By Mark Kenny and Fergus Hunter
Bill Shorten's penchant for dad jokes and mixed metaphors has become "a thing".
The Labor leader has earned his own TV segment on ABC's Mad as Hell and own hashtag on Twitter: #ShortenSweet.
Now, Mr Shorten himself has admitted his so called "zingers" are fair game in the comedy stakes.
Addressing media at the opposition's annual Christmas drinks on Monday night, Mr Shorten channelled Barack Obama and other US presidents who traditionally address the White House Correspondents' Dinner with a healthy portion of self-deprecating humour. The alternative prime minister of Australia's angle? Further mangling his greatest hits to produce a mega-zinger, which Fairfax Media publishes with Mr Shorten's blessing.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten concedes he has had to spend time explaining his infamous ''zingers''.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
"Here we are in the last week of Tony Abbott's year of achievement or as I like to think of it: the year of the Shorten zinger," the Labor leader told journalists.
"And it's true that ever since Shane McAuley [a play on Mr Shorten's previous mangling of Micallef's name] started that segment, people have been paying more attention to my metaphors. Which is pleasing, because all of us put a lot of work into them, whether it's writing them, delivering them … or explaining them afterwards.
"But as I have consistently said, if you think we're not going to rule out never not being some kind of blank stamp or a rubber cheque for this government's broken lies and their smelly bag of fish budget … then you need to move into a house with mirrors and have a look at yourself – because a crocodile wouldn't swallow that."
Understanding a Shorten zinger is no mean feat, but Fairfax Media has listed 10 of the best for you to try:
"The government's used the term 'Team Australia' a lot. I'm worried about the emergence of 'Team Idiot'."
- Expressing concerns that a handful of Coalition backbench MPs were fanning racial intolerance, September 25
"These people opposite are the cheese-eating surrender monkeys of Australian jobs."
- Critiquing the government's attempts to amend the Qantas Sale Act, March 6
"The government say they want a real 20 per cent, I call it a fraud 20 per cent."
- Questioning proposed changes to the renewable energy target, October 22
"The ABC once used to mean the Australian Broadcasting Commission. It now means Abbott's Budget Cuts."
- Slamming the Prime Minister over budget cuts to the national broadcaster, November 20
"[Tony Abbott] lives in a house with no mirrors because if he did, he'd see who should be blamed."
- Defending Labor's role in the state of the budget, December 1
"Once upon a time, I thought denial was a river in Egypt. It's actually the attitude of the Abbott government. They need to buy a mirror if they want to see what's wrong with this country at the moment."
- Defending the opposition's strategy against government budget measures, December 1
"[Joe Hockey] should just go down to Bunnings, not Bunnings, go to Kmart or Target, buy himself a white tea towel, put it on a wooden broom and wave surrender on his silly changes."
- On the difficulty facing the Treasurer's budget measures, November 26
"…they've got the GP tax, they've got a petrol tax and now they'll go for a 'lie-fecta' of taxes which will be an internet tax."
- Mounting the argument that new data retention laws would impose higher costs on ordinary consumers, August 5
"It's not the Prime Minister's budget which keeps me up at night, it's his unfair budget to all Australians."
- On politicians' use of their taxpayer funded allowances, August 27
"But I tell you what, if you want to get in the horse race, and pick the horse which is going to do better things for your superannuation, then vote Labor."
- Arguing against proposed government changes to superannuation, September 4