

This was published 21 years ago

ABC loses points in Alston's 'bias' plea

An independent panel has overruled the ABC's own assessment of some of Richard Alston's allegations of biased reporting in its coverage of the Iraq war.

Four days after he officially stepped down as Communications Minister, the decision gave Senator Alston a minor victory in his brawl with the ABC that characterised his final few months in the portfolio.

The ABC's Independent Complaints Review Panel (ICRP) upheld 17 of Senator Alston's 68 complaints about the Iraqi coverage of the flagship radio current affairs program, AM. In its original internal investigation, the ABC upheld just two of the complaints.

The panel found in 12 of the instances cited by Senator Alston, an AM reporter or presenter had displayed "serious bias".

In a further four complaints, the panel decided journalists had breached the ABC's editorial directive that they refrain from "emotional language or editorialisation" when reporting the war.


It also found that sources were not adequately identified in one case.

However, the panel agreed with the ABC's own finding that there was "no evidence overall" of bias or anti-Americanism in AM's war coverage.

"The panel believes that the AM coverage of the war was competent and balanced."

Undeterred, Senator Alston described the ICRP's findings as "a devastating indictment on the ABC's self-indulgent self-assessment complaints process". The public would never have been aware of the "serious bias" in AM's Iraq coverage if he had not complained and called on the ABC to "urgently" establish a new complaints handling process.

"This brutal reality check must shake ABC senior management out of its entrenched culture of denial," Senator Alston said.

The ABC managing director, Russell Balding, said he still stood "vigorously" by AM's coverage of the war.

"As is demonstrated by these processes, coverage of a war by a high profile current affairs program such as AM, in a contested and difficult environment, is not a simple matter."

In his final five months as Communications Minister, Senator Alston waged a campaign against ABC bias, spending and complaint handling.

Before he decided to step down, the senator had been planning an overhaul of the complaints process. He suggested to the ABC board that disaffected viewers and listeners could take their complaints directly to an "arms-length" panel appointed by the Australian Broadcasting Authority. The board has yet to respond to the proposal.

Senator Alston said yesterday that he remained concerned about the way the ABC referred his complaint to the ICRP; the fact that panel members are not independently appointed (they are appointed by the ABC directors); and the "generally superficial" response to many of his complaints.

Mr Balding said he had instructed senior ABC news and current affairs management to take note of the ICRP findings, especially the upheld complaints.

He pointed out that the four complaints the ICRP had upheld for breach of the editorial policy had not been part of the original list of complaints Senator Alston had given to the ABC.

A source in the ABC's news and current affairs department complained that none of the AM staff had been consulted by the ICRP in its review.


May 28: Communications Minister Richard Alston requests urgent investigation into AM program's coverage of Iraq war.

July 21: ABC internal complaints review executive rejects all but two of 68 allegations of bias.

August 28: Alston suggests to ABC board that a panel appointed by the broadcasting watchdog be established to hear "serious" complaints about the ABC.

October 10: Independent review panel overrules the ABC's original investigation and upholds 17 of Alston's complaints.

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