

This was published 13 years ago


An inflammatory expose warns of the dangers of natural gas mining, writes SANDRA HALL.

In parts of the US, there are people who can light the water flowing from their kitchen taps - and it's not just a flicker. In one demonstration, a hapless householder has to leap back as a flame shoots up, singeing the hairs on his arm.

GasLand is an angry film but its director, Josh Fox, is far from being a tub-thumper. He has set out to systematically investigate methods used in the US for producing natural gas - a supposedly pure form of energy - and the evidence he has unearthed is devastating.

Hot topic ... a householder lights tainted tap water for Josh Fox (left).

Hot topic ... a householder lights tainted tap water for Josh Fox (left).

Fox ranges from upstate New York to Louisiana before heading west to Texas, Wyoming and Colorado. And as he goes, he gathers accounts by farmers and householders of the damage done to their land, livestock and the health of their families by the effects of natural gas mining.

He starts by declaring his own interest. In the spring of 2008, he received a letter from a natural gas company offering him $US100,000 ($98,770) for the right to drill on his sylvan stretch of land in upstate New York. His family has owned the land - and the house on it - for as long as he can remember and he wants to know exactly what he'll be paying for this ostensible windfall, so he takes his camera and goes on the road.

His first stop is the neighbouring town of Dimock in a previously idyllic part of Pennsylvania now studded with gas wells and the news is not good. It's here that residents have discovered an alarming new meaning for the term ''fire water''.

The cause of their misery, Fox explains, is hydraulic fracturing, the system used to free the gas from rock far beneath the Earth's surface. Miners pump in great volumes of sand and water at intense pressure but the mixture is also spiked with a cocktail of chemicals, which include methane and, it seems, it seeps into the aquifers that feed the area's water wells. It's a story we hear again and again as Fox travels through ''gasland'', parts of the country that sit on top of the Marcellus Shale, a massive natural gas deposit, affecting at least 25 US states.

Fox is young, with glasses and an inquiring expression and he greets each new revelation with wonder rather than indignation. Clearly, he can't believe his luck when the flammable water gives him the chance to illuminate his argument with some real fireworks. But he leaves most of the talking to those living with the gas wells in their backyards - and they need little encouragement.

Farmers sadly show him dying horses and cattle. A neurologist tells him about the increase she has seen in diseases of the human nervous system. A farmer fears he might have to walk off the holding his family has worked for generations. And in a sequence laced with gallows humour, Fox finds a woman who's been keeping the corpses of a selection of poisoned woodland animals in her freezer for months in the hope of finding someone interested enough to arrange autopsies.

Some property owners are suing the gas companies. Others initially accepted compensation on condition they remain silent but years of having to depend on bought water while worrying about the long-term effects of the contamination have prompted them to speak out.


Litigation, however, is complicated. Thanks to a decision by the Bush administration, the natural gas industry is exempt from having to conform to regulations laid down by the Safe Drinking Water Act and other environmental legislation. Last year, however, a group of Democratic congressmen introduced a bill aimed at repealing the exemption.

And Fox punctuates his narrative with footage from sittings of a US congressional committee considering the bill. As a result, we watch some very uncomfortable gas company bosses being ordered to recite the long list of toxic chemicals that are used in releasing the gas from its subterranean home.

But it's not just the water that's affected. There have been gas blowouts and explosions and there are fears of air pollution caused by waste water brought back to the surface and left awaiting disposal in big open pits.

The natural gas industry has been outraged by the film, calling it sensationalist propaganda. It argues, too, that the use of hydraulic fracturing is not new: it's been going on for some 60 years with no confirmed cases of contamination.

But as the film shows, confirmation is difficult. The companies have been countering landowners' complaints by asserting that they have no proof because they didn't have their water tested before the arrival of the gas wells. And the current boom in natural gas has bumped up the drilling to a scale far beyond the point at which past experience can be definitive.

The film is a powerful alarm - and an evocative one.

Fox takes his banjo with him on his travels through the plains, forests and mountains that sit atop the Marcellus Shale and the banjo's plangent tones, so redolent of rural parts of the US, wistfully underline just what's at stake.


Fox is now in Australia promoting the film and local campaigners, keen to point out the potential dangers of coal-seam gas mining, must be delighted to see him.

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