

This was published 11 years ago

Tony Abbott names his new ministry

By Judith Ireland

Prime minister-elect Tony Abbott has named his first ministry, with promotions for Mathias Cormann, Michaelia Cash, Fiona Nash and Marise Payne, but few big surprises.

Mr Abbott's cabinet will also include just one woman in Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop.

The incoming prime minister said he was "obviously disappointed" that there were not more women in cabinet but said there were some "very good and talented women knocking on the door" of the government's top decision-making body.

Senator Cormann from Western Australia has taken the leap from shadow assistant treasurer to the plum role of Finance Minister. Senator Cash moves from a shadow parliamentary secretary role to Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection while Nationals Deputy Leader in the Senate, Fiona Nash, also moves from a shadow parliamentary secretary position to Assistant Minister for Health.

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announces his cabinet.

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announces his cabinet.

NSW Senator Marise Payne has also been promoted from opposition spokesman on Indigenous Development to Minister for Human Services - one of the most senior of the outer ministry positions.

On Monday, in his first press conference since winning the federal election, Mr Abbott told reporters in Canberra that his team was one of the most experienced team of incoming ministers in Australia's history.

"There is enormous stability in this team," he said.


"This is the team to provide strong and stable government."

Mr Abbott said he had asked Governor-General Quentin Bryce for his ministerial team to be sworn in on Wednesday.

Victorian MPs Josh Frydenberg and Alan Tudge will be among those who are sworn in at Government House, taking on the junior but prestigious roles of Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister.

Jamie Briggs, who was shadow parliamentary secretary for supporting families, also received a promotion to the outer ministry as Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development.

NSW Senator Arthur Sinodinos, who was tipped to take on the Finance Minister role, has been promoted to the outer ministry as Assistant Treasurer.

Andrew Robb - who held the finance portfolio in opposition - has been made Minister for Trade and Investment, as was widely expected.

Nationals Deputy Leader Barnaby Joyce has been appointed Agriculture Minister, ousting his Nationals colleague John Cobb from the ministry.

Other Coalition MPs who have lost their frontbench positions in the first Abbott ministry include Don Randall, Tony Smith, Teresa Gambaro, Andrew Laming, Andrew Southcott and Sophie Mirabella.

Mrs Mirabella, who held the opposition industry portfolio, ruled herself out of frontbench contention last week, as she continued to battle to hold on to her seat of Indi.

Mr Abbott suggested that there would also be some change among departmental heads in Canberra, telling reporters "I'll have more to say about that later".

Sport has been elevated to a cabinet level, with Health Minister Peter Dutton adding sport to his responsibilities.

Luke Hartsuyker held the youth and sport portfolio in opposition, but has now received the role of Assistant Minister for Employment.

Mr Abbott said one difference between his ministry and that of his Labor predecessors was that the titles would be more simple.

The prime minister-elect said he wanted to avoid the proliferation of the "sometimes grandiose" titles of the former government.

Despite holding the opposition portfolios of climate action, environment and heritage, Greg Hunt has been made Minister for the Environment.

Mr Abbott said that Mr Dutton would handle mental health while Mitch Fifield, as Assistant Minister for Social Services, would have responsibility for disabilities and aged care.

While Mrs Mirabella previously had responsibility for science in opposition, portfolio will be rolled into Ian Macfarlane's Industry portfolio.

Other familiar faces will be missing from Mr Abbott's first ministry.

Bronwyn Bishop, who had held shadow ministerial roles, will instead be given the role of Speaker, which will need to be endorsed by the Liberal party room as a formality.

Philip Ruddock, who was immigration minister in the Howard government and is known as the father of the parliament, has been appointed Chief Government Whip.

Mr Abbott said that given there would so many new Coalition MPs entering parliament after the election, "I can think of no better person to act as tutor-in-chief".

Other senior positions in Mr Abbott's frontbench line-up remain essentially unchanged from opposition. Joe Hockey has been appointed Treasurer, while Eric Abetz keeps Employment, George Brandis will be Attorney-General, Christopher Pyne will be Education Minister and Malcolm Turnbull keeps Communications.

Mr Abbott had earlier said that his frontbench would not change significantly when it moved into government, but he has had to make some changes to accommodate the loss of Mrs Mirabella. His shadow ministry also had to be culled slightly to meet the legislative requirements of government.

A surprise omission from the new line-up was Victorian backbencher Kelly O'Dwyer, who was has long been viewed as a rising star in Coalition ranks.

Despite Mr Abbott lacking female representation on his frontbench, Ms O'Dwyer was not promoted to a ministerial role.

Acting opposition leader Chris Bowen was quick to offer a critique of Mr Abbott's new line-up, telling reporters that it did not have a specific minister for disability, energy, financial services, ageing, seniors and tourism.

He said Mr Abbott had neglected ''whole swathes'' of the Australian economy and important parts of Australian society by not appointing ministers for these ''important areas''.


Mr Bowen also said the Abbott ministry was lacking in women, noting that the outgoing Rudd ministry had six women in cabinet.

''The cabinet of Afghanistan now has more women in it than the cabinet of Australia,'' he said.

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