

This was published 12 years ago

Is the West destined for war with Iran?


THE tense situation over Iran's nuclear program has led some analysts to predict an Israeli or an American or a joint aerial attack on the Iranian nuclear installations is looming. Such a development is possible but not inevitable.

"An attack on Iran would be illegal." ... Jake Lynch,  director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney.

"An attack on Iran would be illegal." ... Jake Lynch, director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney.Credit: AP

Firstly it has not been conclusively established that Iran is pursuing a secret nuclear military program. The International Atomic Energy Agency, whose inspectors are now in Iran, have only alluded to the possibility of such a program. All sides in the dispute are well aware of the costs involved in a military confrontation. Israel has the capacity to launch an attack but not sustain it for too long. The US has the ability to sustain it but not permanently damage Iran's nuclear capability, which Tehran claims to be for peaceful purposes.

Yet the US and its main European allies are concerned about the consequences of Iran's response. Tehran has vowed to retaliate. Non-military options could involve blocking the Strait of Hormuz, through which 80 per cent of Gulf oil is exported to the outside world, and turning its own oil taps off, thus depriving the world market of 2.7 million barrels of oil a day, which could lead to an increase in oil prices to such an extent that might seriously affect the world economy and America's economic recovery in an election year. It could also entail Iran's allied sub-national groups in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon to target Western - more specifically American and Israeli - interests. The Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah has the capacity to fire 50,000 rockets against Israel. Iran's military options include sophisticated short, medium and long-range missiles, enabling the country to hit Israel and the oil-rich states across the Gulf, with the UAE being most vulnerable.

Of course, in the process Iran will also suffer badly. It is heavily dependent on the income from its oil, amounting to $75 billion in 2011, and lacks the capacity to match US firepower or Israeli military capability. But this is unlikely to deter Tehran from pursuing its nuclear program as a symbol of national pride and defiance to the West. While international sanctions have caused much hardship for the Iranian people, the regime remains sufficiently resourced to be strong in the face of an outside attack. It can also continue to bank on Russian and Chinese support.

The cost of a military attack and its inconclusive results may make the option of a diplomatic resolution more attractive.

Amin Saikal is professor of political science and director of the centre for Arab and Islamic studies at the Australian National University.



IRAN is already at war, but it is one that is played out in the shadows.

Nuclear scientists are assassinated in Tehran while Israeli diplomats are targeted in Delhi and Tbilisi. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard conducts naval manoeuvres in the Straits of Hormuz and a US carrier battle group then exercises its right of free passage. An Iranian naval convoy enters the Mediterranean allegedly bound for Syria.

But this war represents the limit to military confrontation between Iran and the West because neither the decision-makers in Tehran nor in the West believe the risks of military action are worth the returns.

The likelihood of states going to war is predicated on their capability and intent. While the opaque, centralised nature of Iranian decision-making means that intent can be hard to determine and can change rapidly, capabilities take a long time to develop.

Years of sanctions and international isolation have taken their toll on Iranian military capabilities - the naval convoy in the Mediterranean consisted of a 40-year-old destroyer and a supply ship, while Iran's ability to close the Straits of Hormuz for even a short period is questionable.

Iran's missiles lack precision and, in many cases, range, meaning they would be of most use against targets in the Gulf - hardly the armoury of a country seeking an effective ''first-strike'' capability. Put simply, while Tehran has some regionally effective defensive military forces, it has limited offensive capabilities.

For the West, the challenges of a military strike against Iran's nuclear sites are great because of the uncertain outcomes. The Iranian sites are dispersed, defended and in some cases well dug in. To inflict long-term damage would require a medium-term military campaign rather than a single strike. The US has the capability to do it but not the intent, while the Israelis may have the intent but lack the capability.

Iran is under pressure. Its nuclear program has isolated it internationally, its regional influence is threatened as its pivotal Arab ally fights for survival, economic sanctions inflict damage on the economy and reform movements in the region make its revolutionary Islamic government appear increasingly anachronistic.

Despite this, the regime remains secure and to those with the authority to use military force in Iran there is no reason to provoke military action against it. The likelihood of a shooting war with the West is remote, but the information and espionage wars will continue unabated.

Rodger Shanahan is a non-resident fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy.


TRY this experiment: don't think of an elephant. It's impossible to do - negating a frame evokes a frame, and evoking a frame strengthens a frame.

''We don't think war is the best way to solve this,'' President Obama told a ''town hall'' meeting in 2010, in response to a question on Iran. But the drums have been rumbling ever since and candidates for the Republican nomination are shaping up to use Obama's apparent ''reluctance'' to strike as a stick to beat him with.

This is happening as America's commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan are drawing down. The main impetus for war is the sheer implicit overhang of military capability.

A third US carrier battle group is about to join the two already in the Gulf. Washington has armed Iran's regional enemies to the teeth, and US forces are reportedly being deployed to bases in Oman.

The second source of momentum can be summed up in the anti-war slogan ''no blood for oil''. US oil majors may be eyeing future profits from eventual ''regime change'' in Tehran, but that's a secondary point. The strategic prize is control over access to a vital world asset.

The complex of commercial, military and political interests are on the lookout for a pretext. The record shows that one will be invented if it cannot be found.

There is no new evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons, and even if it did, they would be functionally useless. Recall: ''the intelligence and the facts are being fixed around the policy'' - the words of a leaked memo from the British secret service about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction - and filter any claims of a ''threat'' from ''the Islamic state'' through our collective experience as victims of deceit and duplicity.

We can use that memory to mobilise public opinion, which TheNew York Times, in a front-page editorial on the day of the worldwide anti-war demonstrations in February 2003, called the ''second global superpower''.

An attack on Iran would be illegal, it has no chance of getting UN approval, and would implicate Australia, if only through the US bases on our soil, which would play a crucial role. It would be Australia's third war in a decade fought despite public opposition.

We should make it clear: take that step and, when it comes to our own election, there will be trouble. Vote strike, anyone?

Jake Lynch is director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney.


The devastating spectre of war looms again. Just as the US manufactured "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, so certain political factions in the US and Israel are intent on creating international panic by claiming Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power.

This is despite the fact that the two most recent US National Intelligence Estimates - representing the judgment of the best senior officers from the main intelligence agencies - state there is no conclusive evidence that Iran has made any effort to build the bomb since 2003.

Mohamed ElBaradei the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said: "During my time at the agency we haven't seen a shred of evidence that Iran has been weaponising, in terms of building nuclear-weapons facilities and using enriched materials. I am not God … and I don't know the future intentions of Iran, but I don't believe Iran is a clear and present danger.

''All I see is the hype about the threat posed by Iran. The core issue is mutual lack of trust …'' What is clear is that the non-proliferation treaty is seriously flawed.

Under article IV, Iran is legally entitled to enrich uranium and to reprocess nuclear waste to obtain plutonium - both materials that can be utilised as fuel for nuclear weapons.

What scenarios have been contemplated by the US and/or Israel?

The US says it will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states that are party to the treaty and in compliance with their nuclear non-proliferation obligations, but recent nefarious interpretations of Iran's activities leaves open the possibility of a US attack, while nuclear-armed Israel has fostered plans to attack Iranian nuclear facilities for years.

Conventional ''bunker busters'' are not powerful enough to penetrate deeply and with enough power to effectively incapacitate Iran's underground nuclear facilities but nuclear bunker busters would be, and the US Nuclear Posture Review legitimises such use of tactical nuclear weapons.

A study by Physicians for Social Responsibility estimated that the use of three B61-11 nuclear weapons on uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz and Isfahan would release so much radiation that 2.6 million people would die in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in 48 hours from radiation sickness while 10.5 million would later perish from cancer and radiation-induced disease.

Any military attacks on uranium enrichment facilities would induce catastrophic medical peril to millions of innocent people.

Helen Caldicott is founding president of Physicians for Social Responsibility.

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