

This was published 8 years ago

Has Australian dating culture gone backwards as equality changes the equation?

By Katherine Feeney

"So, I'm kind of trying to get together with this girl, who is an exchange student from Australia. I'm 18M she's 18F… Do I ask her out for coffee first? Can I just straight up ask her, if she wants to be together, like we do here? Am pretty lost, so share some of that Aussie wisdom."

This request for dating advice came from a young Danish bloke. He posted it to Reddit seven months ago, and as you'd expect, the responses ranged from inane to amusing. "You must stand before her and eat a whole jar of vegemite, then she is legally obliged to be your wife", "wanna be Princess Mary", "first, you must impress her by catching a crocodile and then skinning it with only your teeth", and "as you can see by this thread, self deprecating, arguably racist humour will absolutely win you points. Good luck!" But at least one Redditor took a brother's call for help seriously.

Coffee date?

Coffee date?

"Take her out for coffee, then take her out for lunch, then take her out to dinner, then invite her to a thing with your friends as your date, then on the date ask her if you want to be serious. Sorted.

We're not very formal here but she'll recognise the escalation and respond appropriately if she's interested." A fairly straightforward response, which – to my mind at least – does a pretty good job of spelling out the basic dating expectations most Australians would have. Trouble is, more than a few of my single friends have found a big gap between the expectation and the reality.

"Modern Aussie guys don't know how to ask a girl out," a single girlfriend sighed this week. "I mean, they'll ask you out, eventually, but it will be through social media, it won't be face-to-face. It's like they can't strike up a conversation, but they can stalk your Instagram photos, and type out a message that might or might not land in your inbox – it's a shield, in a way, something they can hide behind. And I think it's made men lazy." She tells the story of a bloke who works behind the front counter of her gym. They barely spoke beyond civil greetings, though he knew her name, and one day contacted her on Facebook.

"Hey, how are you feeling.. I wanted to ask you something while you were there, but it was a bit too public… I wanted to see if you'd like to have a drink some time, I'd be up for a decent chat." A perfectly decent message, but curious in a way. Here's a guy wanting to get to know someone better, to have "a decent chat", so why not front up in the flesh and just give it a go. As my girlfriend says, "I would have preferred it if he just came up and said g'day – I find that kind of confidence attractive." For her part, this mate is hardly backwards in coming forwards when she sees someone she likes. Many women still wait to be asked out – not this lovely lady. So I can forgive her for expecting fellows to show the same initiative.

But did they ever? Have Aussie blokes ever really been on the front foot when it comes to dating? US soldiers famously swindled Sheilas from under the noses of Australian diggers thanks to their smooth moves and easy access to nylon stockings. European guys have always been credited with Casanova flair. Australians hardly rank when it comes to global romantic stakes, though it shouldn't be all about the boys. In this era of equality, shouldn't women be as forward moving as the fellas?

"Even so, I think men today are worse than men were in the 90," my girlfriend counters. "At least then if you were determined to avoid face-to-face contact, you still had to risk a phone conversation. You might have aimed for the answering machine but there was every chance you'd land the lady on the other end of the line. Now it's possible to set up a date without even hearing the sound of someone's voice."

The other big problem as I see it is the urgency has been removed from the romantic world. You used to have to arrive on time to dates, because there was no way of easily communicating a delay. I imagine the response rate was also swifter – you couldn't sit on a social media message for days, deliberating whether to reply or not. Determining interest would have to happen in more physical, immediate sense. Or maybe I'm just being sentimental. Just as Aussies now know how to distinguish between a macchiato and manchego, maybe today's young lovers really are more romantically cultured.


Or maybe they're just as hopeless as ever.

What do you reckon?

Katherine Feeney is a journalist with the Nine Network Australia

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