

This was published 9 years ago

Mars: 5 reasons we haven’t gone there yet

By Chris Zappone

Half a century ago there was an expectation that by now humanity would travel in flying cars, use robot house cleaners and take regular trips to the moon.

Looking back on that imagined future people today laugh; how it clashes with our reality of never-ending work emails, iPhones and terrorism recruiting on social media.

So many tech advancements, but why haven't we gone to the Red Planet yet?

So many tech advancements, but why haven't we gone to the Red Planet yet?Credit: NASA

The people of the past should be forgiven for their high expectations. Up until about the 1960s, the pace of invention likely would have permitted regular moon visits. Or at least a voyage to Mars. At the dawn of the 20th century, after all, the first airplane was yet to be created.

That dizzying century of achievement followed 200 years in which humanity mastered stream power, electricity, indoor plumbing, life-saving vaccines and internal combustion engines, lifting incomes and lifespans in the process.

So a single visit to Mars probably seemed a reasonable bet 50 years ago. Today, a "trip to Mars" has become a sort of shorthand term for the sense of disappointment over technology's progress since then. The slowdown in innovation has drawn more interest from economists and thinkers since the financial crisis in 2007. The cause of the slowdown, and a potential remedy for it, has implications for society, economies and international politics.

With an eye to those areas, we ask, then, why haven't we gone to red planet yet?

1. Risk aversion

A technological feat such as a voyage to Mars would involve huge sums of money. It would also involve accepting risk at a scale almost unthinkable today.

Author Neal Stephenson sees a link between the drop off in big new inventions and an aversion to risk both by governments and institutions.


Accepting risk, including the possibility that new and costly high-tech projects may fail, was common during the "dangerous and unstable" 20th century, he notes.

Why? "Competition between the Western democracies and the communist powers obliged the former to push their scientists and engineers to the limits of what they could imagine and supplied a sort of safety net in the event that their initial efforts did not pay off."

In recent decades the willingness to embrace risk around big projects has faded as the desire for certainty in bankable, profitable outcomes prevails. Where once tech talk envisioned plans for orbiting cities, today much of it centres on the earnings boost Apple will get from the latest version of the iPhone.

2. Technology for marketing

The triumph of free-market fundamentalism on society's collective imagination has a role, too. Anthropologist David Graeber describes a "marketising bureaucracy" that set in, leading organisations and leaders to conclude that the most important activity was for everyone to "spend most of their time selling things to each other".

This has redirected the energies of the businesses, schools and governments that would have once been able to focus on major projects.

The trend of "marketising bureaucracy" has been helped by one of the most significant inventions of the past thirty years: the internet. It has sped the advance of globalised corporations.

Rather than creating new Jetsons'-inspired labour-saving technologies, difficult and dirty jobs were shifted to the so-called developing world, where they could be done at a lower cost, and their products shipped back to Western societies.

Left behind in the developed world was increasingly lots of low-paid work and debt-saddled consumers. Graeber documents the phenomenon that has led to low-paying, low-satisfaction jobs in the developed world in a new book, tellingly titled The Utopia of Rules.

3. What about the internet?

What about it? The steady stream of inventions until about the 1960s helped boost productivity and with it, eventually, standards of living. The inventions generated a sense of economic progress felt widely in many Western countries, around the time of the 1969 moon shot.

So far no such effect seems to be linked to the internet. Even as they innovate, the great names of the internet today, such as Facebook and Twitter and Google, employ only a fraction of the number of people that factories did collectively 50 years ago.

The internet has also enabled a networking, sharing economy, giving rise to such new companies as Uber and Airbnb, much of which is low-paid.

Even culturally, the rise of social media has converted the internet - in its early days a tool for collaborative research - into a walled-garden of socialising. Viral videos, a web of conspiracy theory and friends sounding off on the day's controversy absorb lots of our time. Hardly the high-tech future of promise once imagined.

4. East-West power shift

China's recent economic rise has taken place in a period in which the pace of major tech advances has slowed. In contrast to the past 300 years, the global economy is returning to a place in which an economy's size is more closely correlated to population times per capita growth.

Chinese leaders recognise, however, that to achieve true superpower status, its economy must become self-supporting. One way to do that is through the invention of new technology and industries. A top goal for China is acquiring and developing technology.

China is also pursuing a manned space program and sending probes to the moon, building a body of knowledge that can be used also for defence, communication, aerospace and meteorology.

5. Done developing?

As the engine of global growth becomes less certain and geopolitics begin to reassert themselves over markets (see: Russian sanctions, the Saudi-led oil price plunge) governments are realising the key to prosperity isn't only shifting goods over borders, it's creating new and useful things.

Perhaps for that reason PayPal founder and futurist Peter Thiel urges people to reject the view, made popular in recent years of globalisation, that divides the world into "developed" and "developing" spheres because it implies that "we're living in that part of the world where nothing new is going to happen", where economic growth has peaked and standards of living are destined to fall.

"I think we should instead ask much more forcefully this question how do we go about developing the developed world?", he says.

There are other benefits to nations that can successfully shape their own future through technological advancement. They will benefit not just economically but from the political perception of success, too.

About that trip to Mars

China is thought to have plans for a human mission to the Moon. NASA meanwhile, 46 years after travelling to the moon, seems to be drifting toward a Mars mission.

Elon Musk's SpaceX has the goal of colonising Mars, although the economics of luring millionaires to pay their own way seem pretty extreme. Nonetheless, advances in launch technology created by the ambitious target may benefit space travel in other ways.

Finally, MarsOne, a Dutch organisation, seeks to send humans to Mars financed in part by the sales of sponsorships and broadcasting rights of the event. As quixotic as it may seem, it was, after all, the sale of shares in Dutch and British exploration companies in the 1500s that allowed those powers to fund the highly risky and uncertain business of New World colonisation.

Such a novel approach can't be ruled out. Someone will have to pay.

In the meantime, the Red Planet beckons. Figuring out how to get there may answer lots of questions about the future of the economy and geopolitics of Earth.

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