

This was published 7 years ago

The 'perfect victim' of sexual assault is a myth that needs to go

By Alana Schetzer

Screaming, crying hysterically, eyes focused on the floor, shaking, and shoulders crouched forward. When it comes to victims of sex crimes, society has a very narrow idea of how they are expected to react.

From the attack itself, to the police report and during appearances in court, victims are expected to look and act a certain way: distressed, crying, and vulnerable. It doesn't matter how sexual assault survivors actually feel – they are harshly judged for however they express themselves.

When it comes to sexual assault, the 'perfect victim' is as mythical as the 'monster' rapist.

When it comes to sexual assault, the 'perfect victim' is as mythical as the 'monster' rapist. Credit: Mauro Grigollo/Stocksy

This judgement completely ignores the well-studied and proven fact that victims react in a wide range of ways and that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to react to being violated. But the myth persists, and it's having serious consequences in terms of conviction rates and how sexual assault and harassment victims are perceived.

In Australia, and across the world, perpetrators have had charges dismissed or downgraded simply because the victim didn't cry enough. The latest example occurred in Italy last week, when a judge acquitted a 46-year-old man who was accused of sexually assaulting a female colleague. The judge tossed out the charges because the woman apparently didn't scream during the assault. Italy's Justice Minister has ordered an investigation.

In Wales, an accused rapist's lawyers argued that the victim was "laughing and smiling" before the attack.

Former Fox News host, Gretchen Carlson, was one of several women who accused then-head of the network Roger Ailes of repeated sexual harassment. The network hit back by releasing several letters that Carlson wrote to Ailes that they claimed showed that she was "happy" working at Fox.

In Malaysia, a pilot who allegedly raped an air hostess claimed that the woman acted "normal" and happy" and was even smiling immediately following the attack.

And in the UK, a barrister defending an alleged rapist told a court that the victim - who became suicidal following the assault - couldn't have been that upset because she had the audacity to smile in photos posted on Facebook.

If a victim doesn't scream, cry or try to get away during the attack, it's used as proof of consent. And even if there's no argument that an assault took place, if she has the gall to appear calm or show signs of adjusting to to her life afterwards, defence lawyers will latch on to that in an effort to prove what happened "wasn't a big deal".


This "perfect victim" myth ignores the fact that many victims "freeze" and are unable to respond in ways that a lot of people think they should have reacted. It places a portion of blame on the victim, and lessens the criminality of the actual criminal.

Society is always looking for ways to strip responsibility for sex crimes from perpetrators and place it instead onto victims, the overwhelming majority of whom are women. Instead of pointing out what the victim was wearing, the company she was keeping or if she was drinking, the "perfect victim" myth places disproportionate emphasis on the victim's reaction.

Just because a victim doesn't scream or cry hysterically doesn't mean that a crime wasn't committed, it doesn't mean that she "welcomed" the attack or that she enjoyed it or that it wasn't terrifying and traumatising.


The myth of the perfect victim is just the opposite side of the monster myth coin. For years, women have been taught to be careful walking alone at night, looking out for the bogeyman who's going to jump out of the dark and grab them and drag them away. Yet the majority of sexual crimes are committed by people known by the victim, and often in their own homes.

Victims of sex crimes are not clones of each other; each person is going to react differently and in a way that they feel best able to protect themselves, mentally and physically. The response of a victim to being sexually assaulted should not have any influence on whether the offender is held responsible.

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