

This was published 12 years ago

Australia can't see the biomass for the trees

By Andrew Lang

THE World Bioenergy Conference is in two months in Sweden where biomass from native forestry and timber industry processing, and from municipal waste streams, is the source of more than 32 per cent of the local energy supply - making it the greatest source of supply.

Sweden aims to produce more than 80 per cent of transport fuel needs from biomass by 2030. Some Swedish cities - including Stockholm - have a target of zero use of fossil fuels by 2030 for electricity, heating or transport. Several are almost there already.

As in the Nordic countries, Australia's native forestry industry employs thousands. Yet they manage to realise the potential for renewable energy where we do not.

As in the Nordic countries, Australia's native forestry industry employs thousands. Yet they manage to realise the potential for renewable energy where we do not.Credit: Louie Douvis

This achievement has been largely through an economically strong and well-regulated native forest industry. Sweden's manufacturing base has been built on the pre-war forestry industry and much of the country's exports are related in some way to the existence of that healthy manufacturing sector. These are all targets our ''green'' groups would surely be expected to espouse.

In my presentation at this conference I will admit to knowing no Australian with a double-glazed house, with a car that can run on biomethane or 85 per cent ethanol, or who owns a wood-pellet-fuelled heater. By contrast, everyone in this audience from northern Europe will have or do most of those things and many will do or have all of them.

They will also generally view their native forest management as genuinely sustainable and see properly regulated use of forestry residues and timber industry waste for producing energy as key elements of their national low-emission energy policy.

Within this Nordic region there is a great reliance on wood from native forests as a building and structural material, and energy plants in most towns and near cities and industry are fuelled by woody biomass, often in conjunction with non-recyclable flammable municipal solid waste. In these countries well-regulated forestry and healthy forestry industries, coupled with sustainable use of biomass for energy in decentralised plants, have resulted in a cleaner environment, more rural and regional employment opportunities, and strong forestry manufacturing and service industries and ''forestry cluster'' exports.

One important reason for these differences between the northern European countries and Australia lies in the differences between our long-term forestry policies and in the development of biomass as a critical renewable energy resource. It is obvious from the Nordic example that good information from well-informed people is needed for policy development, rather than via publicity campaigns based on emotion, misinformation and wishful thinking.

As in the Nordic countries, Australia's native forestry industry employs many thousands of people across hundreds of communities. Large and small timber processing industries across Australia value-add our wide range of attractive, sustainably produced hardwood timbers in the face of intense competition from far less sustainable forestry management throughout south-east Asia.

Attracting new investment in hardwood and softwood sawlog plantations depends on retaining this base of viable sawmills and skilled contractors across the country. Native forest timber is the most low-embedded-energy building material of all and is the structure of millions of Australian homes. These and other structures act as a store of hundreds of millions of tonnes of carbon removed from the atmosphere.


Energy from biomass is one of the most cost-effective and rapid ways to cut our national greenhouse gas emissions. It would normally be based on municipal, agricultural and plantation wastes rather than native forest harvest waste, due to simple economics. At present, misinformation about forestry biomass-to-energy has delayed all investment in bioenergy technologies. So our most significant source of carbon-neutral energy and our best option for cutting national greenhouse gas emissions, has to wait as the debate continues.

I see no way of explaining to my Scandinavian audience how in our democratic, highly educated country the directions of policy development on renewable energy, utilisation of biomass and municipal wastes, management of forests, and reduction of emissions, have become so conflicted and confused.

Andrew Lang is on the board of the World Bioenergy Association.

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