

This was published 13 years ago

Work reforms a battle made for Robertson

By Sean Nicholls

Facing the prospect of electoral annihilation late last year, the NSW Labor Party began looking around for a suitable candidate to take on the difficult job of opposition leader when the Coalition stormed into power in March.

It settled on John Robertson, the former secretary of Unions NSW. A large part of the reasoning was that many in the party felt it would need a brawler capable of ''taking it up'' to the new government.

Move on board . . debate has moved to John Robertson's special subject.

Move on board . . debate has moved to John Robertson's special subject.Credit: Brendan Esposito

But in the words of one Labor MP, the party was unsure if the right choice was ''a bloke who is most at home wielding a megaphone on the back of a ute rallying the workers'' - particularly given that Labor's internal difficulties and its unpopularity with voters were being linked to its closeness to the union movement.

Those fears were at least partly laid to rest this week.

Just a few months into office, war has broken out between the O'Farrell government and the unions over its workplace reforms.

Its decision to pursue far-reaching changes to the way wages and conditions are set for public sector workers by stripping the Industrial Relations Commission of its independent arbitration power has provoked union fury.

For the first time since the election, Labor and its leader have a visible spring in their step. The debate has suddenly shifted to Robertson's special subject.

He wasted no time in branding O'Farrell's proposals as ''worse than Work Choices''. And why not? Opposition to the former Howard government's workplace laws made Robertson's reputation and has carried him all the way into the Labor leadership. He is credited as the architect of the Your Rights At Work campaign, which helped tip John Howard from government.

The spectre of Work Choices later hamstrung the former NSW opposition leader Peter Debnam at the 2007 election. His pledge to sack 20,000 public servants sounded the death knell for his campaign and delivered Morris Iemma an unlikely victory.


Robertson returned to the theme when he ran on Work Choices during his campaign to win over the voters of Blacktown.

His campaign office was plastered with orange posters bearing his beaming image. They were precisely the same colour of the Your Rights At Work bus in which he toured the country during his anti-Work Choices crusade.

The Work Choices weapon is now being trained on the O'Farrell government. O'Farrell has dismissed Labor's attack as a ''hysterical'' scare campaign. But the characterisation of the proposals as ''worse that Work Choices'' has received some independent backing.

The director of the Workplace Research Centre at the University of Sydney, John Buchanan, believes the proposed laws go further than Work Choices in that they remove the opportunity for bargaining in front of the Industrial Relations Commission.

Instead, the commission will be compelled to abide by whatever wages and conditions are set by the finance minister in a regulation, which can be overruled by Parliament.

Buchanan says the shift is part of a trend towards executive government seizing control of wages policy.

''In a nutshell it means you're putting more faith in the Treasury [to determine] what it takes to deliver quality public services than you're putting in an independent tribunal that [considers] the interests of all players,'' he says.

O'Farrell doesn't shy away from this. The Treasurer, Mike Baird, has made no secret of his determination to haul in spiralling expenses, 50 per cent of which are represented by wages, to get the budget back into surplus.

The stage is set for a battle that will help define not only the O'Farrell government's first term, but also Robertson's future as Labor leader.

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