoritarian leaders, according to Anwar's daughter. "The main goal is to ensure Mukrus becomes prime minister one day."

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