

This was published 2 years ago


What I learnt by spending time with my friends’ daughters

This story is part of the October 9 Edition of Sunday Life.See all 13 stories.

It was the beginning of spring and for the briefest of periods the La Niña rains had departed and my friends and I, spending a weekend at the beach, were bathed in glorious sunshine. We sat on the deck, listening to the sounds of cockatoos, parrots, magpies and our kids; birdsong mixed with happy, childish chatter.

These were mates from a time gone by. People with whom, 10 years ago, I had played the games of twenty-somethings – never far from a club or bar or somebody’s couch.

And now, there we were, sporting loom-band bracelets and faces clumsily painted by children we’d once thought ourselves too young to have.

Fixing all of this is not – and cannot be – about fixing girls themselves. Just as solving gender equality isn’t about fixing women.

Fixing all of this is not – and cannot be – about fixing girls themselves. Just as solving gender equality isn’t about fixing women.Credit: iStock

The past decade has seen enormous change in our personal lives; mostly for the better. But we’ve also borne witness to changes in our country and the world – and perhaps, on the whole, those have not been for the better.

On the subject of gender equality, for example, many countries have gone backwards. Setbacks in girls’ rights, freedoms and education as a result of the pandemic may feel almost other-worldly here in Australia. But even here, at home, we saw women lose their jobs, income, security and safety to a much greater degree than men.


And girls? Do not think they haven’t noticed.

October 11 is the 10th International Day of the Girl Child, an opportunity to focus attention on the challenges girls face and how we can better fulfil their human rights. As an ambassador for Plan International Australia, I am excited to celebrate alongside this organisation and to read its latest research into how Australian girls think and feel.

Girls, young women and gender-diverse people still do not feel welcome at our country’s decision-making tables. They see politics as an unequal and unsafe career for women, believing our leaders do not have their best interests at heart and that women politicians suffer abuse and intimidation while being judged for how they look.


It’s dispiriting but not surprising. Girls are not passive beings; their brains are sucking up information all the time as they watch the behaviour of adults and learn how women are expected to think, feel, behave and relate.

Girls see an Australia where the number of women chief executives in top companies is shrinking. An Australia where women do more paid work than before but still carry the overwhelming burden of unpaid labour. An Australia where care work is undervalued and underpaid. An Australia where far too many older women retire into poverty.

Fixing all of this is not – and cannot be – about fixing girls themselves. Just as solving gender equality isn’t about fixing women. Because women are doing everything they’ve been told to do. Women are graduating from school with higher grades, attending university in larger numbers and running headfirst towards those better-paid, male-dominated professions.

Yet still it is not enough. As Kristine Ziwica writes in her newly released book Leaning Out, and Catherine Fox before her in Stop Fixing Women, the choices and capacity of individual women don’t stand a chance without parallel organisational, legislative and systemic change.

To anyone worried that the next generation of girls doesn’t have what it takes to succeed, let me tell you, they are fine. Girls are fierce, fired up and ready to go, if only we don’t snatch opportunity away once they depart the safety of school for the wild west of the workplace.


What really needs to change is the conversation we have with our boys. Because if we are not careful, it will be the next generation of men who continue to prop up a system that makes women second-class. Or it will be the next generation of men whose backlash against feminism is so violent and sudden, that equality is set back by much more than 10 years.

I had the privilege of spending time with many of my friends’ daughters. Between bushwalks and craft and games and running races, I asked them questions. Questions about what they believe and what they know, what they think and what they feel, what they hope for and what scares them most.

They are too young to properly grasp the inequalities between them and boys such as my son. Their minds too full of cartwheels and colouring-in, Bluey and birthday parties. But in 10 years’ time, those differences will be clear, and in another 10 their pay packets will be proof.

Unless, of course, we choose a different path.

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