

This was published 16 years ago

Garnaut: take the lead on emissions

By Adam Morton and Chris Hammer

GOVERNMENT climate change adviser Ross Garnaut is set to recommend that Australia make deep cuts in its greenhouse emissions only after a strong global commitment.

In a speech tomorrow to the National Press Club in Canberra, Professor Garnaut will argue that the Federal Government should take a lead in climate change negotiations but ultimately decide how much it will cut its emissions by 2020 based on the level of international agreement.

Professor Ross Garnaut.

Professor Ross Garnaut.Credit: Andrew Taylor

He will set out several emissions trajectories and targets, each dependent on the level of global commitment - the stronger the international resolve, the deeper Australia should slash its pollution.

The latest Garnaut report - the penultimate from the climate change review team headed by the veteran economist - comes as the Federal Government faces intense pressure from business to soften the key plank of its attack on climate change, an emissions trading scheme.

Senior ministers have acknowledged the Government is considering redrawing elements of the scheme, which in its current form will give away 20% of the greenhouse permits that big polluters will have to buy from 2010 to industries that argue they could otherwise be forced to move offshore. It is unclear how much influence Professor Garnaut - portrayed as Kevin Rudd's key climate change adviser before last year's election - still has within cabinet.

Many of his recommendations, including not compensating coal-fired power stations for the extra costs they face or offsetting the rising cost of petrol through a tax cut, were ignored in the emissions trading blueprint released by Climate Change Minister Penny Wong in July.

Professor Garnaut's new supplementary draft report released tomorrow will include long-delayed modelling carried out in conjunction with Treasury, spelling out the long-term economic impact of climate change on Australia, and the cost of it acting to stabilise atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. But the modelling was problematic, finding it near impossible to factor in the long-term impact of some sectors, such as tourism.

Within these limits, it will compare the cost of doing nothing - estimated in Professor Garnaut's last report in June at 4.8% of gross domestic product or about $400 billion by 2100 - with taking action to stem the worst affects.

It will argue how much of a cut in global emissions Australia should be fighting for. Based on this, it will outline a framework for working out how much Australia should cut its emissions by, depending on how successful it is in advocating this position.


"If the only solution is global then you need to work with a global outcome in mind," a Garnaut review spokeswoman said.

Environmentalists have criticised the Garnaut review for only modelling atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at 450 and 550 parts per million. Both are considered too high to guarantee global temperatures will not rise by 2 degrees, estimated as the trigger point for the slide into catastrophic climate change.


The UN last year recommended developed countries needed to cut emissions by between 25 and 40% by 2020 to avoid the worst effects.

Speaking yesterday in Canberra, Professor Garnaut said his final report due later this month would recommend using reforestation at a much greater level to cut Australia's greenhouse footprint.

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