

This was published 13 years ago

Planning powers too much for minister, says ICAC


A HIGH-PROFILE body set up by the state government to boost public confidence in large development decisions has been significantly underused, dealing with only a fraction of the number of decisions expected to have been delegated to it.

But a report by the Independent Commission Against Corruption into the use of the decision-making powers of the Planning Minister has recommended the role of the body, the Planning Assessment Commission, be significantly enhanced.

The commission was announced in 2008 by then planning minister Frank Sartor to improve transparency in ministerial decision-making around development projects deemed to be of state significance under Part 3A of the planning act.

It was to be an alternative, independent decision-making body to the planning minister, who was the sole consent authority for such developments.

In May 2008, Mr Sartor told Parliament he expected ''about 80 per cent of Part 3A projects will be delegated to the commission'', at the discretion of the planning minister.

But a report by the ICAC reveals fewer than 7 per cent, or 16 out of a possible 242 decisions, were referred to the commission by the minister in 2009-10. In the previous financial year, the commission made only two decisions on Part 3A projects.

The ICAC report notes that in December 2008, the new planning minister, Kristina Keneally, defined the matters that could be deferred to those involving a political donation, those within the minister's electorate or those where the minister has a pecuniary interest.

However, as part of a series of recommendations in its review of the Part 3A planning powers, the ICAC has recommended the role of the commission be ''enhanced''.

It recommends the commission become automatically responsible for all private state-significant development applications that exceed local development rules by more than 25 per cent.

The types of development projects that can be determined by the planning minister using the special powers should also be restricted to development applications that would be permitted under current land zoning, it says.


Additionally, the commission should oversee any requests to the minister that a project be declared of state significance.

As well, the government should change the planning act to ensure the commission is the default decision-making body for the three classes of development outlined by Ms Keneally.

If it is given an enhanced role, the ICAC recommends that the ability of the minister to hire and fire its members be subject to parliamentary oversight and that the tenure of commission members should be limited to a maximum of two terms with no prospect of reappointment.

The report was delivered following the establishment of a joint taskforce involving the ICAC and the Department of Planning to look at potential corruption risks attached to the Part 3A powers.

The Minister for Planning, Tony Kelly, said he was pleased the report was unable to find any evidence of the powers being used corruptly. He said the government was considering the recommendations.

But the opposition planning spokesman, Brad Hazzard, said the report vindicated the Coalition's promise to abolish Part 3A if it is elected to government next year.

The Coalition has also promised a complete review of the NSW planning system, to be completed within 18 months.

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