

This was published 11 years ago

Early shift to emissions trading scheme: a primer

By Peter Hannam

How much will I save?

The government says households will be $380 better off per year by the shift to an early emissions trading scheme.

In 2012-13, the carbon price at $23 per tonne amounted to about 8.3 per cent on a typical household electricity bill, or $3.30 per week, according to the government. (Actual cost of generating power was about 20 per cent, with poles and wires making up about 51 per cent of the bill).

Overall, household bills rose about 0.4 per cent in the first year of the carbon price. Government household assistance in the form of tax cuts and increases in benefits averaged $10.10 per week – slightly more than the government's estimate of price increases of $9.90 per week.

The carbon tax, which rose to $24.15 per tonne on July 1 2013, may trade between $6-$10 from July 2014 instead of rising to $25.40. The shift to a lower carbon price may lop about $5.50-$6.90 per $100 spent by households on electricity in 2014-15, reaping average power savings of about $150 per household.

The competition watchdog, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, will reportedly serve as a “carbon cop” to ensure firms pass on the lower carbon price.

What's the cost to the budget?

The shift to a floating price was legislated to happen in 2015-16 anyway.

Bringing the move one year earlier will deprive the government of about $3.8 billion of expected revenue for the 2014-15 fiscal year.


To keep the change “budget neutral”, the government will lop a tax concession on the personal use of salary-sacrificed or employer-provided cars, saving the government $1.8 billion. Some 800 public service jobs will also go.

Funds for biodiversity protection, though, will lose $213 million over four years, while the Carbon Farming Futures program will lose $144 million.

Free permits under the Energy Security Fund will end two years earlier, saving $770 million.

"This program recognises the significant benefit for generators of the decision which is being announced today," Treasurer Chris Bowen said.

Funding changes to the Clean Technology Investment program and the Carbon Capture and Storage program are projected to save $586 million.

How does an ETS work?

As with any market, price is set by supply and demand.

With carbon, the government sets a limit, or cap, on carbon emissions and issues the supply of “allowances” to pollute.

In Australia, about 370 companies – which emit at least 25,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year or about 60 per cent of the nation's total – are currently required to pay to pollute. So-called trade-exposed firms will get as much as 92 per cent of their permits for free. The aim is to put a price on carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps heat and contributes to global warming.

In the first year of carbon pricing, emissions from the country's main electricity grid, the National Electricity Market, dropped 12.2 million tonnes with about half of that directly attributable to the tax, according to consultants Pitt & Sherry.

Carbon markets are generally accepted as the most efficient way to price carbon, and operate in Europe, California, China and elsewhere.

Europe link

Australia had planned to link its ETS to Europe's market, the world's largest, from July 1, 2015, and will now seek to expedite the link by a year.

The European Union's ETS covers about 45 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions from its 28 members. In 2013, about 40 per cent of pollution permits will be auctioned with the rest free.

Through the international link, Australian businesses will be able to meet their carbon permits by buying as much as 12.5 per cent of their pollution needs via Certified Emission Reduction credits under the Kyoto Protocol. These are trading at about $1.10 a tonne.

Including CERs, Australian firms can source as much as 50 per cent of their allowances from Europe. Europe's market was trading at €4.04 per tonne on Monday, equivalent to about $5.80.

Importantly, the link only becomes “two way” on July 1, 2018, in order to shield Australian companies from price spikes in Europe's market before then. After that date, Australian firms will be free to “export” their permits to Europe.

What will happen to carbon prices?

Politics: At home, the independent Climate Change Authority is scheduled to release its recommended cap on Australian emissions for 2020 by next February.

Will the Rudd government, if re-elected, implement those recommendations and stick to its current target to reduce the country's emissions by at least 5 per cent on 2000 levels by 2020?

The Coalition, meanwhile, has described the early shift as “a fake change”, and leader Tony Abbott on Monday called emissions trading “a so-called market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one”.

The Coalition has also vowed to cut emissions by at least 5 per cent by 2020. Its plan, though, is to scrap the carbon price – floating or fixed – and replace it with a Direct Action plan. The plan includes a fund of $3.2 billion over four years to pay polluting businesses, farmers and tree-planters to cut emissions.

The Greens anticipated the government's resort to seeking budget savings from other environment-related programs, with Senator Christine Milne labelling Mr Rudd as "cowardly" on climate change.

Markets: Modelling by Treasury in 2011 predicted global carbon prices would trend higher to $US200 (in 2010 dollars) by 2050, assuming nations took serious pledges to keep the atmospheric concentration of carbon-dioxide to 450 parts per million (from about 400 now). Beyond that rate, scientists argue that the planet will have a less than 50 per cent chance of 2 degrees of warming from pre-industrial levels, a threshold widely considered to be dangerous for climate stability.

But market prices can fluctuate wildly, particularly one entirely dependent on government policy. Treasury had been expecting the carbon price to be $29 a tonne in 2015-16 when Australia's ETS was to have started, but slashed its forecast to $12.10 in May because of a crash in Europe's prices.

Back in 2008, though, European pollution permits were trading at about $60 a tonne. Modelling by Bloomberg New Energy Finance has the European price rising to $70 by 2020 while current market consensus, including from local groups such as RepuTex, has the figure closer to $10 because of doubts European governments will rein in surplus allowances while economies remain weak.

Energy efficiency experts such as Alan Pears note that carbon prices don't necessarily equate to actual costs if emissions fall. Innovation in the solar photovoltaic industry, for instance, has seen the cost of solar PV drop 90 per cent since 2008, and other technology advances can be expected to contribute to a less carbon-intensive economy.


In fact, if the Treasury modelling is right, while carbon prices may rise to $US200 a tonne by 2050, emissions will be about 80 per cent lower by then, meaning about $US25 per tonne for the same service delivery.

With AAP

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