

This was published 7 years ago

Never Trump – but I'm still not excited about a Hillary Clinton victory

By Ruby Hamad

Can you believe it's been eight years since Barack Obama introduced us to the audacity of hope? I was so taken in; I threw an election night party to watch a presidential race I could not vote in.

"What's the point, though?" asked my fledgling socialist housemate Jeremy. "Whoever wins, America will still be America."

"Yeah, but Obama's different," I insisted, wanting to believe he could herald a new, less imperialist, phase in the history of the world's only remaining superpower.

Well, history has vindicated Jeremy because eight years later and Obama a.k.a. the Drone King couldn't manage to deliver on his key promise to close Guantanamo, let alone justify that Nobel Peace Prize.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton meets with supporters after the first presidential debate.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton meets with supporters after the first presidential debate. Credit: Matt Rourke

And here we are, two debates in to the election home stretch, watching the ridiculous unfold on our screens as Hillary Clinton "debates" Donald Trump, whose latest faux pas has finally lost him the support of much of the GOP. The election campaign has descended into a circus with terribly high stakes – so high that it seems it's become impossible to have a nuanced conversation about the candidates' pros and cons.

Despite the historic moment for women, I am not excited about a Hillary Clinton victory, and I'm baffled by the fervour of her supporters – particularly after Obama's disappointments. But I also recognise that she has some pros, whereas Donald Trump is clearly lacking in that department.

My disappointment about Obama is one reason why I can't quite understand the excitement surrounding Clinton. Sure, her opponent is both the most laughable and most frighteningly unpredictable candidate for President we will likely ever see, however, the enthusiasm of her supporters is not merely about "keeping the worst one out" – they really do believe in her.


I'm not suggesting there aren't valid reasons for voting for her. Clinton has a solid record on many domestic policies including reproductive rights, and she is immensely qualified for office. However, as a senator she voted for the war in Iraq (that Obama opposed), later calling it a "business opportunity," and as secretary of state she championed the ultimately disastrous intervention in Libya that that would depose Gaddafi only to leave an ISIS-shaped power vacuum in his place. For people like me, whose families and extended communities bear the brunt of the consequences, this is no small issue.

I understand Clinton's hawkish foreign policy is not high on the list of priorities of US voters, even though I would have expected her more progressive supporters to at least give it a cursory mention now and then.

On the other hand, these concerns about Clinton aren't exactly a reason to hit the red button on the world and allow Trump into power instead.

In other words, I don't have a problem with people supporting Clinton – somebody has to win this damn thing. What I do have a problem with is the implicit assumption that her less savoury policies, which signal more of the same destabilising incursions into the Middle East, are somehow irrelevant because defeating Trump is all that matters.

Her record of supporting interventions is rationalised as nothing more than a minor "flaw," and since all politicians are flawed, then it doesn't really need to be addressed.

This is not good enough. Blackheads are a "flaw". Military interventions are deadly.

At the same time, toxic sexism is making it all the harder to address these issues. Much of the hatred directed at Clinton (like that at Australia's first female PM Julia Gillard before her), is undoubtedly sexist. There is a large segment of so-called Bernie Bros that cannot forgive her for defeating Bernie Sanders in the primaries and cast Clinton as a heightened Lady Macbeth, giving her nicknames like "Killary." Meanwhile, the attacks on her from the right have long morphed from merely gendered to outright deranged.

Naturally, the more she is derided, the harder her supporters have to bat for her, and that means that any criticism of Clinton, however legitimate and reasoned, seems to be taken not as an indictment of her policy but as proof of sexism against her.

Consequently, the nuance is being missed. It is, in fact, possible to recognise Clinton as the far superior candidate without excusing her dubious record on a number of issues. Failing to get excited over her likely victory does not signify support for Trump, as is often implied – rather it acknowledges the inherent problems built into the system that she supports and that supports her.

Whenever I have attempted to broach this with Hillary supporters, I am accused either of sexism against her or against them. So imagine my surprise when, after stating on The Drum that Clinton clearly wiped the floor with Trump in the first debate, I was treated to a series of angry tweets denouncing my "Hillary worship."

Apparently, we have to be so hardline in our views, so firmly "us" or "them", that we can't even give credit or criticism where it is due.

This is what happens in a world that runs on twos. The two party system. Two sides to the story. Ying and yang. With us or Against us. You must pick a side and stick to it, uncompromisingly.

In such a world, some can't seem to accept that you can in fact, concede Trump's awfulness while still fearing Clinton. Likewise, others appear to think that giving Clinton any credit whatsoever is tantamount to supporting genocide.

There is a bigger picture here.

As I wrote recently for this website, words matter. The language we use and rhetoric we employ shapes our perception of reality. Think about what sort of false reality is being shaped through statements like Clinton will "save the world," and "Hillary is a win for all women." Think about the people whose lives have just been deemed inconsequential.

I understand the historical significance of this moment. Trump is the disaster we can all see.

But Clinton, in as much as she represents business as usual, presents a tougher hurdle – because we know now that we can't go on like this, that years of military intervention is what has led to the current "refugee crisis," and that we need thinkers and leaders who challenge the status quo, not promise us more of the same.

That doesn't mean people should feel ashamed of supporting Clinton, but it does require them to be honest with themselves about what her likely presidency will actually mean for the world.

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