

This was published 1 year ago

In the doghouse

By Paul Connolly
This story is part of the July 15 edition of Good Weekend.See all 16 stories.

They were just in from the dog park when Kurt, making tea, noticed blood dripping from the tip of Rocky’s tail.

Credit: Jim Pavlidis

“Rocky, ol’ mate. What’ve ya done?”

Hearing his name, the dog looked up, tilted his head and wagged his tail – spraying blood this way and that.

“Rocky!” Kurt shouted.


Noting Kurt’s excitement, Rocky’s tail-wagging intensified.

As Kurt rushed him, Rocky, delighted with the turn of events, gambolled down the hallway, “Jackson Pollocking the shit out of the place”, as Kurt would later describe it.

Kurt had never liked abstract art; his long afternoon cleaning up didn’t change his mind.

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times

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