This was published 1 year ago
New mums are going back to work earlier because of the cost of living
By Nell Geraets
It has only been eight months since Jessica Villanueva had her baby, but she’s already back at work, leaving her son with his grandmother three days a week in a bid to beat the cost of living crisis.
“With the last few rounds of interest rate rises, we certainly were feeling the pressure, as well as from the general rise in the cost of living,” Villanueva says. “We just wanted to be able to take the stress off ourselves, just ease the worry a little.”
Jessica Villanueva (left) has returned to work just eight months after having Leonardo (right) in an attempt to beat the cost of living crisis.Credit: Justin McManus
As Australians continue to feel the pinch from rising interest rates, ballooning inflation, and general price increases across the board, a growing number of mothers with young children are heading back to work, hoping that a second income stream will help alleviate financial pressures.
Though Villanueva had originally planned to stay at home for at least a year, she ended up returning to work as a marriage celebrant and social media manager at Mama Movement, a Melbourne-based body positivity activewear company, just over six months after her son was born.
Most of the other mothers she knows are in a similar position, she says, noting that about 10 of the 12 people in her Footscray mothers’ group have already returned to work part or full-time, with the rest intending to return in the next few months.
Professor of sociology and social policy at the University of Melbourne, Lyn Craig, says there’s a rising necessity for two incomes in a family. This has been “profoundly” exacerbated by recent interest rate hikes and the cost of living situation more generally.
“The women’s workforce participation, even for those with young children, has increased,” Craig says. “It’s changing a pattern that’s been quite settled in Australia for fairly long. Before, it was common to have mum at home, especially in that very first year [of a child’s life]. But I think it’s becoming increasingly difficult to maintain that.”
Villanueva and her partner bought a home in West Footscray at the end of 2020 – a time when housing prices were climbing. Since then, interest rates have been lifting, adding pressure to the family’s finances. However, now that she and her husband – who works full-time in finance – are both earning an income, the “money subject” doesn’t weigh as heavy on the mind.
“Instead of looking at our finances at the end of the month and going, ‘we need to cut back here and there’, we can just go back to living comfortably and not feeling like we’re stressed about money.”
Rebecca Reeve decided to return to work when her daughter was two to help alleviate financial pressures.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui
Rebecca Reeve, who lives in Newport with her husband and three-year-old daughter Grace, returned to work about half a year ago once they realised that, in the past two years, rent had increased by about $150 a week. She’s now a casual employee at Mama Movement, helping in the warehouse and at the company’s market stalls.
“It’s definitely more common that both parents have to work,” Reeve says. “I know some friends that have set up their own businesses, others do stuff with art. Everyone works that I know of.”
But she concedes she’s luckier than some, being the “rare breed” that doesn’t need to pay for childcare.
Childcare costs in Australia have skyrocketed, with families paying an average of $122 per child per week. This isn’t possible for all parents, and will likely continue to place strain on household budgets even after the government implements its policy to make it more affordable.
“The childcare in this country is extraordinarily expensive in world terms,” Craig says, adding that so far it has largely been uneconomic for women to work more than three days a week due to both childcare costs and income taxes imposed on secondary income earners.
“They’re kind of working for nothing,” Craig says. “It’s a cost-benefit analysis. And it’s really difficult working three days or working full-time with a young baby, especially if you’ve got a partner who is also full-time, so considering the trade-off between time with the child and money is important.”
Kim Gill is a mother of four. She’s been a stay-at-home mum for 12 years, but decided to return to work as a fulfilment coordinator for Hey Doodle (a company that creates reusable silicone activity mats for kids) in 2021, as the bills began to grow and they prepared to transition from renting to owning a home.
“It’s the extra things,” Gill says. “Now that our food bill has increased because of our older children, and the price of a lot of other things have increased, it has meant that we’ve been able to not feel it as hard, I suppose. I’ve just been able to pick up the slack, pulling in those extra couple hundred dollars a week.”
These women were lucky enough to find jobs with companies owned by fellow mothers – people that understand the difficulties associated with being away from your children and the need for flexible hours. But not every mother is as fortunate during their job-hunt.
“The logistics of having children and work – like childcare, drop-offs and pickups, deadlines – it’s really quite a different thing than being able to be flexible,” Craig says. “It’s a lot of added work and stress ... and it often isn’t regarded favourably by employers.”
Gill says mothers should be considered a vital element of the workforce. “Mums are incredible resources,” she says. “If they’re given the opportunity, the flexibility and the understanding, like when children are sick and things like that, then they can actually be your biggest asset.”
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