

This was published 10 years ago

Abbott and his inner Hulk

Whether Labor lost or the Coalition won isn't semantics, the consensus version of the poll result will shape future decisions.

By Peter Hartcher

Who won the federal election? The answer is obvious, no? Tony Abbott's Coalition. But not everyone sees it that way.

Abbott himself didn't declare victory on election night. He never said: ''We've won.'' But he was being modest. He didn't have to.

''For just the seventh time in 60 years, the government of Australia has changed'', was the way the prime minister-elect put it in addressing a cheering roomful of supporters at Sydney's Four Seasons Hotel.

Animation: Rocco Fazzari

The Coalition had gained a swag of seats. At that point, it was at least 13. It's since turned out to be 18, giving the Coalition a commanding 90 seats in a 150-seat house.

''And I can inform you that the Australian Labor Party's vote is at the lowest level in more than 100 years,'' Abbott added, to more cheers.

But if Abbott didn't want to brag too much about the Coalition triumph, his party boss was happy to.

''While Labor's crisis provided opportunity for the Coalition, it was not inevitable that we would win the election,'' the Liberals' federal director, Brian Loughnane, told the National Press Club last week.

''Australians were embarrassed by Labor's chaos and were closely looking at the Coalition. The focus of the Coalition's campaign was therefore almost entirely on our positive plan to improve the country. More than 70 per cent of our advertising was based on this positive alternative.

''Australians did not want to vote against a bad government; they wanted to embrace and support a positive alternative which would make a real difference in their lives … It is why the Coalition won the election rather than Labor losing it.''


But the Labor Party disagrees. It doesn't think the Coalition won at all. Labor blames itself for losing power. It gives Abbott and his team little credit for winning positively on the Coalition's attractions.

In Labor's counter-narrative of the election, the party's national secretary, George Wright, told the National Press Club this week:

''Mr Abbott was neither all that respected nor all that well liked. Tony Abbott likes to portray himself as the Iron Man but when most voters look at him, what they saw was a mild-mannered Bruce Banner trying to suppress his inner Hulk.''

Labor lost power by alienating the voters, according to Wright. ''I think any observer of politics would observe that really where the problems for the Labor Party started was when we removed our first-term prime minister, whatever the details of our incapacity to get over that, the truth is we never did.

''Labor's history of infighting in office left us unworthy of re-election in the minds of too many voters.''

Does it really matter whether Labor lost power or the Coalition won? You bet. The consensus version of the history of a big political event shapes future political decisions.

Loughnane's task is to build the credibility and the legitimacy of Abbott's mandate. This lifts Abbott's authority as Prime Minister. Wright's task is to minimise it.

Wright's hope is that by emphasising the high price of Labor infighting, the party might learn to stop it. If this was the cause of defeat, it could be the key to revival. Wright spoke of the need for Labor to overcome its bloodletting ''culture''.

''If we do that, we can rebuild very, very quickly. I don't think the opposition really has an agenda other than a response to the past - the recent - the past six years of government. The opportunities for Labor are about the future, and if this generation of parliamentarians can seize that, I think we can come back into government very quickly.''

Loughnane's job is to say that while Labor viciousness might have been helpful to the Coalition cause, it was not central. In the Liberal view of the moral and political universe, the Abbott government is built on its inherent appeal and virtue.

Loughnane's strongest evidence is twofold. First, the Liberals' TV ads were indeed preponderantly positive messages about the Coalition's offerings, not Labor's failings.

But Labor campaign headquarters conducted a research exercise on the Liberals' TV ads. They ran them all end to end, 135 seconds' worth. Then they timed Tony Abbott's appearances in the footage. They totalled four seconds.

This was an implicit acknowledgement that Abbott was not a major strength for the Coalition campaign. Ads featuring Julie Bishop and Joe Hockey were used to show the strength of the Liberal team.

Loughnane's second key point of evidence was the swing to the Coalition on election day. He cited the fact that the Coalition's share of the two-party preferred vote increased by 3.6 percentage points. That's not a big swing by historical standards but it's certainly a solid one.

But consider the primary vote. Labor lost 4.6 per cent of its primary vote. The Coalition picked up less than half of this, 1.8 per cent. This was not a surge of support to the Coalition.

Many voters chose neither major party; the informal vote went to a record high and Clive Palmer and friends reaped the rest of the disenchantment.

This primary vote is the strongest indicator that the old adage held true in the 2013 election - that oppositions don't win elections, governments lose.

Independent pollster John Stirton, of Nielsen, read the speeches of both party bosses. His verdict?

''It's true that the community wanted to vote for someone positively,'' as Loughnane claimed, ''but that's not necessarily what they got.'' The Coalition ''assertion that they won because of Abbott's positive plan doesn't pass the laugh test'', Stirton says. ''It's almost laugh-out-loud funny.

''What they did do was to inflict some of the damage on Labor, they told people how bad Labor was, and they maintained their discipline in keeping to that message for three years. Labor lost.''

The clearest sign, according to Stirton, is the simple fact Abbott remained unpopular in the Fairfax/Nielsen poll for his entire term as opposition leader, up to and including election day. That is, his disapproval rating outweighed his approval rating.

In the 40 years of the Nielsen poll, he was the first unpopular opposition leader to win government. ''That suggests they were winning in spite of Tony Abbott, not because of him.''

This doesn't help Loughnane's task of ennobling the Abbott government and its authority. Yet, perversely perhaps, it's not necessarily a problem and might even be an advantage for Abbott. Low expectations are actually an asset for a new prime minister.

Barack Obama is the standout case study of a leader who created unrealistically high expectations for himself, and has never recovered. Kevin Rudd did the same.

He suffered, too, because unrealistic expectations are, axiomatically, bound to be disappointed.

This didn't deter Abbott from trying. He implausibly repeated the claim ''there is almost nothing wrong with Australia that can't be improved by electing a Coalition government''.

But he failed, and he should now be glad he did. ''Low expectations allow him to make a couple of early mistakes, as most new leaders do,'' Stirton says.

''People are more likely to forgive you. They don't expect Abbott to be a miracle worker. And if he does well, people are more likely to be pleasantly surprised.''

This, of course, was John Howard's situation. He took office with low expectations, and when he led the policy of gun reform in response to the Port Arthur massacre, his standing soared.

After five years in power, ''Little Johnny'' had become the Man of Steel.

Labor lost the election more than the Coalition won, but that's not necessarily such a bad starting point for Tony Abbott.

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