

This was published 12 years ago

Mason speaks out on dismissal

By Michael Gordon

Former chief justice, Sir Anthony Mason, has broken his 37-year silence on his role in Australia's greatest political crisis to reveal he advised Sir John Kerr that he should warn Gough Whitlam of his intention to sack his government in 1975.

Sir Anthony's comprehensive statement on his private conversations with the then governor-general, obtained exclusively by Fairfax, asserts Sir John was consistently counselled by his close friend against deceiving Mr Whitlam - but this advice was ignored.

The statement reveals that Sir Anthony did draft a letter sacking Mr Whitlam at Sir John's request that the governor-general chose not to adopt. It also reveals he expressed relief when Sir John confided his intention to sack Mr Whitlam two days before the November 11 dismissal.

But Sir Anthony insists his expression of relief ''was not, and should not have been understood as, encouragement to dismiss the prime minister as Sir John had already announced his decision to take that step''.

Rather, he says he was relieved because ''I thought that the crisis should be resolved by a general election to be held before the summer vacation and any further delay could lead to instability''.

Sir Anthony's statement represents the final piece in the dismissal jigsaw and, rather than vindicate Sir John's actions, the statement makes it plain that Sir John deceived Mr Whitlam against the explicit advice of his closest confidant.

Sir Anthony's decision to detail his role in a 3500-word statement - after steadfastly refusing to comment for decades - follows the discovery of new documents written by Sir John by author Jenny Hocking, whose biography Gough Whitlam: His Time will be launched this week.

In the papers - lodged with the National Archives some 15 years after Sir John's death in 1991 - Sir John asserts that Sir Anthony was the key influence who ''fortified'' him during the crisis that followed the coalition's refusal to pass supply bills in the Senate.

''In the light of the enormous and vicious criticism of myself, I should have dearly liked to have had the public evidence during my lifetime of what Mason had said and done during October-November 1975 … [but] he would be happier … if history never came to know of his role,'' Sir John wrote.


''I shall keep the whole matter alive in my mind till the end, and if this document is found among my archives, it will mean that my final decision is that truth must prevail, and, as he played a most significant part in my thinking at that critical time, and as he will be in the shades of history when this is read, his role should be known.''

Signalling that he wanted his version to be history's final word, the Kerr document uncovered by Hocking: ''Will not be read by anyone until all those concerned are dead''.

But Sir Anthony's detailed account repudiates Sir John's version on several key points, insisting Sir Anthony:

■ Told Sir John he should warn the prime minister he would terminate his commission if he did not agree to hold a general election. ''The warning was not heeded.''

■ At no stage encouraged Sir John to dismiss Mr Whitlam.

■ Did not, as Sir John claimed, volunteer or agree to give a written opinion on shadow attorney-general Bob Ellicott's statement that he had the power to sack the prime minister.

■ Played no part in the preparation of Sir John's statement announcing his decision, but did prepare, at Sir John's request, a draft letter terminating Mr Whitlam's commission (which Sir John did not adopt).

Interviewed by Fairfax, Sir Anthony said the first inkling he had that Sir John had not warned Mr Whitlam that he would be sacked if he refused to call a general election was when he read news reports on November 11.

A former solicitor-general, Sir Anthony was appointed to the High Court by the McMahon Government in 1972 and became chief justice under the Hawke government in 1987.

He had no connections with either side of politics, which was one of the reasons Sir John cited for seeking his counsel.

''I wasn't advising him as a legal adviser - I was there in the capacity of a friend,'' Sir Anthony said.

Despite Sir John's refusal to warn Mr Whitlam, Sir Anthony maintains Sir John was subjected to ''unjustified vilification'' after the dismissal.

''I consider and have always considered that Sir John acted consistently with his duty, except in so far as he had a duty to warn the prime minister of his intended action and he did not do so,'' he said.

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