

This was published 1 year ago

So you want to be a reality TV star? There are highs, and low, low, lows

By Carmen Forward

Sam Wood was a single, 35-year-old fitness trainer when he was cast on The Bachelor. Fast-forward seven years later, and not only did he marry contestant Snezana, but he is now a doting father to four daughters and recently sold his business for $71 million.

“I hadn’t seen one minute of one episode. I genuinely hoped to meet someone. When I met Snez, everything changed, like, ‘wow, this girl’s incredible. Maybe this was meant to be’,” he says.

Snezana and Sam Wood at the Caulfield Cup in October 2022.

Snezana and Sam Wood at the Caulfield Cup in October 2022.Credit: AMPR

Six months after the 2015 show, Wood launched online fitness program 28 by Sam Wood, which he sold in 2022. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to do a $70 million business.”

Wood is living the dream. So what was it about him that made people connect with him on the show and beyond? And what should people do to become stars on reality TV?

Kirsty de Vallance is one of Australia’s best-known casting agents. Her specialty is finding people with an ‘X factor’ for television.

“If they make you laugh, or feel an emotion when they are telling their stories, or if you really connect with them on some level, that can make them stand out,” she says.


A casting veteran of more than 20 years, she originally cast media personalities Barry Du Bois to The Living Room and personal fitness trainers Michelle Bridges, Shannon Ponton and Steve Willis to The Biggest Loser.

The TV networks don’t provide criteria to De Vallance. She says she aims to create a cast that is representative of the community.

A strong following on social media can help – but not always, she says.

“In some instances, yes, big followings on TikTok and Instagram is beneficial with some TV shows, but it can also be a disadvantage.”

Some people she finds may not be suitable for the show they applied for but do fit another.

Wood believes part of his success on the show can be traced back to how he treated people on set.

“I was so grateful to be there. And I treated everybody absolutely equally. Whether it was the runner who was out to get you a drink or the head cameraman or [host] Osher [Gunsberg].”


But Jessika Power cautions there are difficulties to be wary of. Before appearing on Married at First Sight on Nine, publisher of this masthead, in 2019, Power was a personal assistant earning $90,000 after tax.

During filming, she received $150 a day and once filming finished she couldn’t do any endorsements for up to three months until the final episode aired.

“I tried to save as much as I could,” she says.

Jessika Power says incomes from being an influencer can vary wildly.

Jessika Power says incomes from being an influencer can vary wildly.

Once she could charge for collaborations she was making $900 to $2500 for an Instagram story and a post. But the work was not consistent.

“Let’s say one week, two weeks, I wouldn’t have any work. And then I needed to wait for the invoice to come through. If it was a good month, $5000. And on a bad month, $600,” she says.

“Now I can collaborate on every post anywhere from $5000 to $10,000.


“When you work in an office environment for so many years slaving away for $850- $900 a week, it’s really easy to make $5000 to do one Instagram post.”

But Power says the behind-the-scenes work in producing a one-minute video can take a whole day and sometimes up to two.

“You’re getting up and doing your hair, doing your makeup. If [it’s] a summer-type brand, you want to be in a bikini out somewhere with beachy vibes. So a lot of planning goes into it. You need to have the skills to take certain clips that are appealing to people on Instagram or TikTok and then be able to edit it all together.”

She advises would-be contestants to have zero skeletons in the closet.

“Make sure you keep close friendships and family that keep secrets because I’ve had friends and family sell me out for a little bit of money,” she says.

“Just don’t try to get the most airtime because it hurts you along the way.”

Danya Braunstein, owner of Connected Psychology, consults as a psychologist during casting, filming and after production on reality shows.


“I’m assessing mental health, vulnerabilities, emotional stability, depending on the show any violence or aggression tendencies. Anything in their background history that might not reflect well on the program,” she says.

“When I started in television it was 2011, still very early days of reality television. There were perhaps more instances back then where, unfortunately, people committed suicide after appearing on a reality program or had significant mental health issues. There have also been situations where people’s history – relationship or criminal – has come to light.”

Braunstein thinks many applicants have an idealistic view of what it might be like to go on a reality program and don’t imagine they might be a target of criticism or negative attention.

“In some instances there is a loss of sleep, busy schedules, use of substances perhaps. Many challenges might come with that sudden transition to being in a public space.”

Melissa Rawson and Bryce Ruthven with their twins Levi and Tate.

Melissa Rawson and Bryce Ruthven with their twins Levi and Tate.

Melissa Rawson and Bryce Ruthven met on the set of Married At First Sight in 2021. Rawson believes she was cast because she had never been on a date.

“When I was told I was going to be on the show, I was very excited, to fall in love and meet the person I was destined to marry,” she says.


But Rawson found filming an uncomfortable experience.

“I definitely wasn’t prepared. I’d never been on camera. My awkwardness showed through on the TV.”

Her fiance Ruthven came from the radio industry. He says it is vital to be yourself and not worry about the consequences.

“My personality was quite out there. I wasn’t afraid to do things in front of cameras. If you go on there people will either love or hate you. And if you don’t worry about that, it’ll work out better in the long run. You’re going to be a personality. Majority of people won’t care [about controversy] a week later,” he says.

“Just be prepared that anything can happen on the cutting room table.”

Although Rawson knows the producers have a job to do, she wishes she had been more assertive at times. “There were little things. Being told conversations that needed to be had in certain situations or arguments. You can always say no,” she says.

The engaged couple now have twins and share their daily lives online.

Celebrity agent Max Markson encourages people who want to audition for a show to go for it.

“I recommend any kid who wants to get onto a show to do it, whether it’s Married at First Sight, The Bachelor, whether it’s running around the world, Survivor, anything, just do a show, because you don’t know where it’s gonna lead to,” he says.

“If it suddenly makes your following go from 500 to 5000 to 50,000, to 100,000, to 250,000, it’s going to help you when you get work, to do posts and engage with the audience.”

Markson says women get much more money for doing posts on social media than men do.

“If your following is 95 per cent men, that’s not much good. It would be best if you had a high female following. Companies selling products, they want to get to women, and women buy the products,” he says.

Markson represents contestants after shows finish. He insists instant fame does not mean instant money in the bank.

“I always tell them ‘don’t give up your day job’. When they do these reality shows, it’s minimum wages. It’s not about the money. It’s about the profile. I make deals for them to get money into their pocket. You literally have to work.”

Braunstein urges people to be clear with themselves about their motivations.

“It is important to be genuine. Producers can see through performance, it’s tough to sustain persona when the cameras are rolling 12 hours a day.”

Sam Wood has no regrets.

“I think if you can somehow use the publicity to help you do what you naturally are already doing, that’s a real advantage,” he says.

“[But] I always say you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t just turn around one day and say you don’t want it. You’ve got to remember that that’s why you’ve got all this success.”

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