A married couple who snatched Melbourne baby Montana Barbaro from a shopping centre carpark because they were desperate to have another child has been jailed.
Cheryl McEachran, 49, was sentenced to eight years with a minimum four-and-half years, and her husband Mark McEachran, 45, to 11 years with a minimum of seven-and-a-half years for kidnapping the then three-week-old baby on August 7 last year.
Montana was found two days later, abandoned in a derelict North Melbourne house, by a passing jogger who heard her whimpering.
Victorian County Court chief judge Michael Rozenes said Mark McEachran's sentence had been more harsh because he instigated the kidnapping, assaulted the baby's mother Anita Ciancio and he had chosen to dump the child in a derelict house.
The court was told the kidnapping was a spur-of the moment idea Mark McEachran had hatched as a quick fix to his wife's desire for another child.
The court heard Cheryl McEachran, a mother of six, was depressed because she could not have another child after she had her tubes tied.
The couple - who had both pleaded guilty to kidnapping, causing serious injury and reckless conduct endangering life - spotted the baby during a shopping trip at Brimbank central shopping centre in Deer Park.
Mark McEachran told his wife: "You want a baby, here's your opportunity."
The court heard Ms Ciancio had just strapped Montana in her car capsule and was loading groceries into the boot of her car when Mark McEachran struck her to the head, sprayed her in the face with an aerosol can and knocked her to the ground.
As the same time, Cheryl McEachran seized the baby from the car and then both ran off.
The court heard the incident had scarred Ms Ciancio for life, she had lost her carefree spirit, she suffered panic attacks, had nightmares about the incident, had caused her to use anti-depressants and sometimes went several weeks without stepping outside her home.
After the kidnapping, the couple changed Montana's clothes, cut her hair and took her to see a family in Warragul, where they introduced her as their newborn, Kia.
Cheryl McEachran decided to dump the baby after the television news that night showed video-camera footage of the couple at the shopping centre.
They then drove back to Melbourne and Mark McEachran placed the baby on the floor near an open window of a "grossly derelict" North Melbourne home with nothing to protect it during a very cold morning.
The court was told Mark McEachran's time in custody has been difficult.
He was savagely beaten in August this year by another prisoner and he is locked up for 23-hours a day in protective custody.